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Love you Timmy. Happy Birthday. xo
Auntie Katy <iamkatyayers@gmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, July 15, 2014 11:32 PM CDT
Thinking of you timmy as your annual kickball tournament approaches. I even made a new website for your cause. www.timothysfund.wordpress.com Just love you soooo much. Hope you are helping God craft another beautiful baby ;). So far so good. xoxo
Auntie Katy <katyayers@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:33 PM CDT
Hi little Timothy. Thinkig of you. XO
Ann and Mark <Annhayers@gmail.cOm>
Denver, CO USA - Saturday, April 2, 2011 0:09 AM CDT
Today's the day of the year we think of and pray for Timmy and all his wonderful family and give our own children an extra special hug.
The Cooke family <martincooke@wanadoo.fr>
Agen, FGrance - Saturday, November 20, 2010 3:39 PM CST
Timothy today is a very special day for Mom, Dad, Ryan and Tate--They love you and you are always part of their lives as well as ours. God Bless you and all of us
Grandma and Grandpa

Joanne M. Ritacco
Washington, DC USA - Friday, November 20, 2009 1:36 PM CST
Today we said a prayer for Timmy and to wish his lovely family the happiness they deserve. All our thoughts are with you guys today.

Martin, Caroline, Daniel and Alex

Martin Cooke
France - Friday, November 20, 2009 12:33 AM CST
Just thinking about you today, Timmy!. Love you lots and miss you. I know you are watching and always with us. xoxo.
Auntie Katie <katyayers@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, September 2, 2009 11:32 AM CDT
finished and close damage wood company and rattan
company in satria barat balearjosari malang-jatim-indonesia.this company is very damage forest and make climate change,finished and close wood company in satria barat balearjosari-malang-jatim-indonesia.our forest is will be in danger and make our world in danger.safe the forest,save the children....................
forest for our children.....................
finished and close wood company and rattan company in satria barat balearjosari-malang-jatim-indonesia

mathew <krembux@yahoo.com>
los angeles, usa los angeles - Friday, January 23, 2009 8:52 PM CST
finished and close damage wood company and rattan
company in satria barat balearjosari malang-jatim-indonesia.this company is very damage forest and make climate change,finished and close wood company in satria barat balearjosari-malang-jatim-indonesia.our forest is will be in danger and make our world in danger.safe the forest,save the children....................
forest for our children.....................
finished and close wood company and rattan company in satria barat balearjosari-malang-jatim-indonesia

mathew <krembux@yahoo.com>
los angeles, usa los angeles - Friday, January 23, 2009 8:51 PM CST
Every once in a while I log on to your website. I don't usually sign the guestbook, but thought you should know that my thoughts and prayers are with you both always.
Take care,
Michelle Esparza and Family

Michelle <michelle.esparza@sap.com>
San Jose, CA USA - Wednesday, January 21, 2009 2:35 PM CST
Just to let you know all of us here in France are thinking of the Ritacco family today and saying a special prayer for Timmy.

All our love
Martin, Caroline, Daniel and Alex

Martin Cooke <martincooke@wanadoo.fr>
Agen, France - Thursday, November 20, 2008 8:16 AM CST
We love and miss you and appreciate all the love on this page, still.
Ann Ayers
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, November 20, 2008 0:58 AM CST
I would like to join for signing the guestbook.
Kei Suzuki <keijenny@m7.gyao.ne.jp>
Tokyo, - Thursday, September 4, 2008 6:16 PM CDT
the 15th is your special day Happy 5th Birthday
Grandma and Grandpa

j ritacco <jritacco1@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, July 14, 2008 11:37 PM CDT
Once again, our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Martin & Caroline Cooke <martincooke@wanadoo.fr>
Sauvagnas, France - Friday, November 30, 2007 6:39 AM CST
As always, you are all in our thoughts and prayers at this time.
Martin Cooke <martincooke@wanadoo.fr>
Sauvagnas, France - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 9:00 AM CST
Miss you and know that you are looking down on all of us
Love you
Grandma and Grandpa

joanne ritacco <jritacco1@aol.com>
washington, dc usa - Monday, November 20, 2006 12:00 AM CST
Hi Timmy! Just thinking about you extra today. We miss you and love you very much.
Katy and Isa <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO - Monday, November 20, 2006 10:35 AM CST
coucou Annie et Mark !
coucou Ryan. We love you so much and miss you !
Chantal et Dominique

chantal et Dominique Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
jambon, - Monday, October 2, 2006 11:45 AM CDT
It was so wonderful to speak to you last week. You are never far from our thoughts and our hearts. We are so grateful to have known Timothy and know that he continues his vigil over all of us... may you be blessed with continued healing and strength- and much love and happiness from little Ryan. We hope to see you soon! With love and prayers always,
Claudina & Family <claubonetti@aol.com>
New York, NY - Sunday, February 5, 2006 8:44 PM CST
Timothy, your brother Ryan Timothy is a great gift for your Mom and Dad. Keep watch over him. We will always love you.
Grandma and Grandpa

jritacco <jritacco1@aol.com>
new york, ny usea - Saturday, December 31, 2005 8:36 AM CST
Just to let you know that you weren't alone in your thoughts this week.
The Cooke family <martincooke@wanadoo.fr>
Agen, France - Monday, November 28, 2005 9:47 PM CST
Timmy I am thinking about you all the time and this week especially. I love you very much and miss you too! Keep smiling on us from heaven above for I know that you are so close and near. Kiss kiss.
Katy <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO usa - Friday, November 18, 2005 2:24 PM CST
You are always in our thoughts and prayers. We think of Timothy and know he is watching over us. This November 6th, some of us are running in the NYC Marathon. Timothy will be leading the way, along with all of those who have touched us in this journey. Sending you hugs and much peace,
Claudina <claubonetti@aol.com>
New York, NY - Tuesday, October 25, 2005 9:46 PM CDT
Annie et Mark chéris,
Les vacances se terminent pour tout le monde en France. J'ai ramené Hélène et les filles à Toulon et suis revenue en TGV à Eppeville pour reprendre le travail dès lundi.
La première tranche des travaux de l'Hermitage a été finie le 23 juillet comme prévu. La piscine a fait de bonheur des grands et des petits malgré le temps pas toujours très doux... heureusement, nous avons une pompe à chaleur qui a maintenu l'eau à 25 ° tout l'été. Nous commençons la deuxième tranche des travaux en janvier (escalier qui part au grenier + deux chambres et deux salles de bains). Nous avons besoin de davantage de chambres !!!! Nous avons beaucoup parlé de vous cet été. Vous êtes en bonne place dans notre petit coin prière, c'est difficile de vous oublier... Votre silence ne nous pèse pas du tout. Nous comprenons très bien et sommes toujours aussi proche de votre coeur à tous les deux. Nous prions Timothy pour qu'il vous aide à trouver la force dont vous avez besoin pour aller de l'avant. N'oubliez pas que l'Hermitage est à vous quand vous le voulez. Nous vous embrassons tous très tendrement.

Chantal et Dominique <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Friday, September 2, 2005 11:00 AM CDT
Happy 2nd Birthday--we will love you alway
Grandpa and Grandma

jritacco <jritacco1@aol.com>
Chautauqua, NY USA - Friday, July 15, 2005 11:14 AM CDT
Just signing in to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Mati Buccini
(caterina's aunt)

mati bonetti buccini <matibonettI@hotmail.com>
ny, ny - Tuesday, July 5, 2005 7:41 PM CDT
Thinking of you and hoping you have found peace and strength.
May God Bless
Ligia (Caterina Marcus'aunt)

Ligia Bonetti de Valiente <l.bonetti@mercasid.com.do>
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Monday, May 30, 2005 5:17 PM CDT
Anne & Mark,
My thoughts are always with you. I hope that you have found some peace in the days that have passed. As the days turn longer may the light above shine strong and help you heal. With love,

Claudina <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Wednesday, May 4, 2005 6:04 PM CDT
You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Be strong.
Ligia (Caterina's aunt)

Ligia Bonetti de Valiente <l.bonetti@mercasid.com.do>
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Thursday, February 24, 2005 7:30 AM CST
We continue to pray for you. Hope you're doing better. God bless,
Felicity, John, Rose & Jacob
- Wednesday, February 23, 2005 11:20 AM CST
Anne & Mark,
Just a note to tell you that you are in my thoughts... I hope this journey gets easier with every day. I miss your smiling faces in clinic and the chats along the hallways. Wishing you peace above all. With love always,

Claudina <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Monday, February 21, 2005 8:52 PM CST
Always thinking of you and hoping you have found peace and strength to move forward.
God Bless
Ligia (Caterina's aunt)

Ligia Bonetti de Valiente <l.bonetti@mercasid.com.do>
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Friday, February 11, 2005 9:55 AM CST
Thinking of you often,
With love,
Mati Buccini
(Caterina's aunt)

mati bonetti buccini <matibonetti@hotmail.com>
ny, ny - Monday, January 24, 2005 12:23 AM CST
Mark et Ann,

Je pense souvent à vous.
Si jamais vous décidez de venir voir vos amis qui se sont installés à Ferney-Voltaire ne manquez pas de passer par Besançon.
Je vous embrasse.
C. Holmes

Claude Holmes <holmes.claude@wanadoo.fr>
BESANCON, FRANCE - Thursday, January 20, 2005 11:46 AM CST
Thinking of you and sending you much love and peace...
Claudina <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Thursday, January 20, 2005 9:36 AM CST
Annie et Mark,
Nous pensons et prions pour vous de tout notre coeur. Vincent et Maëlys ont vendu leur appartement et déménagent à Fernet Voltaire, à deux pas de la Suisse, vers le 15 février. Hélène et Pierre vont bien. Pierre commence son traitement de rayons demain et Hélène doit rester tranquile... Nous les confions à Timothy qui accompagne toutes notre vie maintenant qu'il a rejoint le Seigneur.
Nous avons tout cassé à l'Hermitage, enfin... au rez de chaussée seulement. La cuisine est vide et la Salle de bains aussi. Nous avons rouvert la fenêtre qui était murée et attendons qu'on nous pose une nouvelle fenêtre. Nous avons décidé de créer un cyber café qui sera notre bureau et celui de ceux qui viennent nous voir avec autant d'ordinateurs que nous pourrons en mettre.... c'est tout petit, mais ce sera très confortable et agréable (dans l'ancienne salle de bains)avec vue sur le parc et la piscine. Venez vite nous voir. Nous vous embrassons tendrement tous les deux, avec tout notre amour.

Chantal et Dominique <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppevilel, France - Tuesday, January 18, 2005 9:37 AM CST
Your thought of often...with love and hope.

Michelle Gwin <moocow517@comcast.net>
Mullica Hill, NJ USA - Monday, January 17, 2005 8:01 PM CST
Thinking of you and praying that you are finding peace and that God gives you strength to overcome this sad time. God Bless
Ligia (Caterina Marcus' aunt)

Ligia Bonetti de Valiente <l.bonetti@mercasid.com.do>
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Thursday, January 13, 2005 2:08 PM CST
Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and pray for you and your family and your angel Timothy. With this year coming to an end, I pray that 2005 brings you love, peace and strength.
With love,
(Caterina's aunt)

mati bonetti buccini <matibonetti@hotmail.com>
ny, ny - Thursday, December 30, 2004 11:45 AM CST
Coucou Annie et Mark !
C'est Ombeline qui vous embrasse très très fort et vous disent "Je vous aime beaucoup, beaucoup, beaucoup, et je prie pour vous chaque jour par ce que Timothy est mort et qu'il vous manque beaucoup" Gros Bisous de toute la famille.

Ombeline Straussççççç <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Thursday, December 30, 2004 1:04 AM CST
Timothy's time here was short, but his inspiration long lasting. May you be comforted by the love of all those around you. My thoughts and love are with you and your family.
Penny Benatovich <penny@creative-works.tv>
Jamaica Plain, MA USA - Sunday, December 26, 2004 1:44 PM CST
We want you both to know that we continue to pray for you
during this difficult time. May the Christmas blessings
give you both some peace. The Kildea family, Christmas

Linda Kildea <lkildea@aol.com>
Washington , DC us - Saturday, December 25, 2004 11:15 PM CST
Just letting you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Thinking of you always,
(Caterina's aunt)

Mati Bonetti Buccini <matibonetti@hotmail.com>
New York, NY - Monday, December 20, 2004 12:49 AM CST
Today, especially, you are more in our thoughts. May you have a peaceful day and may your faith continue to guide you through this difficult and painful journey. Sending you all our love and much positive energy... always,
Claudina & family <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Monday, December 20, 2004 10:34 AM CST
Mark & Ann:

My wife Tonja and I were so saddened to hear about Timmy. Mark, it has been awhile since we have seen one another. You may remeber me as "Big Al", Steve Higgins' friend from Pittsburgh. Steve has kept us in the loop with regard to Timmy.

Our thoughts and pryers are, and will continue to be, with you during this difficult time.

Alex and Tonja Condron
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Monday, December 20, 2004 8:48 AM CST
Dearest Annie and Mark,
Today I would love to thank you so much for your love and for your attention you gave to everyone during the days I was in Denver. Your family is such a gift for us, never forget we pray for you day by day and ask Timothy to protect you. These days are going to be so hard for you as they are always for people who lost a beloved child. We will pray Jesus and Timothy with everybody in front of the crêche, hoping that they will help you to find peace. We miss you so much and love you ! Courage et tendresse de tous les Roy d'Eppeville.

Chantal & Dominique Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Monday, December 20, 2004 1:02 AM CST
I was very saddened to hear about Timothy this week. You are my thoughts and prayers and I hope that God gives you strength, peace, and comfort.
Jaylene Crick <jaylene.crick@businessobjects.com>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Friday, December 17, 2004 5:48 PM CST
Ann and Mark
I have been following Timmy's progress since hearing his story from Katy a few months ago. I am stunned and deeply saddened by the news of Timmy's passing. You both are two of the strongest people I have known. I admire your strength and your dedication is truely awe inspiring. I know Timmy is very proud of you both. I will continue to pray for you, Timmy, medicine, and miracles.
Carolyn Smith

Carolyn Smith (Katy's friend and college roommate) <cmack19@hotmail.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:37 PM CST
Dear Mark and Anne, I'm so sorry about your loss. I can't imagine what you must be going through. I am, however, truely inspired by the way both of you were such strong advocates for timothy while he was at Duke. You were both such wonderful parents. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a long, long time!! with deepest sympathy, Lisa, PT
Lisa Mangino
Durham , NC USA - Thursday, December 16, 2004 1:36 PM CST
Chers Mark et Ann,
En cette période où on envoie des voeux de bonheur je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser à vous, comme d'ailleurs tous les jours depuis ma conversation téléphonique avec Mark en novembre.
Je vous sais courageux et souhaite que 2005 vous apporte la paix.
Merci de transmettre mon bon souvenir à M. et Mme Ritacco et aux frères et soeur de Mark.
Je vous embrasse.

Claude Holmes <holmes.claude@wanadoo.fr>
Besançon, FRANCE - Wednesday, December 15, 2004 0:44 AM CST
Chère Annie, cher Mark,
Aujourd'hui avec Jean-Gabriel et Eglantine, nous avons écouté le CD de Noël de Timothy, et nous avons prié pour vous ce soir devant la crèche. Nous vous embrassons de tout notre coeur, Maëlys et Vincent, JG et Eglantine

Maëlys ROY <maelysroy@yahoo.fr>
Suresnes, France - Tuesday, December 14, 2004 3:07 PM CST
Annie and Mark,

I am heartbroken to learn that Timothy has passed away. I am so very sorry for your loss - I cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. Please know that, though I cannot be with you in person, I am always with you in spirit. You and Timothy have been such an inspiration to me and you are all in my constant thoughts.

Corin Stone <corinstone@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC - Monday, December 13, 2004 2:33 PM CST
Good morning from a sunny and very cold Durham. Just a note to let you know you are always in our thoughts. Not a day goes by where Timothy's light does not shine over our home... We hope the days bring you more peace with each dawning. Know you are loved and many over the world are thinking of you always...
Claudina (Caterina's mom) <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Monday, December 13, 2004 8:16 AM CST
Anne and Mark, I am so sorry, I just clicked on the site, I have been out of touch with many websites and have not checked in for a while. I was heartbroken to hear of Timothy's passing. Our prayers are with you as you face the most difficult days of your life.
Love, Sam and Nancy Ramsey

The Ramsey's www.caringbridge.org/co/nolanramsey <samdramsey@comcast.net>
Erie, Co - Friday, December 10, 2004 4:17 PM CST
Annie et Mark chéris,
Ce matin nous avons chanté avec Dominique :
"Il dansera de joie pour toi avec des cris de joie
"Ton Dieu est en Toi
"Alleléluia, Alleluia,Alleluia"
Danser de joie dans les moments de peine n'est pas facile, et pourtant, c'est toute notre journée qui va en être éclairée. Puisse la vôtre, en ce jour, être bénie par le Seigneur qui tient dans ses bras votre Timothy chéri. Vous nous manquez beaucoup et n'oubliez pas que nous vous aimons tendrement.

Chantal & Dominique Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Friday, December 10, 2004 0:49 AM CST
I've been in Durham this week visiting my sister and nieces, and have been thinking of you often and praying for you and dear Timothy.
With much love,
Mati (Caterina's aunt)

mati bonetti buccini <matibonetti@hotmail.com>
durham, nc - Thursday, December 9, 2004 10:21 AM CST
Annie and Mark: I know that you were the foundation of the successful Georgetown/John Carroll in Paris! I know the "Anthonys" from Washington and Georgetown connections better than I know you, but I just learned of your loss and wanted you to know that your love and care were remarkable toward your gift of life, Timothy, and now must be directed to each other and your families to get through the loss of such a cherub. We do not understand God's ways, so acceptance, which will take time, is the only answer. I pray for acceptance for all of you and admire the establishment of a foundation as you are directing yourselves toward something very positive. Peace,during this festive season which will be so difficult for you! You are in my thoughts and prayers. Ann Coughlin
Ann O. Coughlin <coughlia@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 11:22 AM CST
I wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you. Have a good day.

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 6:16 AM CST
You were in my thoughts today and I just wanted to let you know. Hope you are holding up. Take care and God Bless.
Ligia(Caterina's aunt)

Ligia Bonetti de Valiente <l.bonetti@mercasid.com.do>
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Tuesday, December 7, 2004 3:59 PM CST
Mark & Ann – Just a quick note to let you know I’ve been thinking about you. I wish I could've been there for Timothy's funeral service. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I hope you are finding the strength & support to help you through this.
Take Care,

Katy, Craig, Justin & Cameron <katy_duda@hotmail.com>
Vienna, VA - Monday, December 6, 2004 8:29 AM CST
Hi Annie and Mark,
Just wondering if you were going to put the beautiful reflection you wrote for the funeral here for those who weren't able to make it. I hope you are doing well as things start to settle down. Still thinking and praying.
Love ya,
Kim and the guys

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Monday, December 6, 2004 7:37 AM CST
Dear Ann & Mark,

I was so sorry to hear about Timothy. I am thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.
Sincerely, Joanne

Joanne Schaus (Raynow) <jschaus@adelphia.net>
Twinsburg, OH - Saturday, December 4, 2004 2:32 PM CST
Annie and Mark,
As we head into this holiday season and return to the hustle and bustle of every day life, I have been changed through all this. I am focusing more on the now, and trying to live as Timothy taught us. I want you to know that you continue to be in our daily thoughts AND prayers (I remember the conjunction!). Thank you for including me in the service. I truly felt honored and humbled. I am so grateful to be part of such a big loving family.
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, and Johnny

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Saturday, December 4, 2004 12:04 AM CST
Dear Mark and Anne,
I heard from my stepmother Anne about your tragic loss and your great and inspiring faith. I am praying for you and will offer Mass today, the Feast of Francis Xavier, for Timothy and for your intentions.
Very truly yours in Christ,
Justin Whittington, S.J.

Rev. Justin Whittington S.J. <jwhittington@wju.edu>
Wheeling, WV - Friday, December 3, 2004 10:03 AM CST
Dear Ann & Mark:
Alan and I knew nothing of Timothy's problems until we received your dad's email. We are so very sorry for your great loss. All the Ritacco's will be in our thoughts. Fondly, Alan and Terry Rettig

Terry Rettig <theresarettig@comcst.net>
Arlington, VA USA - Thursday, December 2, 2004 12:01 AM CST
Mark & Ann.
After so many heart-breaking talks and choking tears, I am so glad I went to Timothy's funeral yesterday. That was the grandest, most beautiful, yet also the nicest and simplest honor of someone's passing that I've ever been to. It was such a celebration of Timothy's life and what an amazing little 'being' he was. I know that Timmy is up in heaven beaming down on you two. He could not have asked for better parents. We love you!

Becky <bsmith@balancefunding.com>
Denver, - Thursday, December 2, 2004 1:28 AM CST
Dear Mark and Ann,
You have restored my faith. I went to church the day before Timmothy's passing and said a prayer for him. I walked in with a heavy heart and out with an uplifting feeling. You have endured so much hardship and have made such a difference in so many lives...especially dear Timmothy's.My heart goes out to you and all of your family members.
With Much Love,

Lisa Hollingsworth <ehollingsworth@comcast.net>
Derwood, MD USA - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 6:22 PM CST
We heard of T's transition as we were getting ready to leave for a sailing adventure. It seemed somehow fitting that our little sailboat was named "Sea Angel" and we thought of him often as we were exploring beautiful and peaceful sights. I will be heading to Denver tomorrow and will see you then. Peace and healing be with you.

Cindy <cstorck@gcnetmail.net>
Oakland, MD USA - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 5:45 PM CST
Dear Mark and Ann, I am so sorry to hear about Timmy and know that while there is little any of us can say to help you through this time in your lives it may help to know my family and I will be taking time to think of you on Tuesday. We are all filled with admiration for the strength, love and fortitude you have shown throughout and for what you are now seeking to achieve in Timmy's name by setting up the fund.
Martin Cooke
Blaymont, France - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 5:41 PM CST
Annie et Mark cheris,
cette magnifique ceremonie pleine d`amour et de tendresse, puis cette heure de route vers le dernier repos de Timothy, Le soleil, la neige, les ballons s`envolant dans le ciel, les mots pleins de reconfort du Pere Antoine, et tous l`amour de ceux qui vous entouraient (presents ou absents) ont fait de cette journee un souvenir inoubliable pour nous tous. Timothy veille maintenant sur vous et toute votre famille (tout specialement sur Tommy). Nous allons prier le Seigneur de toutes nos forces pour qu`il vous aide a trouver la paix et la joie. God bless you.

chantal et Dominique <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, Colorado - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 1:48 PM CST
Dear all,
You were in our thoughts all day yesterday. Our prayers are always with you. We hope the sunshine of today helps ease your pain... with every breathe you may take, may the days get better. With love always,

Claudina <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 10:41 AM CST
Thinking of you and sending my love
Ligia (Caterina Marcus' aunt)

Ligia Bonetti de Valiente <l.bonetti@mercasid.com.do>
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 9:36 AM CST
Dear Mark and Anne and your wonderful families,
Just to say that we have been praying with you and for you and Timothy all day today. May the sunrise of tomorrow morning be the light of Timothy kneeling by His side and wishing you peace in your future. If there is anything I can do please be in touch at any time. (818.817.9353)
With loving thoughts and prayers for you all,

Camilla Kostic Yazijian <flygt5@aol.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 0:38 AM CST
I was so sorry to hear your tragic news, I am really at a loss to know what to say.

Knowing you, I am sure that Timothy had more love and happiness in his life than many will ever experience and the world will be a better place for him having graced it.

I hope that you and Anne can draw strength from each other, your faith and the love of your family and friends.

Philip <philip.smeed@businessobjects.com>
san francisco, CA - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:54 PM CST
Dear Ann and Mark, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. Hee Ra, Dolly, and I send our love.
Benny Weintraub <benny@alum.mit.edu>
New Orleans, LA - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 7:01 PM CST
Mark and Anne, Just wanted you to know that I have been thinking about you today. It must have been a terribly hard day for you and your families. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Coco
Coco Harris <harris910@comcast.net>
Chicago, IL - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 4:04 PM CST
Our heartfelt sympathies to your family. We don't personally know you, but have been following your story through Carole. We are very saddened to learn about your loss. As there are no words that can convey our sadness and comfort your family, please know you are in our thoughts.
Xin & Jean-Philippe <xinsun@gmail.com>
Burlingame, CA USA - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 1:29 PM CST
Just thinking about you all today. You are always in my prayers.
Jenn King <pogosmom@hotmail.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:47 AM CST
Mark and Annie...I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I will continue to pray for you daily. All my love to you.

Cherrie <cherrie.archuleta@qwest.com>
- Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:20 AM CST
Ann and Mark: I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Your courage and faith are inspirational. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Sharon Murphy <sharonsmurphy@aol.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 11:08 AM CST
Ann and Mark, Katie and I have been thinking about you lots lately and just heard the sad news. I wish I could be there today but, unfortunately, I don't think I will be able make it. I know that Timmy is proud and honored to have such wonderful and strong parents who are loved and adored by so many people. He and you both have touched the lives of many people. My thoughts and prayers are with you today, and I hope to be able to see you soon.
Amy Padden <padden@wtklaw.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 9:28 AM CST
Thinking of you all this day. Sending prayers and hugs your way. with much love and peace - Endres Family
Olivia Lyons Endres <olivia.lyons@db.com>
NYC, - Tuesday, November 30, 2004 8:21 AM CST
Thinking and praying for you daily, and especially tomorrow. May God fill you with strength and peace knowing that Timothy is in His hands.
A strong hug,
(Caterina's aunt)

Mati Bonetti Buccini <matibonetti@hotmail.com>
ny, ny - Monday, November 29, 2004 9:02 PM CST
Dear Ann and Mark -

I trust that God has welcomed Timothy to rejoice in eternal peace. Your son was blessed to have known such wonderful parents for the strength and faith you've demonstrated in this weblog leave an unmistakable footprint of your love.

My deepest sympathy to you and your family,


Oscar Martinez <oscar.martinez@qwest.com>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, November 29, 2004 6:28 PM CST
We are so saddened to hear of your incredible loss from Ellen and James. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers...may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Rachel and Graham Fuller

Rachel and Graham Fuller <painefull2@yahoo.com>
Memphis, TN USA - Monday, November 29, 2004 5:54 PM CST
Ann and Mark,

I am so sad to hear about Timothy. I know that he was very loved during his too-short lifetime.

Much Love,

Lauren Passmore <LaurenDnvr@msn.com>
Denver, CO 80220 - Monday, November 29, 2004 5:13 PM CST
Anno & Mark,

Wish I could be there in person with you tonight and tomorrow. Instead, know that I will be there in spirit and thinking of you throughout.

Love, Julie

Julie Goldsmith Reiser <jreiser@cmht.com>
Washington, DC - Monday, November 29, 2004 3:49 PM CST
Annie and Mark,

We are all deeply saddened to hear about Timothy. You are all great fighters, the fight goes on and this big extended family is with you.

Pete Woodbury <pete.woodbury@state.co.us>
Grand Junction, CO - Monday, November 29, 2004 2:17 PM CST
Dear Annie and Mark,
We were so saddened to hear about Timothy's death.Unfortunately loosing a child now binds our families even closer. You were so fortunate to have the months with him, even as he struggled. I know how empty your arms must be and your feelings of loss for Timothy. But I know over time you will not only cherish his memories but find ways to fulfill your hearts and those around you. Nothing will ever replace Timothy, but I can see that you will be working to find a cure and know you will find a way to heal yourselves and lessen your grief. Please take time for your own selves to heal...
All of our thoughts and prayers-
Diana, Bob, Robby and Katherine

Diana Lee Crew <dianaleecrew@hotmail.com>
Denver, co 80220 - Monday, November 29, 2004 11:24 AM CST
Dear Annie and Mark,
We were so saddened to hear about Timothy's death.Unfortunately loosing a child now binds our families even closer. You were so fortunate to have the months with him, even as he struggled. I know how empty your arms must be and your feelings of loss for Timothy. But I know over time you will not only cherish his memories but find ways to fulfill your hearts and those around you. Nothing will ever replace Timothy, but I can see that you will be working to find a cure and know you will find a way to heal yourselves and lessen your grief. Please take time for your own selves to heal...
All of our thoughts and prayers-
Diana, Bob, Robby and Katherine

Diana Lee Crew <dianaleecrew@hotmail.com>
Denver, co 80220 - Monday, November 29, 2004 11:13 AM CST
Dear Ann and Mark,
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Now you know for sure that you have an angel in heaven looking after you.
Very Sincerely,
Sharon Ray
Office of Alumni @ University Relations

Sharon Ray <raysl@georgetown.edu>
Springfield, VA USA - Monday, November 29, 2004 10:47 AM CST
Anne, Mark, Paul and Joanne and families,
Sue and I are so sad to hear of Timmy's passing. You should all be comforted to know that you certainly did all within your power for him. He is now in the arms of our Lord, still smiling, but with no more pain.Our prayers and love are with you all.

Bill and Sue Dalton <daltongrp@aol.com>
Naples, FL USA - Monday, November 29, 2004 10:31 AM CST
GOD BLESS the Family, our Prayers will always be with you.


Mary Hawkins <hawkinma@georgetown.edu>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, November 29, 2004 9:24 AM CST
Annie and Mark,
Thinking of you as I head to the airport, amazed that I will be seeing you tonight. I wish you peace.

Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, and Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Monday, November 29, 2004 3:49 AM CST
Annie, Mark and Patsy and the Haley family, an incredibly strong family. I learned tonight of Timothy's transition and am in shock. I didn't consider his transition an option but I know he is now in the strong arms of his great grandfather. Will Timothy know him as Ora Ben as you all do? Whatever name he is called, Timothy is safe in his gentle hands and that of God. Mr. Haley, as I know him, will be busy with his flock as he holds Timothy, welcomes his son and also Smokey. It is an incredibly sad time for this family but again I urge you to remember, "The eternal Voice of perfect Love whispered, 'Peace, Be Still' and there was a great calm." So shall you have peace and calm, knowing that Timothy is in the greatest hands of all.

With greatest love, Annie and Mark, I urge you to grieve however long you need and in whatever manner is right for you and know you have the love of all of us to help you.

Fern Balaun

Fern Balaun <FernBalaun@Juno.com>
Littleton, CO USA - Saturday, November 27, 2004 9:38 PM CST
Dearest Ann & Mark:
With saddened hearts we extend deep sympathy on your incredible loss. May God's abundant graces grant you the needed strength and peace knowing you have a little angel looking after both of you.
Love, hugs and prayers,
Georgie & Bill Turner

Bill Turner <57turner@rochester.rr.com>
Rochester, NY USA - Friday, November 26, 2004 7:58 PM CST
Mark & Anne

I just wanted you to know that you are in our prayers. I know Timothy is being cared for by the angels. He knows fully God's love. He is not alone.

Les & I continue to pray for you all and for a cure to Sandhoff's disease in the near future.

Donnie & Les Dawson <dawsonparents@yahoo.com>
Chickasha, OK 73018 - Friday, November 26, 2004 3:53 PM CST
Annie & Mark: I wish I could be with you on Tuesday, though I know how strong you will be with your family and friends around you. That strength never surprises me, because you have always found ways to make the world around you better. I know your love for Timothy and your tenacity will make things better for other children. I will send you a note and call you when things quiet down.
Miss you and love you both. Elise

Elise Kirban
New York, NY USA - Friday, November 26, 2004 1:49 PM CST
We're very sorry to here the news about your son. Eva and I have kept up with his condition while here at Durham and just found out today about his passing. We will always remember him. The Colorado news paper articles about him inspired us to have William come to Duke for the same treatment. Sincerely, Eva & Guy Galloway
Guy Galloway (William's Dad) <guy.galloway@gsa.gov>
- Friday, November 26, 2004 11:50 AM CST
Dear Anne, Mark and little angel Timothy above,
There is not an hour in every day that goes by that I do not think of all of you with love in my heart. I am so grateful to have some news through this website. Our prayers are always with you and so are our hearts. My wish would be to travel to Denver to see you in person and give you a hug. I will settle with being here in Durham and lighting candles from afar. Please know that Timothy continues to shine his light from above on all of us. We miss you here in North Carolina! With love always,

Claudina <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Friday, November 26, 2004 11:44 AM CST
There are no words that can heal the sorrow and pain at this time. Know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Michael Lane <mlane@myrealbox.com>
Milwaukie, OR USA - Friday, November 26, 2004 11:25 AM CST
Annie and Mark, you both just continue to amaze us with your strength, courage and honesty. We will see you on Monday and Tuesday to celebrate Timothy and his continuing presence in all our lives. Much love and support,
Marylou and Brent Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, November 26, 2004 10:05 AM CST
All my prayers are with you in this time of sorrow. I am Claudina's cousin from Dominican Republic and I have been following little Tomothy's journey. I am so sorry and can only hope that God grants you the strength and peace to go forward and work in memory of Timothy and for the cure of Sandhoff.
Just remember you are not alone, alot of people all over the world think of you and pray for you.

Ligia Bonetti Valiente <l.bonetti@mercasid.com.do>
Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep - Thursday, November 25, 2004 6:09 PM CST
Dear Annie, Mark and Patsy, You are in our hearts as we think of you at this very important time in your lives, in which grief and hope are so strongly mixed, We will be with you and Timothy in our prayers next tuesday, as we have been in the past, and will be in the future. Much love from the du Pasquier family
Rémi, Hattie, Fleur, Alexandre, Félicité, Pierre du Pasquier <hattiedupasquier@hotmail.com>
Boulogne 92100, France - Thursday, November 25, 2004 2:21 PM CST
Dear Annie and Mark,
I continue to pray for you both, and for your dear angel Timothy. May God be with you during these difficult times.
With much love,
(Caterina's aunt)

mati bonetti buccini <matibonetti@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, November 25, 2004 2:15 PM CST
Thinking of you and wishing you peace.
Love and prayers,
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, and Johnny

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Thursday, November 25, 2004 7:51 AM CST
Dear Mark and Ann-- sending extra strength and courage your way. We're very sorry to hear about little Timothy. -The Beeson clan
Jennifer Beeson <beesonic92@yahoo.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 3:55 PM CST
Ann and Mark,

We truly have boundless hope in the meaning of Timothy's period on earth. His spirit will add to the verve of my life and others who had a chance to know and appreciate him.

Our hearts and prayers are with you every step of the way--be assured y'all will receive hundreds of prayers around the tables this week.

Love y'all very much,

Don Baylor <donebaylor@yahoo.com>
Austin, TX USA - Wednesday, November 24, 2004 1:46 PM CST
Dear Mark and Ann,

Words can't express my deepest sympathy of the lose your handsome son, Timothy. I did not know your child personally but a special friend of mine..knew him directionally and told me your sad story. I would like to say I'm sorry and hope God will give a guidance on some medicine to help in finding a solution to this disease.



Jay Stuckey - US Navy <jaystuc@aol.com>
Newport , RI USA - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 11:42 PM CST
Dear Mark and Ann,

We're so sorry about Timmy. I wish we could ease your pain. Such a brave boy, such a brave family...Thanks Timmy, Mark, and Ann for showing us that the things that endure are faith, hope, and love. Our prayers go out for your peace.

Kevin, Lynn, Kate, and Justin McMahon <Kcmcmah@adelphia.net>
- Tuesday, November 23, 2004 10:40 PM CST
Mark and Annie-
I was just thinking of one of my favorite quotes that someone gave to me once--
"God gave us memories so that we could have roses in December"

In his short life, T gave us LOTS of roses.

Ruth Ann <ruthannkeene@yahoo.com>
San Franscisco, CA - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 4:12 PM CST
Mark and Anne,
I am so sorry to hear the news. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. You and Timothy are very special. You all have made an impact on the world and you will never be forgotten.

Nancy Kinney , Nido 1 Directress <saknck@comcast.net>
Westminster, CO 80021 - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 2:01 PM CST
Mark and annie,Im not going to say that it is easy to say goodbye. It is not i dont think it ever will be but soon enough timmy will see you again and he will be just as radiant and glowing as ever. There was a reason heavenly father took him. He was a special and strong boy.
Crystal <blondpyro14@aol.com>
aurora, co 80012 - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 1:19 PM CST
Mark and Anne,

My heart is breaking for you. In his short life Timothy embodied courage and strength and made all of us optimists. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Love always,

Katie Prechtl <katieprechtl@yahoo.com>
Annapolis, MD USA - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 12:41 AM CST
We love you all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Timothy every day.
Piep and Tracy
Denver, CO - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 11:59 AM CST
Ann & Mark,

This is an excerpt from a book that has really helped me in learning to grieve. love, Jennifer

...I contemplated loss and grief. The death of any familiar person -- the death, even, of a dog or cat -- whether loved or not leaves an emptiness. The great tree goes down and leaves an empty place against the sky. If the person is deeply loved and deeply familiar the void seems greater than all the world remaining. Under the surface of the visible world, there is an aching hollowness, an aching void -- and it cuts us off from the beloved. [He] is remote as the stars. But grief is a form of love -- the longing for the dear face, the warm hand. It is the remembered reality of the beloved that calls it forth. For an instant [he] is there, and the void denied. It is not the grief, involving that momentary reality, that cuts one off from the beloved but the void that is loss. In the end one can no longer summon forth that reality, and then one's tears dry up. But while it lasts, it is a sheild against the void; and by the time the grief wanes, the terrible emptiness of loss has given way to a new world that does not contain the shape of the beloved figure.
--Sheldon Vanauken, A Severe Mercy

Jennifer Lumb <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
Bristol, UK - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 10:32 AM CST
Annie et Mark chéris,
D'eppeville nous vous envoyons force et courage, tendresse et amour. Nous rendons grace à Dieu pour le merveilleux cadeau que vous nous avez fait de pouvoir partager tous ces mois avec vous, en restant unis par la prière et confiant dans la volonté du Seigneur. Que jour après jour, le Seigneur vous aide à vous tenir debout. Vous avez tant donné que vous aurez toujours quelqu'un, sur votre chemin, pour vous secourir.

Chantal & Dominique Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 6:43 AM CST
Annie and Mark, the pain is a sign of your (our) love for T, the peace, a sign of faith. Thinking of you and praying with you often,
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy and Johnny

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 4:32 AM CST
Mark and Ann, I am so sorry to hear this sad news. I really don't know what to say, but want you to know that my thoughts are with you both.
Darren Cunningham <dcunningham@businessobjects.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, November 23, 2004 0:19 AM CST
Mark and Ann
You have been so courageous throughout everything. Our hearts go out to you, to Timothy, and to everyone close to you.
Love, Paul & Gaby.

Paul & Gaby Clark <gaby_paul@hotmail.com>
Los Gatos, CA USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 10:46 PM CST
Timothy has left a legacy of all that is good in friends, family, community and faith. You have been an inspiration to all of us. We extend our support and prayers to you and you family. God bless. Jo-Nell, John and Katharine Chadd
Jo-Nell Herndon <jonellherndon@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 9:18 PM CST
I am so sorry for your loss. I know Timothy is dancing in heaven now. I am so glad I got a chance to know "T" and his wonderful family. You are all in my prayers. Thinking of you!

Cindy Taylor

Cindy Taylor <cindytaylor@hotmail.com>
Duke 5200, NC - Monday, November 22, 2004 8:27 PM CST
Ann & Mark:
We wanted you to know how much all of you are in our prayers tonight. Mark Higgins has told us so much about Timmy and we wish we could have known your special angel. Your courage and faith have inspired us so much and we grieve with you in your loss.
Love, Dave & Judy

Dave & Judy Higgins <Dave@dlh.mailshell.com>
Atlanta, GA - Monday, November 22, 2004 8:03 PM CST
Ann and Mark - Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Your courage and grace is inspirational. Love, Rob and Heather Austin
Rob and Heather Austin <haleyaustin@aol.com>
Pittsburgh , PA USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 7:02 PM CST
We are very sorry to hear about the loss of Timothy. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers.
Barry and Crystal Whitaker (www.caringbridge.org/nc/elijah) <alexusandelijah@bellsouth.net>
Liberty, NC - Monday, November 22, 2004 6:14 PM CST
Dear Ann and Mark,
I am a friend of Claudina's and I had the pleasure of meeting you three weeks ago at the hospital when I went to visit Cati in NC. I am really sorry for your loss, and my prayers are with you and Mark. Timmy is a little angel sent to you by God to serve his purpose on this earth, I am sure he was a true gift. He is watching from heaven thanking him he had such loving and caring parents. I am thinking of you with love,
Graciela Dauhajre

Graciela Dauhajre <mdauhajre@aol.com>
New York, NY USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 6:09 PM CST
Ann and Mark:Im so sorry to hear about Timothy,he will always be with you.Take care of of each other.You will be in our prayers always.Stephanie{Jackies sister}.
Stephanie Ryberg <stephanie25180@msn.com>
Loveland, Co USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 6:04 PM CST
I am so sorry to hear of your loss of your beautiful Timothy. You both truly are wonderful parents :) May God Bless you and be with you. My deepest sympathy, Patty (from clinic)
Patty Reaver <pattyreaver@yahoo.com>
Durham, NC USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 5:13 PM CST
Ann and Mark,

My heart goes out to you both and your entire family.
With deepest sympathy,

Bridget Smith

Bridget Smith <bcsmith@balancefunding.com>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 2:56 PM CST
Ann and Mark,

We are so sorry about Timothy-it must be so hard right now. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Karen and Mike Lane

Karen and Mike Lane <kmlane@windermere.com>
Portland, OR USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 2:45 PM CST
Anno and Mark,
Words cannot convey the sadness I felt when I heard of your loss. Hopefully, over time you will find comfort in knowing that T remains with you, albeit in a different form. I wish you much strength and peace in the days, weeks and months ahead.

Love, Julie

Julie Goldsmith Reiser <jreiser@cmht.com>
Washington, DC - Monday, November 22, 2004 2:36 PM CST
Dear Ann and Mark,
I am so sorry for your loss. I had been keeping Timothy in my prayers and was so hopeful for all of you. Even though I never had the priviledge of meeting Timothy, he has touched my heart and taught me so much about the blessings of life. I will continue to keep all of Timothy's family in my prayers. God bless you all.

Michelle Mitchel <mcmitchel@sbcglobal.net>
Chicago, IL USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 2:29 PM CST
M & A, I hope you are able to find moments of peace and comfort in such a difficult time. You are beloved by so many -- who are thinking of you and your families, wanting to reach out and support your spirits and your continued strength. Hoping that you will again find light and sunshine in the days ahead. Best, Torrey & Ben
Torrey & Ben Smith <torreycsmith@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO US - Monday, November 22, 2004 2:26 PM CST
Dear Ann and Mark,
We are so deeply saddened by Timothy's passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your families during this difficult time. Timothy and both of you have been a true inspiration - thank you all for showing all of us the value of life, the strength of faith, and the message of hope. We will pray for Timothy as he rests peacefully in heaven, and we will continue to pray for strength, faith and comfort for both of you. Love, Alison & Derek

Alison & Derek Havel <alisonliz@yahoo.com>
Santa Monica, CA - Monday, November 22, 2004 2:25 PM CST
Thank you, Ann and Mark, for sharing dear Timothy with all of us. We'll always be grateful that you included us on this journey. We love you so much.
Susan and Chris

susan and chris lane <suelane1@comcast.net>
Denver, CO US - Monday, November 22, 2004 2:25 PM CST
dear mark and ann. my heart is breaking with yours. i know timothy is safe, and healthy, and you will be reunited with him someday. all our love, tracy and luke

Jesus is he with you?
I wonder every day
I sit and wonder why he's gone
And why he could not stay

Every part of me is empty
I feel I can't go on
But then I look to heaven
I hear this beautiful song

Mommy I am with him
He holds me in his arms
When ever I am with him
he keeps me safe and warm

He says you shouldn't worry
I am safe and loved right here
With the other baby angels
that passed within the years

We have a special place up here
He thought that you should know
Where the Blessed Mother takes
your place for now until you show

When I hear this precious little voice
From the heavens above
I know that all the angels
are showering him with love

For everyone that wants to hear
their babies voice so innocent and sweet
Just close your eyes and begin to pray
and embrace them in your sleep.

(c) Angela Gibson All Rights Reserved

tracy eiler <tracy.eiler@businessobjects.com>
redwood shores, ca USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 12:57 AM CST
Mark and Ann,
We were so sorry to hear of Timothy's death. He has touched so many lives and you two have been an inspirtation to everyone who has followed his journey. Your strong faith and endless courage has given us all an amazing example to try to follow. Thank you for allowing so many to learn such valualbe lessons for the three of you. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

Jim and Judy Carlberg <judycarlberg@hotmail.com>
San Diego, Ca USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 12:50 AM CST
Ann, Mark, and your families,
I'm so sorry to hear about Timothy. I hope you can take some comfort in knowing that while he was on earth he had the two most loving parents a child could ever have. I know he is with God now, and my prayers are with you and with him.
Love, Brian

Brian Lane <blane@ucsd.edu>
San Diego, CA - Monday, November 22, 2004 12:37 AM CST
Oh Annie and Mark and Families,
We are all so saddened and hurt by Timothy's passing. I just found out this morning from Katy as I was pushing on with organization of the Dec.4th Holiday Fair for Timmy...There are sure to be a ton of little broken hearts at Cory, along with loads of prayers for Timothy's safe and loving journey to sit with God. Sending lots of love and prayers.

Becky Smith <bsmith@balancefunding.com>
Denver, CO - Monday, November 22, 2004 12:19 AM CST
Ann and Mark,
I am so sorry to hear of Timmy's death. Your devotion and strength has been an inspiration to me, and clearly to countless others as shown in your guestbook. What lessons Timmy had to teach in such a short time! He has touched so many lives. Please know that you, and your families, are in my thoughts and prayers. Love- Kristen

Kristen Aley Walker <kristen.walker@chp.edu>
Pittsburgh, PA - Monday, November 22, 2004 11:04 AM CST
Mark, Ann & Family - I was so saddened to read that Timothy had died. Please know that I think of you daily, and send you thoughts and prayers in this difficult time. I hope that knowing that Timothy is with God will give you peace.

Judy Wolfe
- Monday, November 22, 2004 10:38 AM CST
We don't know you personally, but are so saddened to learn about your incredible loss. We will keep your family in our prayers in this difficult time. John 16:22,33.
Jon and Christy Ziglar <christyziglar@yahoo.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 10:14 AM CST
Little Timothy is in God's arms filled with love and happiness. We live in a crazy world but Timothy's fight for life showed us all that Jesus is present in each of us, no matter how tiny or big. Timothy's life fills us with hope and it also fills us with determination to be better servents of God and examples of His love during our preciously short time here.

Anne and Mark, hold onto the strength and love that is God's gift to us all and that your little Timothy so bravely exemplified during his short time here. May you find peace in the knowledge that you both and Timothy have touched so many lives over that past few months by your living example of God's love.

We love you both very much and will continue to pray for you .

Tim and Jen Carrier <timothy.carrier@qwest.com>
Denver, CO - Monday, November 22, 2004 10:05 AM CST
Please know that my prayers are with all of you.
Dave Kellogg <dave.kellogg@marklogic.com>
Los Altos, CA USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 9:38 AM CST
Our thoughts are with you. Thanks for reminding us all what true strength is. We will never forget Timmy. He has been an inspiration to all of us.

- The Bonsignores

Steve Bonsignore <sbonsignore@gcigroup.com>
New York, NY - Monday, November 22, 2004 9:16 AM CST
Our prayers are that God,who has been with you and Timothy from the beginning,will continue to surround you with His love, strength and a true sense of peace as your entire family experiences the loss of Timothy. His life touched so many people in so many wonderful ways...Timothy will always be with us. May God now comfort you.
Barb & George Wirth <barbmwirth@earthlink.net>
Atlanta, GA 30309 - Monday, November 22, 2004 8:29 AM CST
Anne and Mark Our thoughts are with you in this diffuclt time. You all have been so devoted and faithful and I know your faith will carry you now. Much love to you, your parents,brothers and sisters. Timothy will remain in our hearts forever. The Berg family
Karen Berg <Karen785@hotmail.com>
Longwood, Fl US - Monday, November 22, 2004 7:57 AM CST
Your little angel is with God now and may God continue to be with you as He has been throughout this long journey. Ever since your dad, Paul, told me in Chautauqua about Timmy, your family has been and will continue to be in my prayers.
Mary Pardo
Atlanta, GA USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 6:48 AM CST
Anne and Mark - words cannot express how sorry I am to hear about precious Timothy. Please know my thoughts, tears and prayers are with you at this very difficult and sad time. I wish so much I could be there to mourn with and to comfort you both. Much love, Curley
Jennifer Curley <jennifer.curley@linklaters.com>
London, England - Monday, November 22, 2004 3:53 AM CST
Mark and Anne,
My thoughts are with you during this very difficult time.
All my love,

Amy Edwards <u21Bananas@comcast.net>
Denver, Co USA - Monday, November 22, 2004 0:13 AM CST
Mark & Ann --

We miss the Little Man and his adorable smile already. Our hearts ache you for you and your families and we wish we could break your grief into a thousand little bits so that all of us who loved Timothy and followed his journey could carry a small piece of it for you. As we celebrated our early Thanksgiving among friends yesterday, we remembered Timothy with this poem and gave thanks for his life and your transformational example of what parenthood is.

Salute the last and everlasting day,
Joy at the uprising of this sun, and son,
Ye whose just tears, or tribulation
Have purely washed, or burnt your drossy clay;
Behold the highest, parting hence away,
Lightens the dark clouds, which he treads upon,
Nor doth he by ascending, show alone,
But first he, and he first enters the way.
O strong ram, which hast battered heaven for me,
Mild lamb, which with thy blood, hast marked the path;
Bright torch, which shin'st, that I the way may see,
Oh, with thine own blood quench thine own just wrath,
And if thy holy Spirit, my Muse did raise,
Deign at my hands this crown of prayer and praise.

- John Donne, from "La Corona"

We love you and wait for you with open arms --
Steph & Adam

Steph & Adam Scoville
Denver, CO USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 10:41 PM CST
Ann and Mark,
We're so sad to hear about Timothy. We wish we were there to give you a hug. Our love to you all,

Jon and Jenna <jennahy@qwest.net>
Denver, CO - Sunday, November 21, 2004 10:24 PM CST
Dearest Ann and Mark and Families,

We are so inexpressibly sad at Timmy's passing, but trusting that he is at peace. We pray now for your peace and comfort in knowing that Timmy was blessed with the most loving parents that God could have given to him! No one has ever been more loved than he is, and we thank you for the enormous gifts of courage and steadfast, never-give-up love that you gave to Timmy -- and to all of us. We will never stop loving Timmy, because he has become a part of our hearts, and we will never stop thanking you for teaching us so much about courage and loving.

Our love to you,
Maureen and Jim Rovegno

Maureen and Jim Rovegno <morovegno@yahoo.com>
Chautauqua, NY USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 10:22 PM CST
Dear Ann and Mark,
Please know that my heart and prayers are with you both.

Meg Steere <megsteere@hotmail.com>
Seattle, WA USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 9:49 PM CST
I know that God will take care of Timothy, as he is an angel of God. It is hard find to words to comfort your family, but my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Ashleigh Ryann's Aunt Diane <dgwin2000@yahoo.com>
Deptford, NJ USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 8:56 PM CST
Dear Ann and Mark,
With aching hearts we mourn your loss. May God be with you as we know He is with little Timothy.

Donna and Bob Zellers <dxzellers@yahoo.com>
Johnstown, PA USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 8:05 PM CST
Wishing you a peaceful evening as you comfort one another. Thinking of you often.

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market , MD - Sunday, November 21, 2004 7:14 PM CST
Mark and Annie, I am soooo sorry to hear of Sweet little Timothy's death! I can't even imagine the loss you must both feel. Little Timothy has touched so many lives! Please know that we have been keeping you in our daily thoughts and prayers, you have been as inspiration to all of us at Children's Medical Center. Please know that if there is anything I can do for you, please call ANYTIME!
Betsy Bridges, Dr. Jay Markson's Nurse <betsy2505@hotmail.com>
Denver, Colo - Sunday, November 21, 2004 6:21 PM CST
Dear Ann and Mark,
May Timothy be surrounded by the angels and saints in heaven.
May you find strength in each other and all of the people that love you.
Our prayers (and tears) are with you and your families.
The Callan Family

Kate Callan <pjcallan@comcast.net>
Potomac, MD USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 5:51 PM CST
Dear Ann and Mark,
We are so terribly sorry for the loss of your adorable, precious son. Our prayers are with you and your family today and in the days to come. In friendship, Nikki (Rovegno)and Brian Selden

Nikki and Brian Selden <nrselden@aol.com>
Columbus, OH - Sunday, November 21, 2004 5:19 PM CST
Dear Ann and Mark and Family,
Timothy is at peace and we hope you and your family can find comfort in these sad days. You all had incredible strength and faith that is an inspiration to us all.
Love, Nancy and Sam

Nancy and Sam Levine <nanlevine@sbcglobal.net>
Mystic, CT - Sunday, November 21, 2004 3:16 PM CST
Dear Annie and Mark,

Although it is always difficult to fine the right words for someone who has lost a child, it is doubly difficult in your case because of everything you two, and especially your Timothy, have given the rest of us. When I search for words to offer you about remaining steadfast in your faith, I realize that YOU have strengthened and renewed MY faith. When I search for words of comfort to offer you, I realize that it is the three of YOU who have comforted ME. I have prayed, along with people around the world, for a miracle, and I realize that God has used the three of you for a hundred miracles -- for all of us. Your faith in God is surpassed only by His faith in you.

I would offer this: Allow yourselves to grieve, and give yourselves time. Remember, weep, laugh, relish Timothy's memory. Above all, keep thanking God for choosing YOU to be the earthly parents of this remarkable young man and for giving you the short (but very full) time you had with him. He certainly left a lasting impression on all of us.

Thank you for caring enough to share your joy and pain with us.

Love and prayers to you both, and hello to Patsy,

Rosemary Marshall (Cindy and Kim's mom) <TwoTwice@Sysmatrix.net>
Lakeland, FL - Sunday, November 21, 2004 3:07 PM CST
Ann and Mark,
Our thoughts, prayers, and tears are with you. Your love and Timothy's courage are an inspiration to all of us. Love,

Mel, Coates, and Dawson <coatesandmel@mac.com>
Denver, CO United States - Sunday, November 21, 2004 2:31 PM CST
Dear, dear friends,
My whole heart is with you, and I am sending lots of love and thoughts your way. You are beautiful, strong, inspiring people, and we, your friends back here in Colorado, feel SO very blessed to have you, and to have had Timothy, in our lives. Know we are all waiting for you with open arms and hearts.

Elizabeth Train <etrain@mac.com>
Boulder, CO USZ - Sunday, November 21, 2004 2:27 PM CST
My heart is heavy with sadness as I learn of Timothy's passing. He has moved from being an angel on earth to being an angel in heaven. I have been praying and will continue to pray for you during this sorrowful time. May God surround you and provide you with comfort and love as you and so many of us grieve the loss of little Timothy.
Nurse Kristine <kristine@nc.rr.com>
Durham, NC USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 2:17 PM CST
Anne, Mark, Pasty et. al
As with many others, words cannot express the loss you are feeling at this moment in time. Scott, Makena and I have been following Timmy's journey - and have been amazed with your strength, your hope, your faith, and your love for one another. You have all provided an incredible example of what family is and how an obstacle such as this one can move mountains. Though we met Timmy only once, his smile will always be remembered. Know that you are in our prayers and and we love ALL of you so very much.

Much love -

Scott, Michelle and Makena Bennewitz <bennymichelle@msn.com>
Lone Tree, CO USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 1:29 PM CST
Dear Mark, Annie and Pasty,
I am so sad that Timmy died. But at least he'll go straight to heaven. I was crying all day yesterday. I'm still really, really sad. I"m praying harder than ever. I don't know how you do it. Ilove you.

Christopher <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
- Sunday, November 21, 2004 1:04 PM CST
Ann & Mark
You are in our thoughts and prayers as always.
Know that we are here for you and that Timothy lives on in all of our hearts.

Alison & Brian

Alison & Brian Kinnear <alison.conover@comcst.net>
Denver, CO - Sunday, November 21, 2004 1:04 PM CST
my heart breaks for you...in church one morning our pastor said "God's love sits on every crevice of our hearts so that when our hearts break, you will be filled with His Love and he will hold you and keep you with His word" You are in my prayers as the love you have taught us all and the joy of having that sweet boy of yours in my life shines down on me i have been forever blessed and touched by your story....please be in touch when you are back in Denver. i would love to see you and be with you in the memory of timothy! He won't be forgotten...
Trudy Boulter <boulter.trudy@tchden.org>
Golden, co - Sunday, November 21, 2004 12:33 AM CST
Dearest Mark and Annie, I've searched for the right words to express our thoughts and emotions ever since we read your last journal entry yesterday afternoon. This morning, I realize that the words simply don't exist. The emotions are far too numerous and mixed. But Lynne and I want you to know how very much we love you, and how hard we continue to pray for you. We feel so privileged to have been with you through this web sight during this amazing battle. His sweet little smile will never leave my mind. Thank you for making that possible. We continue to look for the silver lining, and we rejoice knowing that Timothy is now in a place of eternal happiness, free of pain and suffering. We love you and look forward to seeing you in Denver very soon.
Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 9:50 AM CST
Dear Annie and Mark, May God be your shining light. We are thinking of you all during this difficult time. With much love and peace - the Endres Family
Olivia Lyons Endres <olivialyons@hotmail.com>
New York, - Sunday, November 21, 2004 8:34 AM CST
Mark and Annie - {{{Hugs}}} over the miles. I am so sorry for your loss, and my tears join yours even though I only knew your family through this CaringBridge page. You'll be in my prayers, especially this day. Sending love and prayers for you and your families.
Barbara Mullins <arkytype@swbell.net>
North Little Rock, AR USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 8:21 AM CST
You gave your son unfailing love and devotion.and were wonderful parents. We are all here to support you in this time of loss.
PAtty Roth <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
- Sunday, November 21, 2004 7:42 AM CST
Ann & Mark,
Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you and grieving with you. Love and prayers, Jennifer

Jennifer Lumb <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
Bristol, UK - Sunday, November 21, 2004 2:54 AM CST
Dear Annie and Mark,
My thoughts and sympathy are with you both and all your family. I have followed your journey since Peggy told me about the website.
With love,
Moira (Chris's sister)

Moira Sheehan <moira.sheehan@ntlworld.com>
Cambridge, England - Sunday, November 21, 2004 2:41 AM CST

LOS ANGELES, CA USA - Sunday, November 21, 2004 1:34 AM CST
Dear Ann and Mark, I am so sorry to hear your news. What an amazing journey you have both travelled with your little guy. My thoughts are with you. Love, Philae
Philae Knight <pk@philaeknight.com>
New York, NY - Sunday, November 21, 2004 0:12 AM CST
Mark and Ann,
We are heartbroken for you and your families over the passing of your beautiful boy. We will always be humbled and awed by Timothy's courage. We love you both very much.

Art and Cliona Levy <clevy@sonnenschein.com>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 11:29 PM CST
Mark and Annie.
I am so sorry to hear about Timothy. Hoping to seeing you in Colorado over Thanksgiving. Take care.
Love, Tanya

Tanya Haley <tch2r@virginia.edu>
Charlottesville, VA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:44 PM CST
Dear Ann and Mark - I was so sorry to hear of Timothy's passing, know you are in my thoughts and prayers. You are deeply loved.
Gina Lindquist <gina@adventureunlimited.org>
Denver, CO United States - Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:37 PM CST
Dearest Mark & Ann, We wish there were words of comfort to offer right now. You worked so hard to be the very best parents, doing all possible to help Timothy fight his illness. You've had the joy and heartbreak of having Timothy with you for such a brief time and we can't begin to know the pain you're feeling. Just know our thoughts, our love and our prayers are with you and your families.
charlotte and bill crittenden <charcrittenden@mac.com>
chautauqua, n.y. - Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:34 PM CST
Annie and Mark,

Words can't express the sadness we felt when we learned of Timmy's passing this morning. You have our deepest sympathy and admiration. May your faith, love for each other, and the knowledge that you did everything possible and more to save him, sustain you through this period of grief.

Again...you have been a real inspiration to all of us!

Ken & Vicki

Ken & Vicki Haley <kenhaley@4dv.net>
Franktown, CO - Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:25 PM CST
Mark & Ann - I am so sorry to hear about Timothy. He's in good hands right now and watching over you with his beautiful smile. Your time with him was precious and something you'll always carry with you. He was lucky to have such wonderful, dedicated parents. My thoughts and prayer are with you all.
Katy & Craig Duda <katy_duda@hotmail.com>
Vienna, VA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:13 PM CST
Ann, Mark, Pat and family,
We were just watching the tail end of the The Wizard of Oz when we heard the news. If only life were so easy as to have a wizard grant us a brain, courage, a heart and a home! And to be able to melt away evil things with a dowse of water! You have heard from so many that you have been an inspiration to all during your entire ordeal. We only hope that we will be able to channel some of that back to you in this time of sadness. We will be praying for you all, and please know that we love you very much.

Julia and Coble <juliadobbins@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:54 PM CST
I am so sorry to hear about Timmy. I am Jake Linville's Aunt. I just want to tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Meredith Andrews <merte642@yahoo.com>
Charlotte , NC - Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:44 PM CST
Ann, Mark and family: It was with unbelievable sadness that I learned of your loss today, and I wish you all strength in the days and months to come. Although his life was entirely too short, I hope you find comfort in knowing how many lives he touched, even those of us who never had the pleasure of seeing his warm smile in person, and that he is now resting comfortably with all the other angels. You will continue to be in my prayers and thoughts. Love, Valerie
Valerie Wagner Long <vlong@mcguirewoods.com>
Charlottesville, VA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 8:20 PM CST
Dear Annie, Mark, Pat and Mark's Parents,

You have all been so brave. Ann and Mark and Timothy, you 3 have been an incredible inspiration for all of us. While I can't believe its true and have trouble finding comfort in knowing he has gone on to be an angel, I am praying for all of you. All of Kingwood is praying for you! May God help you and all of us to understand. May you be comforted by family and friends who are with you now.
In His love,
Andrea, Stephan, Martin and Charlotte Badot

Andrea Badot <badot@kingwoodcable.ent>
Kingwood, TX USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 8:05 PM CST
Dear Annie and Mark;
We have been truly blessed to be able to share these difficult weeks and months with you, especially today, as
Timmy joins the angels.
His struggle and your dedication have brought us up close, into your hearts and minds.
We have witnessed how courageously you have made yourselves the instruments of God's plan.
Please take comfort in knowing that through Timmy's and your suffering we all, gratefully, know better how to pray.
Love, Bruni and Tom Magovern

Bruni and Tom Magovern <tfmagovern@aol.com>
Chevy Chase, MD - Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:35 PM CST
Dearest Ann, Mark and Timmy...I send you my love and infinite prayers on this sad day. I truly believe that you two now have your own guardian angel sitting on both of your shoulders, watching over you and guiding you through the rest of the days of your lives. Timmy has shown to all around him what the true definition of strength is and I will take your lead, Mark and Ann, and attempt to approach life with constant faith and endless love as you two have so gracefully done. I am, as I have always been, thinking about you every moment of every day. Much love, Tori
Tori Hatch <torihatch@hotmail.com>
Annapolis, MD 21401 - Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:20 PM CST
Annie and Mark,
My heart is heavy today. The only solace I find is knowing that Timothy is resting peacefully, having put up one hell of a fight against this disease. And that was only possible with the incredible dedication and love you showed him. He loves you so much! Please remember that you HAVE built a miracle.

We love you and are here for you,

Bridget and David Gray <bridgetcb@aol.com>
Washington, DC - Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:13 PM CST
Mark and Ann, I am so saddened to learn of your loss. What a blessing Timothy was to your life. My heart and prayers are with you now. With love, Coco
Coco Harris <harris910@comcast.net>
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 6:44 PM CST
Annie & Mark, We love you so very much. Your strength is outstanding. Timmy is an angel now, no doubt about that. We are sending our love and hugs and PRAYERS. Keep your heads up. We love you.
KATY, REGGIE AND ISABELLA <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO usa - Saturday, November 20, 2004 6:20 PM CST
Dear Mark and Anne, You and Timmy are in our prayers this special day. I could tell at Mass this morning, it was a different day. I was persuaded to stay and say a rosary just for Timmy. I guess we were meeting, through the Blessed Mother, for the first time. Peter and I hope to see you when you are in DC next. Love and God bless all the Raticcos, from Peter and Kathie.
Kathie Schaumber <schaumber@aol.com>
Washington, DC - Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:41 PM CST
Dear Annie, Mark and Timbo

Never doubt that a small family of three dedicated and loving people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has, as all of us who have followed and prayed for you throughout your ordeal have learned. I am stunned and so sorry this day has come.


Kit <cdobbins@mcleodusa.net>
Denver, - Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:06 PM CST
Dear Annie, Mark and Timbo

Never doubt that a small family of three dedicated and loving people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has, as all of us who have followed and prayed for you throughout your ordeal have learned. I am stunned and so sorry this day has come.


Kit <cdobbins@mcleodusa.net>
Denver, - Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:05 PM CST
Mark and Anne,

I am so sorry for your loss. What a truly amazing little boy. You are and always will be in my thoughts and prayers. Lot's of love.
Katie B

Katie Braham <kathryn.braham@morganstanley.com>
New York, NY - Saturday, November 20, 2004 4:50 PM CST
Dear Ann and Mark,
We are so sorry. We know your hearts are broken. We pray you take comfort in knowing that you did everything possible for Timothy. God loves you and mourns with you. We will continue to keep you all in our prayers.

Love, Fran and Frank Butler
Washington, DC - Saturday, November 20, 2004 4:07 PM CST
Annie and Mark and Zoom and everyone...As many have said, there are no words...I cannot begin to grasp how you must feel but I want you to know that I will forever be grateful to have had the gift of Timothy--for his smiles when I first met him, for the love that I watched you shower on him, for the picture of strength that you have been--I have ALWAYS been amazed by you and Timothy taught me that a picture of love and strength that I thought was immeasurable was even larger that I could have believed--you taught me that true love and faith have no end. Thank you for the gift of Timothy, for the gift of you. Thank your for being strong even when it was most hard, for letting us know your little man, your little star. I am so proud to call you my cousin--and to have you as my standard for what a good parent is. I wish I could come and take your sadness, lift your grief--or even just give you a hug. You have my love, always.
Ruth Ann

Ruth Ann <ruthannkeene@yahoo.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 4:02 PM CST
We are with you now more than ever. Your sweet boy knew so much love in his lifetime and we will miss him so. Please draw on the strength and love of a million hearts who love you and a million arms holding you up.
Marylou and Brent Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Saturday, November 20, 2004 4:01 PM CST
Dear Ann & Mark,

Our hearts go out to you right now. The courage and strength shown by the two of you and T were truly inspiring. We are very sorry for your loss.

Tom and Keri Viehe

Tom Viehe <tviehe@yahoo.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 3:54 PM CST
Mark and Annie, You are both very special parents and God could not be more pleased with your faith and love for Timothy. Your strength to be by his side is a gift of undconditional love. Know that there are many who love you and are praying for through your loss. Timothy is safe in God's hands. Don and I want to tell you how much we are thinking about you. Love always,
Sue and Don Dougherty <susie1846@msn.com>
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 2:49 PM CST
Dear Mark and Ann,

I am so deeply saddened by your loss. Please know that there are so many of us out there to support you both and your families during this difficult time. Timothy's spirit, strength and courage will inspire me and all of us who were fortunate to know him.

I love you both very much.


Nick Malas <nicol.malas@ubs.com>
New York, NY USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 2:47 PM CST
Chers Mark et Annie
Timothy a rejoint le Seigneur et continue à prier pour nous tous, et nous lui demandons spécialement aujourd'hui de vous aider à vivre son départ. Jean-Gabriel, lui, n'a je pense pas bien compris, mais pendant la prière, il disait "Timothy, Thimothy,...", comme pour appeler son petit cousin. Nous nous joignons à cette prière pour lui demander de passer son Ciel à faire du bien sur la terre.
Nous vous embrassons de tout notre coeur,
Vincent, Maelys, Jean-Gabriel et Eglantine

Vincent et Maelys Roy <maelysroy@yahoo.fr>
Paris, France - Saturday, November 20, 2004 2:18 PM CST
Words cannot express how deeply saddeneed by this we all are. I was so caught up in the joy of the possibility that I forgot that there were no guarantees. Our prayers are always with you as you get through this together. I have been amazed by the outpouring of love for little T and hope that you continue to know that all our love and support are with you now as well. God bless you all. Know that He understands as well: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son..."
Love and hugs,

Cindy Storck <cstorck@gcnetmail.net>
Oakland, MD 21550 - Saturday, November 20, 2004 2:13 PM CST
Dear Annie and Mark,

We are so saddened to hear of Timothy's death. Thank you for sharing your valiant fight with us all.

Will always remember his beautiful smile and know that he is up in heaven with Aunt Helen and many others smiling down on us all.

Continued Love and Prayers,
Larry,Joanie,Jenny,Trenna and Cindy

Our hearts and arms are around you all.

Larry,Joanie,Jenny,Trenna and Cindy

Joanie Benner <jabenhur@msn.com>
ColoradoSprings, CO - Saturday, November 20, 2004 2:11 PM CST
You are all in our prayers. We love you deeply.
Dianna and Tigger <dgoldberg05@student.law.du.edu>
Denver, CO - Saturday, November 20, 2004 1:51 PM CST
I'm truly sorry to hear about Timmy!
I will be praying for you!
Much Love,
Ange - Jake Linville's cousin

ange byrd <jeremyange@mindspring.com>
winston-salem, nc usa - Saturday, November 20, 2004 1:47 PM CST
Dear Mark and Anne and all your loving family,
We are so very, very sorry for the loss of your beloved son. You are AMAZING parents and did something so special that it has brought people from all over the world together in prayer to cover dear Timothy and you. Thank you for allowing us to humbly be a part of your fight and to recognise true devotion, spirit, faith and love - you have all changed the hearts and souls of so many.
When first my mother and then my father passed I was deeply comforted especially by two prayers which I have written out for you below. Know that you are in all of our hearts and that you are deeply loved, firstly by God and by all of us here on earth.

Prayer of Saint Augustine of Hippo:
Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give Your angels and saints charge over those who sleep. Tend Your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest Your weary ones. Bless Your dying ones. Soothe Your suffering ones. Pity Your afflicted ones. Shield Your joyous ones, and all for Your love's sake. Amen.

Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi:
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Camilla Kostic Yazijian (Raffi, Julian and Sebastian) <flygt5@aol.com>
Los Angeles, CA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 1:43 PM CST
Annie & Mark...words can not express how sorry I am to hear about your incredible loss. T brought such joy, hope and faith into so many hearts across the world. He fought oh so hard. He manifested both of your feistiness and determination. Now he rests. I can see him now, cradled gently, peacefully resting in the arms of Our Father. He will be deeply missed yet always will be with each of us. You both have been such examples of courage, strength, and untiring faith. I love you both. May you find peace in your hearts knowing he is at peace. Love, Meghan
Meghan Rich <megrich@sbcglobal.net>
San Francisco, CA USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 1:35 PM CST
Dear Mark and Annie,
I was so saddened to hear of Timothy's passing. Never have I been so uplifted with how the three of you fought the good fight - the best of doctors and a prayerful family and friends from around the world with you in spirit on a daily basis. Never have I seen so many people (related and unrelated), pull together to give so much moral and spiritual support for the ordeal which you have all endured.

Thanks to your enduring efforts in Timothy's time of need, Timothy will always be in ALL of our hearts.

In such a short life span, I can't believe what Timothy GAVE to all of us. Love and a rekindling of the human spirit in ALL who came to know Timothy and his ordeal - like I have seldom witnessed in my lifetime.

Thank you God, for Timothy - and for such wonderful parents who brought him into this world and shared themselves with all of us!

May God's peace and love descend upon you and give you the comfort you all so much deserve at this very difficult time.

Love, Uncle Benjie

Ben Haley <benhaley138@msn.com>
Denver, CO USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 12:56 AM CST
Oh Anne and Mark, my heart is broken, and so heavy with sadness. You are both such wonderful deserving parents who have given your heart and soul for Timothy's benefit. I cannot find words to decribe how tragic this loss is for all of us. I wish I could hug you, but I can only tell you I love you and hurt for you. It is so hard to be so far away.

All our love, Carole and Adrien

Carole Gridley <cagridley@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 12:54 AM CST
We are so deeply saddened by the news. Timothy was blessed
with the world's best parents. You both have been an
inspiration to all. May God bless you both. Love and
prayers, The Kildea Family

Linda Kildea
Washington, D.C., DC US - Saturday, November 20, 2004 12:42 AM CST
Dear Annie and Mark,

We love you very much and are sending you and Patsy and everyone else there with you hugs.

Love, Tommy, Elsie, Matt and Erin

elsie haley <haleye@4dv.net>
denver, co usa - Saturday, November 20, 2004 12:21 AM CST
Dear Mark and Ann,
It is a calm and peaceful day here in Durham. The winds are gentle and the air is warm, and I know somewhere Timothy is soaring high, on his way home to watch over us. You fought a long and hard fight, all three of you. I hope sometime soon you can find some peace.
Sending thoughts of friendship and love.
Carrington and Kevin Jakson
p.s. Please know I can help with anything. I am around all week, so just call.

Carrington Jackson <carrington_razook@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC US - Saturday, November 20, 2004 11:52 AM CST
Dearest Anne and Mark,
I don't have the words to tell you how saddened I am by your loss. I left the house early morning and the day was bleak and rainy; I sit by my window now and see sunshine pouring over bright blue skies. I am comforted that Timothy is clearing the air for all of us from above and letting us know he is ok, in peace at last. I wish I could give you a personal hug; please know we are with you in Spirit, always. I feel priviledged to have shared this journey with such amazing parents like yourselves and I do hope that with the passage of time, our lives will continue to cross. May you all find peace at this time, and may Timothy be your guiding light always. With love to you and your entire families,

Claudina & family <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Saturday, November 20, 2004 11:02 AM CST
Mark and Ann,

We are so sorry to hear about Timmy. I can't imagine what you all are going though right now. Please remember you all are in our prayers. We are terribly sorry for your loss.


Justin and Kelly

Justin Cashman <jlcashmanmd@yahoo.com>
Annapolis, MD USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:26 AM CST
Dear Mark, Annie and Patsy,

We were so sad to hear the news about Timothy this morning. Our love and support is with you. We are here with open hearts and arms when you return.

We Love You!

Dan and Jan

Dan Haley <writehaley@comcast.net>
Lakewood, CO - Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:19 AM CST
I am so very very sorry for your loss of your beautiful son. May God hold you all in his hands and comfort you.
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:06 AM CST
Mark and Anne,
We are so deeply saddened by the news, but know that Timmy is in a great place. He, along with you, will always be in our hearts and minds because of your courage, strength, and faith. Our tears can't stop right now but your indomitable spirit will bring us around. You are an inspiration to humanity.
All our love,
The McMahon's (Tim, Kathleen, Tehan, and Carah)
- remember that we are nearby and will do anything we possibly can (#919-577-9848)

The McMahon's <mcmahonk@nc.rr.com, tmcmahon@nc.rr.com>
Holly Springs, NC 27540 - Saturday, November 20, 2004 10:00 AM CST
Annie et Mark chéris,
Nous avions compris depuis quelques jours votre peur qui était aussi la nôtre. Nous sommes bouleversés. Merci de nous avoir tant donné pendant tous ces mois de souffrances, de lutte et d'espoirs, que vous venez de vivre. Timothy est devenu notre petit enfant adoptif à jamais, et nous serons toujours là pour vous dans les joies, comme dans les peines.

Dominique et Chantal <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:46 AM CST
Mark and Annie, This is Jake's mom from 5200. I have been faithfully following Timmy's journey and praying for you all. I am in shock. I am so sorry and I don't have the right words for you, but I will continue to pray for you both.
Kim Linville (Jake's Mom) <khlinville@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:46 AM CST
Mark and Ann:

Veronica and I are terribly saddened by last night's news. Little Timothy was an inspiration to us and we will never forget his strength and smile. He inspired everyone around him (even those who never met him) to move mountains.

Although I am still struggling to understand why God has put you through this strange test, I know that Timothy is now by God's side looking over us and smiling.

His picture is on our fridge at home and I look at it every morning as I go to work and take on another day, and in his own way he made me smile and sigh as he told me "John, don't sweat the small stuff."

We will miss him dearly, and some day we hope to make sense of all this. In the meantime, I think it is important to keep his spirit alive in all of us.


John and Veronica

John and Veronica <verobirri@hotmail.com>
Miami, FL USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:45 AM CST
A chorus of angels is greeting Timmy into their fold. His fight and your strength will be an inspiration for all who follow. We cry with you this morning.
Meg Viehe <maviehe@aol.com>
Newport Beach, CA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:32 AM CST
Mark and Annie,
We are all saddened to hear the news of little Timmy and thank you both for sharing his valiant herosim. Francesca is right that he will continue to light the lives of so many thanks to you both.

Thank you both and know that you very much remain in our hearts and prayers.

Bill <bill.haley @ earthlink.net>
New , York USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:17 AM CST
Mark, Ann and Pat:
I just spoke with Alison. We are praying that God's grace and peace will comfort and sustain you through this time. Remember that I am only a phone call away if you need help settling things here in Durham.

I call on the Lord in my distress and He answers me. Psalms 120:1

Faith Fisher-Halpern <faithnyc2001@yahoo.com>
chapel hill, nc usa - Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:07 AM CST
Mark & Annie-

We are deeply saddened by your news. Timothy can rest peacefully now in God's loving arms. The abundance of love and prayers for you and your family is amazing and truly a display of God's grace.
We will continue to lift you in prayer in the days ahead.
Fondly,Jane, Jack, Lucy and Annie
Louisville ,KY

Jane Higgins Roth <jane.roth@insightbb.com>
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:00 AM CST
Dear Mark and Annie,

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Timmy. He is a beautiful boy that will continue to light all of our lives. No matter how much our family suffers we take confort in each other.


Francesca and Christine

P.S. My dad will write you in later.

Francesca Haley <francescahaley@hotmail.com>
New York, NY 10121 - Saturday, November 20, 2004 8:56 AM CST
Mark and Annie,
We are sadden to learn of your immeasurable loss. Timothy's joy and light will not be forgotten. Our prayers continue for you, Pat, Joanne and Paul.
Our love always,
Marty and Bill Rich

Marty Rich <msmrich@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 8:54 AM CST
Mark and Ann,

We love you so much, and are so sorry about your loss.

Timmy, you have been such an inspiration for all of us. In a short amount of time, you have touched so many of our lives. I am so glad that I got to spend time with you in July. That time was so precious and meant so much to me.

We love you dearly and look up at heaven and feel your presence. You are truly a child of God. We love you so much Timmy.

Steve, Char, Lottie and Drew

Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 8:54 AM CST
Ann & Mark,

We are so sorry and heartbroken to hear the news. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

The Howe Family

Adam Howe <adam.howe@grubb-ellis.com>
Cleveland, Oh USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 8:50 AM CST
Mark and Ann,
We are so sorry to hear about Timothy. So happy we were able to spend time with him and we will miss him. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We love you very much.

Katie, Dave and Molly Stecker <katiestecker@aol.com>
Pittsburgh, PA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 8:06 AM CST
Our hearts are heavy as we mourn with you in thought and prayer.
Carey and Allen Steere <careysteere@yahoo.com>
Rockville Centre, NY - Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:44 AM CST
Mark and Annie,
Oh my gosh...I am stunned. I am so incredibly sad to hear of Timothy passing away. Although I only had the opportunity to take care of him twice, I was so taken by the incredible love you gave your sweet little boy. You are amazing parents and there is no doubt in my mind that Timothy left this earth knowing that he was a very special little boy who was loved very much by his family. You are in my prayers and will remain in them. I'm so sorry...

Here are some verses that have helped me in the past...may God bless both of you and give you peace...

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them. For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:14

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God, the Holy one of Israel, YOUR SAVIOR." Isaiah: 43:2-3

Nurse Megan
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:44 AM CST
Mark, Anne, Grandma Zoom, I just got in and heard about little T. They did try to page me but I'd left my pager in the car. I'm so sorry and sad. I'm sending you and him lots of love and prayers and keeping you in my heart. Michelle
Michelle Kuperminc <michellekuperminc@hotmail.com>
Durham, Va USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:08 AM CST
Dear Annie and Mark, we are so saddened. You are all in our prayers. We will celebrate his life and the joy and lessons he taught us all.
Ricardo, Kim, Richard, James and John Vera <vhfamily@mavolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Saturday, November 20, 2004 7:08 AM CST
Oh dear Annie & Mark & Patsy,

We pray now for Timothy's arrival in heaven and for your peace and comfort. We mourn with you.

O God, Give us grace, to entrust this child, Timothy, to thy never-failing care and love, and bring us all to thy heavenly kingdom; Deal graciously, we pray, with those who mourn, that casting every care on thee, we may know the consolation of thy love, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Dick, Jackie, Mike, Danny, Ricky & Jeffrey

Dick & Jackie <jackiehaley99@yahoo.com>
Kingwood, TX - Saturday, November 20, 2004 6:46 AM CST
Ann and Mark,
We are so sorry to hear your news about Timothy. We love you and will continue to think of your entire family.
Susie, Richard and Jack

Susie, Richard and Jack Davis <susieemail@yahoo.com>
Greenville, SC - Saturday, November 20, 2004 6:42 AM CST
Ann and Mark..............We are so very sorry. Timothy knew how much he was loved. I am certain that he could feel the love around him. Your family will continue to be in our daily prayers. You have our love and thoughts.
Anne. Joe, Gracen, and Blake Mitrick <themitricks@charter.net>
Greenville, SC - Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:41 AM CST
Words cannot express the emptyness I feel in my heart. Timothy was the light of my life. Mark and Ann God Bless you both.
Grandpa Ritacco

Grandpa Ritacco <paitalent@aol.com>
- Saturday, November 20, 2004 5:16 AM CST
When I asked to Fr. Walsh to pray for Timothy he mentioned he's had success praying over the phone for people and offered to pray with you over the phone. If you're interested, please give me a phone number where he can reach you and some times that would work for a call and I'll set up a prayer call for you. Of course, we'll all pray for you at the same time. You can email me at "botaish@qwest.net" or call me at 303 759 2955. God bless, you are continually in our family's prayers.


Felicity O'Herron <botaish@qwest.net>
- Friday, November 19, 2004 7:42 PM CST
Love the photos--hadn't checked them in a while. We are thinking of you and have my whole church praying for you and your family. Keep up your strength and faith. We continue to be inspired by your love, devotion, support, and faith.

Cindy, Steve, Sarah, AJ, and Jessica Storck <cstorck@gcnetmail.net>
Oakland, MD USA - Friday, November 19, 2004 1:30 PM CST
Ann & Mark, Ellen has been keeping us posted on Timothy's fight and your amazing strength. Timothy looks so adorable in his Georgetown shirt. He is going to look great in his Hoya Class of 2025 shirt too. Know that Hoyas around the country are thinking of you and sending lots of love for Timothy.
Kate (McKeown) & Rudy Fuller C’93 <kate.fuller@oracle.com>
Philadelphia, PA - Friday, November 19, 2004 1:15 PM CST
More daily prayers being said for you Timonthy, Ann, and Mark. God is hearing us, all of us.
Anne, Joe, Gracen, and Blake Mitrick <themitricks@charter.net>
Greenville, SC - Friday, November 19, 2004 12:41 AM CST
We do not forget you Tommy, Elsie, Matt and Erin.
We pray for all of your family. You all need strengh and faith. Timothy is the best in the race of beeing perfect, but I am sure you are just behind him and Annie and Mark. Be strong too and donnot forget that in France, you have friends who pray for you too. Lots of love.

Chantal & Dominique Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Friday, November 19, 2004 12:39 AM CST
Timothy, Ann and Mark, We're thinking of you througout each day, especially in light of the latest turn of events. We have our family and friends praying for you too! Love, Ellen, James and Catherine Patterson
Ellen, James and Catherine Patterson
Washington, DC - Friday, November 19, 2004 10:36 AM CST
Dear Timothy, Thank you for the gift you give all of us, letting us learn about courage and life and love and prayer. We think about you all the time and love you so much. Be strong, little one and rest comfortably.

Chris and Susan, Mark, Patrick, Stephen, Brian, and Mike & Karen <suelane1@comcast.net>
Denver, CO US - Friday, November 19, 2004 10:15 AM CST
With love and LOTS of prayers!
Ellie and Jack Lesser <jaknelle@cecomet.net>
Chautauqua, NY USA - Friday, November 19, 2004 9:53 AM CST
How great that Timothy has his two grandmothers and that you have such wonderful support from your mothers, Annie and Mark. You are amazing, taking time and energy to keep the rest of us up to date. Tommy is very concerned about you, Timmy. We are all thinking of you and keeping you all in our prayers. We love you guys!

Take care. Much love and many hugs!
Tommy, Elsie, Matt and Erin

elsie haley <haleye@4dv.net>
denver, co usa - Friday, November 19, 2004 8:37 AM CST
Timothy, You are an inspiration to us! We heard about you and your folks from the McMahons in Raleigh, and our friends here in Durham are joining us and so many others in praying for you. Grow cells grow! With the love of Christ, Bob and Sarah Gibson
ps--Tell your folks we're grad students at Duke and would be happy to run errands or help out if we can (919-450-0825).

Bob and Sarah Gibson <bobgibsonjr@yahoo.com>
Durham, NC USA - Friday, November 19, 2004 7:28 AM CST
Friday morning here in Denver - and a snowstorm is due to arrive this afternoon and into tomorrow. No matter - as my thoughts and prayers continue to be with you all! How neat it is to hear Peggy came out to help you all - moral support and all. Only wish I could get away and come out there to help out too. Tell Patsy - house is in good shape and so are the dogs! Plants are watered too. Hope to clean the back yard and visit Tommy tomorrow as I think of you all. In the meantime, keep up the good fight all of you! I can only echo Jimmy's words - Leave fluid leave!! Disappear GvH disappear! May the Holy Spirit guide the wisdom of the doctors in their efforts to help Timothy through his present struggles with the fluid buildup he has. Love,
Ben Haley <benhaley138@msn.com>
Denver, Co USA - Friday, November 19, 2004 7:25 AM CST
Love and prayers from an Arkansas "nana" who found your page. My heart is with your family, and the love that shows through your messages is inspirational. Timothy has so much love - and now he has mine too. {{{Hugs}}} and prayers for everything on Annie's 11/16 list. All of it. Grow cells GROW!
Barbara in Arkansas
North Little Rock, AR USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 10:44 PM CST
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time. I am inspired by your courage and all I have heard from Robin thoughout the past months. I pray that you all remain strong. There are miracles happening around us everyday....I pray for one for Timothy. What an amazing little soldier. God Bless!
Doreen Martirano (sister-in-law of Robin Schuh ) <manninglloyd3@aol.com>
Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 - Thursday, November 18, 2004 10:22 PM CST
Praying and praying. Keep up the fight young Timothy.
patricia roth <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
- Thursday, November 18, 2004 4:56 PM CST
Hi Mark and Anne. I'm saddened and scared by the latest turn of events but I remain, as so should you, strongly optimistic that Timothy will work through this. Just remember all that he has conquered to date. All our best, the Swansons.
Amy Swanson <swanson.amy@epa.gov>
- Thursday, November 18, 2004 4:36 PM CST
Anne, Mark, and Timothy,
Your courage, strength, tenacity, and faith continue to inspire me. No longer to do I become discouraged as I face new problems from day to day. I just think about the magnificient Ritacco family, and my problems just seem to melt away. We send our prayers and love. Go fluid, GO!!! and Go away GvH, GO AWAY!

Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 3:35 PM CST
Fight Timmy fight ... You can do it! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your amazing parents!
Erin (McMahon) Andy, Logan and Riley Noe <erinnoe1@msn.com>
Williamsville , Ny usa - Thursday, November 18, 2004 2:29 PM CST
Mark and Ann - thanks so much for taking the time to keep us updated. We're glad Timothy is resting more comfortably. You are amazing parents and Timothy is drawing so much strength from both of you. Stay strong and positive.
Timothy - hang in there and keep fighting. We know you will get through this.
Go away fluids, grow cells grow!!
We love you guys.

Katie, Dave and Molly <katiestecker@aol.com>
Pittsburgh, PA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 2:19 PM CST
Bien sur nous sommes avec vous, près de Timothy. Dans ces moments où les distances n'ont plus de prise avec le temps, grace à Internet, nous voulons vous serrer dans nos bras et vous dire toute notre immense tendresse. Votre petit bonhomme est un petit ange, tant aimé du Seigneur. Il est brave et en a vu d'autre ! il saura toujours vous donner sa force et son Amour. Nous vous aimons tendrement et prions le Seigneur de toutes nos forces pour que ce chemin de souffrance s'apaise et que Timothy guérisse enfin. Rien n'est impossible à Dieu, il faut continuer à le prier jour et nuit. Timothy nous a déjà tant appris, lui si petit ! La nuit lorsque je ne dors pas, je lui parle souvent et lui confie des intentions de prière. Dominique et moi vous embrassons tendrement, comme si nous étions près de vous, nous y sommes, dans la communion des Saints.
Chantal & Dominique Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppe, Eppeville - Thursday, November 18, 2004 1:50 PM CST
Timothy will be in my prayers ... grow cells grow
Jack Roth <jroth@humana.com>
Louisville, ky - Thursday, November 18, 2004 1:48 PM CST
Hang in there T. I want to see you on Sharpe field one day throwin' me a meatball I can put in the RF bushes.
Jeff Zellers <jeff_zellers@usairways.com>
- Thursday, November 18, 2004 1:25 PM CST
Timmy, The Rutmans are thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way. You are so strong. Keep on "ripping and roaring" and give your parents a hug for us.
Peter, Cathy, Henry, Charlie, and Megan Rutman <peter_rutman@peoplesoft.com>
- Thursday, November 18, 2004 1:22 PM CST
Dear Timmy,

Uncle Breadtruck here. I am sorry that I have been out of pocket recently. I have been in a deep depression since the red sox beat the yankees. As an oriole fan, I am sure you can sympathize.

I want to tell you how proud I am of you and the courage that you continue to display day in and day out. We are all better for knowing you and we should all learn from your example of courage and strength. Clearly it is a product of wonderful parents.

My love to you and your parents.

Uncle Breadtruck

Nick Malas <nicol.malas@ubs.com>
New York, NY USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 1:05 PM CST
Sending positive energy and prayers your way! much love, Olivia Lyons Endres
Olivia Lyons <olivia.lyons@db.com>
NYC, - Thursday, November 18, 2004 11:45 AM CST
Dear Anne, Mark and Timmy,
We're praying for you. Fight Timmy fight...you can do it! Wishing you all the faith, strength and courage you need to fight this battle.
Lots of love,
Lynn and Kevin McMahon

Lynn McMahon <lpmmcmahon@adelphia.net>
Orchard Park, NY United States - Thursday, November 18, 2004 10:56 AM CST
To all Tacos,

Jenn, Gracie and I are praying for you all everyday. Stay strong Timmy. Keep the faith.

Andy B.

Andy Braham <andrew_braham@yahoo.com>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 9:10 AM CST
Hi gang - sorry to hear that sweet Timothy is having a rough week but am praying hard for the fluid to go away and for him to get all better. I wish so much that I could be there to give you guys a HUGE hug and let you know in person that your strength and positive attitude is a total inspiration and will definitely help see Timothy through this! Sending you all lots of love, Curley
Jennifer Curley <jennifer.curley@linklaters.com>
London, England - Thursday, November 18, 2004 9:05 AM CST
Hi. I got your site from another Caringbridge site. We just celebrated my little niece's 3 yr transplant anniversary (how I know about 5200 - I spent thanksgiving and Christmas up there 3 yrs ago). I will keep your little guy in my prayers.
Cathy <cathy.lamarre@irctt.com>
Boone, NC - Thursday, November 18, 2004 7:27 AM CST
Anne, Mark and Timmy,

I sure hope that Timmy is getting better. You are all in our thoughts every day! I am a parent of one of the boys that is doing the fund raising for Timmy in Denver. We can't wait for Timmy to get better so that you can come back to Colorado! He is such a precious little boy. Just remember that you have a lot of people praying for your little boy. Grow Cells Grow!
Sincerely, Jerri Lovato

Jerri Lovato <jerri.lovato@ftc.fiserv.com>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, November 18, 2004 7:14 AM CST
Anne & Mark,
It looks like a rough time for little Timmy right now. Vicki and I are hoping and praying that the doctors solve this latest challenge, and Timmy comes through it--just like all the others, this far.

You've shown tremendous character through all this, and you're all an inspiration to the rest of the family, your friends...everyone that knows you. How you hold up, Annie (and Mark! and Patsy!), is amazing to me. And keeping this site updated on top of everything else. Wow!

All our love, hope, and prayers,
Ken & Vicki

Ken & Vicki Haley <kenhaley@4dv.net>
Franktown, CO - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 11:24 PM CST
Dear Timothy Annie & Mark,
We pray; Dear God, watch with us over your child Timothy, and grant that he may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through your son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Grow cells, GROW. Go away fluid, GO.
We Love you all so much,
Jackie,Dick,Michael,Danny,Ricky & Jeffrey

Dick & Jackie <jackiehaley99@yahoo.com>
Kingwood, TX - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 10:39 PM CST
Hi Timmy, We haven't met officially but you and I have the same name, and I am really, really happy about that. Know why? 'Cause you give me and all these great people strength and inspiration. And we're taking that strength and inspiration and giving it right back to you to help you through this. Your Uncle Higgs and I talk a lot about what an all-star you are and your daddy's favorite baseball all-star is a man named Cal Ripken. They call Cal the Ironman but we all know that you are the real Ironman. Hang tough buddy. We love you.

Tim and Kathleen McMahon <mcmahonk@nc.rr.com, tmcmahon@nc.rr.com>
Holly Springs, NC usa - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 9:21 PM CST
You are all in our prayers tonight. Anne, my text message is not working, so I am sending my cell phone via this route. If you need ANYTHING, please call on us. We are here to help in any way we can. (917) 592-1283. I found the following quote and thought of you... God bless you all!

"Confident faith allows blessings to enter you. When you have no doubt, whatever you wish can be achieved."

With love and faith always,

Claudina <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 8:39 PM CST
Ann, Mark and Timothy,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are visualizing Timothy fifteen years from now receiving yet again the MVP in baseball for the forth year in a row! Hugs to you all!!

Ashley Nielsen <ashleynielsen@yahoo.com>
Carmel Valley, CA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 7:05 PM CST
praying here in atlanta...inspired and amazed by all your strength every time i read new journal entries. timothy is going to pull through and i can't wait to meet him some day. what a fighter.
ned underwood <ned.underwood@cingular.com>
atlanta, ga usa - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 4:41 PM CST
Annie and Mark,each time I start to worry, I remember my favorite Ziggy quote -- worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but you don't get anywhere! Then I switch my worry to a prayer, which I think is much more productive.
Love, Kim
Timothy, have your parents read the same book over and over. It's great fun!
Love, Johnny
Zoom, Thanks for being there!

Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy and Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 3:40 PM CST

I am with you in prayer and thought constantly little buddy! You are, and always will be my "main man."


Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 3:35 PM CST
Timothy, God's Word is filled with love and power and today I pray this over you,dear one. "...With God all things are possible" Mark 10:27. Our Lord's words spoken for you. Sweet child yield to our Father's healing hand and be renewed. In Jesus's name I pray.
Annie and Mark, "...Draw your strength from the Lord and his mighty power."Ephesians 6:10 You know this, yet sometimes a reminder is helpful and supportive. Our love, thoughts, respect, and hope surround you. The war is on, the battle won, let's claim it! God bless you.
Marty and Bill Rich

Marty Rich <msmrich@AOL.com>
Fairfax, VA USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 2:44 PM CST
Ann, Mark & Timothy: Hang in there during this challenge, and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers on a daily basis. You continue to be an inspiration to me and so many others, but know that there are a LOT of good wishes flowing your way. Best, Valerie
Valerie Wagner Long <vlong@mcguirewoods.com>
Charlottesville, VA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 2:39 PM CST
Hi Annie, Mark & Timothy,
We are thinking of you lots and sending healthy vibes your way as you struggle to get stable again and out of the ICU! The mystery of it all -- where are those fluids coming from and going?? -- must be so frustrating (as much as it is inspiring on other days!). I'm praying for a little rest for each of you... Annie and Mark, I know that each cell in your body is fighting for strength too. You know you are in the 'fire', but that's how the silversmith works, right? :)

I am inspired by all of you, and just wish I could give you a big hug. Lots of love to you.

Bridget Gray <bridgetcb@aol.com>
Washington, DC - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 1:50 PM CST
We'll get the positive vibes and prayers going in overdrive going here at the Steeres...thank you soo much for taking the time to post the journal entries to keep us updated. It helps tremendously with the daily (or even more!) thought, "I wonder how things are going for Timothy today..." So we've got the prayer "To Do List" and will do our best to provide a few extra inches on those wings!!

Love, Caery, Allen, and Ethan

Carey Steere <careysteere@yahoo.com>
Rockville Centre, NY USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 12:05 AM CST
Found this on-line and thought it might help today:

The story is told of a father who had twin sons. One son was an optimist, the other a pessimist. On the twins' birthday, while the boys were at school, the father loaded the pessimist's room with every imaginable toy and game. The optimist's room he loaded with horse manure. That night the father passed by the pessimist's room and found him sitting amid his new gifts crying bitterly. "Why are you crying?" the father asked. "Because my friends will be jealous, and I'll have to read the instructions, and I'll constantly need batteries, and my toys will get broken," answered the pessimist. Passing the optimist's room, the father found him dancing for joy in the pile of manure. "What are you so happy about?" asked the father. To which the optimist replied, "There's got to be a pony in here somewhere!"

Sometimes we may be tempted to think that a person who has hope is merely one who is born with a disposition toward optimism. But here's more to it than that. Hope is available to every single one of us.

To have hope simply means that you believe that there is a future, and that future is good. It's the awareness that no matter what happens, we're going to survive. The storm may rage, the problems seem insurmountable, the stress more than we can bear. But to have hope is to say, "It doesn't matter what happens to me, somehow I'm going to make it through." It's similar to what the Psalmist said, "I will not be afraid what man can do unto me." (Psalms 56:11, 118:6) The same idea is picked up by the writer to the Hebrews: "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.' So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?'" (Hebrews 13:6,7)

But what struck me as I looked through the Scripture was the connection between "hope" and "strength". For example:

"Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the LORD." (Psalms 31:24) , and, "The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope ("refuge" - KJV) of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel." (Joel 3:16)-

I love the picture we have in Habakkuk 3:19 "The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights."

And the familiar, oft repeated promise in Isaiah 40:31, "They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."

The Bible poses this probing question, "Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God." (Psalm 42:5,11)

Here are four answers to despair, four ways to realize hope:

I. Hold Fast

How many times have we heard someone say it this way, "When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on."

Jesus said, "He that endures to the end shall be saved."

And remember the text we read a couple of weeks ago, "Be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Determination and hope go together; determination and "stick-to-it-iveness" go together. Some of you may remember the chorus we used to sing many years ago, "I am determined, I've made up my mind, I'll serve the Lord." Was it the Ford Motor Co. that made popular the saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going!"?

To have hope means to hold fast during the difficult season. Hope says, "Ride it out. You've been through bad times before, and God has brought you through. There will be a tomorrow, and it will be good. After all, the Scripture says, 'And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.’" (Romans 8:18)

II. Obey
Psalms 37:39 tells us that "The salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: he is their strength in the time of trouble." We need to know what God is saying, and determine to obey Him whatever the cost. Remember what the disciples said when they were told they should no longer preach about Jesus? Even though they knew that it would mean persecution, and they may be called on to die as did Jesus, they said, "we will obey God."

How well I remember the closing moments of each of the high school assemblies where I was a student. These assemblies were generally held in the large auditorium which seated, at one time, half of the student body of 2,500 students. But no matter what the subject matter, every assembly ended with the Principal leading the students in a recitation of Psalms 19:14: "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

So determine right now to always obey God. Refuge and rescue come to those who live in obedience to Him. Jesus is our great example in this. Paul in Philippians tells us that "He became obedient, even unto death." Let me ask you this question, "Was the end good for Jesus?" Oh yes, "God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name."

III. Pray
This is the most obvious of the four things we're talking about concerning hope - it is realized through prayer. When discouraged, pray; when depressed, pray; when downhearted, pray; when dismayed, pray.

Did you know that sometimes the Bible repeats itself? Compare the song that David writes for the occasion of the returning of the Ark to Jerusalem (I Chronicles 16:7-22) with Psalm 105 :1-15). It's identical. But right near the beginning of that Psalm are these words, "Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually."

And of course, that's what "wait on the Lord" in Isaiah 41 means. When Jesus instructed His disciples to go back into Jerusalem after His ascension, He said to them "Wait, until you be clothed with power." And they returned to the upper room and prayed for ten days. Then strength came.

IV. Enjoy
This may come as a surprise to some. Too often, anything deemed religious is anything but joyous. But consider the story of Nehemiah and the multitude of workers who were repairing the walls of the City of Jerusalem. After the job was completed, they had a feast. First they read from the Law. From daybreak until noon the people stood and listened, and as the listened to the reading of the Law, they began to weep. But Nehemiah stood up and said, "Don't mourn or weep. Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10) so the "people went away to eat and drink, to send portions of food and to celebrate with great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known to them."

Listen to David: "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one." (Psalm 28:7,8)

Because we have hope, we live, we laugh and we enjoy life.

So then, to H-O-P-E is to Hold fast, Obey, Pray and Enjoy.

Jeremiah is often referred to as the "Weeping Prophet". In addition to the book that goes by his name, he also is credited with writing the book called "Lamentations." A "lament" is a song of sorrow. Right in the middle of this little collection of mournful poetry is one of the most beautiful expressions of hope we can find anywhere:

"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:18-23)

Marylou Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 11:49 AM CST
We continue to remember Timothy and your entire family in our daily prayers. ALL THINGS are possible through God.
Anne, Joe, Gracen, and Blake Mitrick <themitricks@charter.net>
Greenville, SC - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 11:44 AM CST
Annie and Mark, here is a virtual hug with as much love as I can send you. Be strong,and hold onto each other. This is a very tough time. Thinking about the three of you and praying Patty Roth
patricia roth <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
- Wednesday, November 17, 2004 11:35 AM CST
Annie and Mark, here is a virtual hug with as much love as I can send you. Be strong,and hold onto each other. This is a very tough time. Thinking about the three of you and praying Patty Roth
patricia roth <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
- Wednesday, November 17, 2004 11:35 AM CST
Sending all the prayers you need. We hope Timothy is better this morning.

Donnie Dawson <dawsonparents@yahoo.com>
Chickasha, Ok USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 11:25 AM CST
Stay strong, all three of you! Know that all of your friends across the country and around the globe are with you and we are holding your arms up high. Be well, Timothy, be well! Much love from your Denver friends.
Marylou and Brent Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 11:08 AM CST
Anno and Mark,
Thinking about you all lots today, and sending you my prayers!

Cliona Levy <clevy@sonnenschein.com>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 10:56 AM CST
You're always in our thoughts and prayers. Cells grow; fluid go! Hang in there and keep fighting. Much love, Tigger and Di
Craig May <craig_may@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 10:49 AM CST
Timmy and all the Ritacco's are in our thoughts and hearts today. He truely is an inspiration.
The Griffiths <griffith@umbi.umd.edu>
Baltimore, MD USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 10:04 AM CST
Thinking of you and praying for everything to get better with T. Stay strong.
God Bless
Ligia (Caterina Marcus' aunt)

Ligia Bonetti Valiente <l.bonetti@mercasid.com.do>
Santo Domingo, Dom Rep - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 9:58 AM CST
Dear Annie, Mark and Timothy,
Your strength and courage is astounding. The tempests you face are not small, but I know that you will endeavor to beat them. Love and Prayers to you!


Carrington Jackson <carrington_razook@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC US - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 9:35 AM CST
Ann, Mark and Timothy,

You have touched our hearts with your amazing strength and love. We are sending positive energy and prayers from Atlanta. Get well Timothy!

Mel and Pete

Peter Buch <peter_buch@yahoo.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 8:47 AM CST
A & M, Hang in there. I'll be sure to keep Timothy in my prayers. -John
John Butler <jfb8@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 8:02 AM CST
This week's promise:
Hope gives us courage

What can I do when things seem hopeless?

"Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous . . . "

Psalm 27:14

Hope is trusting God to act in his good timing.

Rosalia Caro, friend of the Bonetti's family <r.caro@internet.net.do>
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 6:49 AM CST
Annie, Mark, Timothy, and Zoom,
It's a new morning filled with new hope. We're thinking of you. Thank God He put you all together to go through this trial. You make a great team.
The Veras

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 6:36 AM CST
Dear Annie, Mark and Timothy, Strong prayers and continued courage being sent your way from the Big Apple. Claudina was my roomate at Miss Porters and she has told me all about you and your family. I, as always, remain in awe of your (& Clau's) patience, perserverance, courage, and love that continue to drive you and your family thru this process. I know God will continue to shine brightly upon you. Grow CELLS Grow. Cheers of encouragement from NYC. With love, Olivia, Dave & Liam Endres

ps. My parents live in Denver & Vail and Dad was a Hoya as well!!!!

Olivia Lyons Endres <olivia.lyons@db.com>
New York, NY USA - Wednesday, November 17, 2004 6:14 AM CST
Anne, Mark and Timothy,
We will continue to pray for Timothy. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always.

Melissa Viehe <MSViehe@aol.com>
- Wednesday, November 17, 2004 5:34 AM CST
We are thinking about you and praying hard for Timothy,s
improvement.. You are such wonderful parents and your love
and encouragement is an inspiration to all. Love, The

Linda Kildea <lkildea@aol.com>
Washington, , DC US - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:34 PM CST
Hang in there Timmy (and Mom & Dad)! We think of you often and we'll continue to offer at least a decade of the rosary for you daily. I'll ask Father Walsh to say a few extra prayers for you, too.
Felicity, John, Rose & Jacob <botaish@qwest.net>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:27 PM CST
Annie, Mark and Sweet Timothy,

Now more than ever may your faith and hope be sustained by the thousands of prayers being offered for the three of you each and every day. May the love from near and far get you through these difficult hours and days. We love you so very much.

Annie and Mark, you have a tough nut in T. He is a spirited fighter. From our special days in August I know his resiliance and strength. He believes. Stay strong and focused and keep fighting the good fight.

Love, Robin, Dennis, Caroline & Emma

Robin Farwell Schuh <rfschuh@optonline.net>
Scarsdale, NY - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:01 PM CST
Annie, Mark & Timmy,

Our thoughts and prayers have been with you, and especially tonight. We lit a candle for Timmy at the Chapel in Sedona, Az when we were there on vacation- it is a beautiful place high in the hills where could feel God's presence and we said a special prayer there for Timmy's healing.

Peter & May Farwell <p.farwell@comcast.net>
Hooksett, NH USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 9:56 PM CST
Our thoughts are with you Timmy!! You too Annie, Mark and Patsy.
Danny, Jan and Tanya

DPH <writehaley@comcast.net>
Lakewood, CO - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:41 PM CST
Timmy, We are praying hard for you. You are such a great fighter. Tomorrow I go to the Missionaries of Charity and there will be about 40 MC's - some no taller than you - speaking softly to the Lord to guide and hold you and your parents.. Love from all of the Schaumbers
Kathie Schaumber <schaumber@aol.com>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:26 PM CST
Dear Timmy, Annie, Mark and Zoom, We are there with you all, thinking of you and hoping and praying that your doctors come through on this one. God bless you all.

Much love, Elsie, Tommy, Matt and Erin

elsie haley <haleye@4dv.net>
Denver , CO USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:18 PM CST
Dear Timothy, Mark and Ann-
Our prayers are with you, your families, and your doctors. Timothy's precious face is imprinted on our hearts and will continue to be as he couragously fights this battle.
The Higgins Family loves you-
Jane, Jack, Lucy and Annie

Jane Higgins Roth <jane.roth@insightbb.com>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 7:27 PM CST
We think about the three of you all the time. You are in our every prayer. Jack tells everyone to pray for Timothy. He remembers holding him last December. That picture is such a special one.
Thanks for the updates. You are all so strong.
Susie, Richard and Jack

Davis Family <susieemail@yahoo.com>
Greenville, SC - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 7:07 PM CST
Timmy, Ann and Mark -

Much love and prayers from the B's in NYC. Have increased our daily site visits and continue to be amazed by your collective strength. Timmy is as tough as nails...and so are you.

Love, Steve

Steve B. <sbonsignore@gcigroup.com>
New York, NY - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 6:56 PM CST
Hi again. While I was posting the last note, you were posting the update. I've sent it to many friends and family to increase the prayers. With God, ALL THINGS are possible!

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 6:55 PM CST
Timothy, Mark and Annie, we're thinking of you and sending many prayers up to God. Minute by minute, day by day. You're in the doctors' care and the Master's hands. Love to all of you from all of us.

Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy and Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 6:28 PM CST
Our prayers are with all of you. If there is ANYTHING you need, please don't hesitate to call us. We have grown to love all of you and to share this painful journey with you. Your faith, love and resilience will get Timothy through this. Hang in there little guy! We will light a candle here tonight in your honor. With hope and faith always,
Claudina <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 5:23 PM CST
Ann, Mark and Timothy:

My thoughts and prayers are with you all as Timothy battles in the ICU. From your journal entries, I can tell that Timothy is a tough little guy with a lot of fight and two of the strongest, most loving parents ever.

I love Timothy's tee-shirt slogans. For a little comic relief, I've thought of a few more:

Tough Tim (on a white tank top a la Kid Rock style)
Tenacious T
and for the science dorks: Mitosis Rocks!

Katie Padden <kdpadden@hotmail.com>
Boston, MA USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 5:17 PM CST
May angels surround your little bed, Tim-Tim, and hold you and your sweet Mom and Dad tenderly.....Uncle Doodle Higgins
Mark Higgins <mark@hallwynne.com>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 5:06 PM CST
Annie, Mark and Timothy, You are in our prayers each day. May God continue to give you strength--special prayers to Timothy as he endures this latest visit to the hospital. Grow cells Grow!! Much Love, Ellen, James and Catherine Patterson
Ellen, James and Catherine Patterson <ellenbpatterson@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 4:30 PM CST
Mark, Anne & Timmy ... Ive got a whole catholic high school praying for you and your family! May God bring you through your hardships and may the love for one another bring smiles to your faces. We all love you. Keep on fightin' Timmy...there are a lot of people routing for you. Much love, Tori
Tori Hatch <torihatch@hotmail.com>
Annapolis, MD USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 2:43 PM CST
The Wirth Family's praying for all of you as well. we love you and are cheering you on. Go Timmy Go!
Matt Wirth <mwirth@walkerco.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 2:29 PM CST
Annie, Mark and Timothy chéris,
We pray for you with all the strengh of our faith in Jesus Christ. May the lord of God help you hour after hour. The three of you are on Jesus'arms. We beleive that Timothy can already do miracles around him. He will always do. Nous croyons toujours en sa guérison. We are so closed to you. I saw a sister from the Dominicain communauty this afternoon and ask them to pray more and more for you. They do send you their affection. We miss you so much, and love you more and more.

chantal, Dominique, Hélène, Pierre, Ombeline, Jeanne, Maëlys, Vincent, Jean Gabriel and Eglantine <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 2:04 PM CST
Mark, Anne, and Timmy, the McMahon's from over in Raleigh are praying hard for all of you. If there is anything we can possibly do for you, errands etc, please let us know.
All our love.
Home: 919-577-9848, Tim cell: 264-6613, Tim work: 577-0612,

Tim & Kathleen McMahon <mcmahont@us.ibm.com>
Raleigh, NC USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 2:02 PM CST
Mark, Anne, and Timothy,

Please know that my thoughts are prayers are with all of you. Timothy has a big fan down here in Atlanta! Keep fighting and be brave!

Bart Griffith

Bart Griffith <bartleygriffith@yahoo.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 2:00 PM CST
As always you are in my thoughts and prayers. All my love, Katie B
Katie Braham <Kathryn.Braham@morganstanley.com>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 1:15 PM CST
Tacos...praying for you in the windy city. Timmy, after you get this weight thing figured out you need to send us your secrets (maybe publish a book). I check this website daily and every time I see Tim I can't help but have a smile come cracking across my face. I love you guys. Keep the faith.

Todd Haberkost <toddhaberkost@gmail.com>
Chicago, IL - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:29 AM CST
Dear Ritacco Family,

The Shanahan's from Buffalo checking in to send some positive thoughts and prayers Timmy's way. Keep the faith and NEVER give up hope!!

Joe, Kelly, Quinton, Emma and Kiera Shanahan

Joe Shanahan <jshanahan@ikon.com>
Buffalo, NY US - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:24 AM CST
We are thinking about the three of you and saying our prayers. May you continue to find the strength you all need to get to the other side of this...All our Love, Laurie, Jon and Sam Nassif
Laurie and Jon Nassif <lwatters@parkbenchpress.com>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:21 AM CST
Mark, Anne & Timothy - As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers. May the talented doctors and nurses help Timothy over this hump and bring his smile back.
Stay Strong.
Katy, Craig, Justin & Cameron Duda

Katy Duda <katy_duda@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:21 AM CST
Dear Anne and Mark, I am so sad to read that Timothy is back in the hospital. Two steps forward, one step backward. I can only imagine the frustration you are feeling. The unknown must be the hardest. Your faith will keep you strong and Timothy will keep you smiling. Much love and many prayers for quick answers, outpatient status and a happy baby! You are never far from my thoughts and our families prayers. Love, Coco
Coco Harris <harris910@comcast.net>
Chicago, IL - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:05 AM CST
Anno, Mark and T,
May God may be with you today and every day and may the holy spirit lift you up, give you strength and fill you with God's peace.
All my love and prayers,

Kirstjen Nielsen
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 11:54 AM CST
The Watters family is praying for you guys and especially Timmy (nobody prays like Nancy Watters). Keep the faith.
Rob Watters
Orinda, CA USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 11:52 AM CST
Dear Ritacco Family,

We are sending out positive thoughts and prayers for all of you. God Bless.

Adam, Teri, Laney, and William Howe

Adam Howe <adam.howe@grubb-ellis.com>
Cleveland, Ohio USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 11:50 AM CST
We love you all so much and send our prayers.
Susan, Chris and Mark

Susan Lane <suelane1@comcast.net>
Denver, CO US - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 11:48 AM CST
Team Ritacco,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless you all.

Stay Strong,
Dave O, Mary Karen and Dave O Jr.

David X. O'Shaughnessy <oshaughn@sig.com>
Philly, pa usa - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 11:42 AM CST
Mark,Anne, and Timmy,

We are thinking of you and praying for health and a speedy recovery. Keep your heads up and try to keep smiling.

Justin, Kelly, Kelsey adn Connor Cashman <jlcashmanmd@yahoo.com>
Annapolis, MD USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 11:34 AM CST
Mark, Anno and Timmy,

Thanks for continuing to demonstrate such faith. Our thoughts and prayers are with you today!


Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 11:24 AM CST
The amount of love and support in this guestbook is amazing and humbling. The faith of all of us has been strengthened by the ongoing miracles. We're thinking of you often and send up prayers each time!
Kim, Rico, Richard, Jimmy and Johnny

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:21 AM CST
Well, its time I checked in again with you guys! Uncle Benjie here... I read your journal updates everyday, and it is so reassuring to be able to keep up with what is going on. Praying for you.... hope that the swelling issue gets fixed real soon...
love, benjie

Ben Haley <benhaley138@msn.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:50 AM CST
Good morning Mark,Annie,Timmy (and Patsy, too!)

I'm sure the fantastic staff at the clinic will figure out the right course of action soon. These are trying times for you guys, to say the least. Hang in there. I'm so glad Patsy is there with you. She always brings in a rush of fresh air and perspective.

Well, I know better than to try knitting, (by the way, the hat is AWESOME. Dan was wearing it yesterday while we visited Tommy) so I'm off to make some soup to take to over later. You are in our thoughts and prayers always. We love you and miss you very much.


Dan and Jan

Jan Haley <writejan@comcast.net>
Lakewood, CO - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 8:29 AM CST
God loves you so very much Mark, Anne, Timothy and all your beloved family and dearest friends. May He bless you with his greatness and spirit you through this journey. I have been praying for you and dear Timothy from the beginning and send you and my family's prayers and love. Not a single day passes without thoughts of you all and of course, lots and lots of prayers. In the name of Jesus we pray for the coverage of dear Timothy today and always.
(From Auntie Terri's old friend!)XOXOXO

Camilla Kostic Yazijian (Husband Raffi and sons Julian and Sebastian, 14 months) <flygt5@aol.com>
Los Angeles, CA USA - Tuesday, November 16, 2004 0:22 AM CST
My love and prayers have been with you as I traveled the last month. I was not always able to access your website but tried to keep up with what is happening to your family - the three of you. My favorite mantra has had extra work as I have prayed for you - Peace, Be Still.

Grow cells, grow. GO FLUID GO, Timothy doesn't need you!


Fern Balaun

Fern Balaun <FernBalaun@Juno.com>
Littleton, CO USA - Monday, November 15, 2004 7:48 PM CST

No worries big guy....I actually gained 43 pounds my first year of college and eventually returned to my fightin' weight. You too, will prevail! Our thoughts and prayers are with you as always. Take good care of your mom and dad. We love you!

Uncle Higgs

Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Monday, November 15, 2004 6:07 PM CST
Hi Ann and Mark,
What a wonderful web site. Holding you in thought and prayer - surrounding you all with God's healing love and light. Praying that Timothy's every cell will vibrates with the heart beat of God bringing restored health and wholeness.
Love in Christ,

Phyllis Nielsen <pmn565@earthlink.com>
- Monday, November 15, 2004 4:27 PM CST
I am so happy that mom is there to help out, I just know that she is making everyone giggle!! We are sending our prayers and all of our good vibes a million times a day. We love you and hope your amazing doctors can get to the bottom of the super-size kilo issue.
Katy, Isa, Reggie <katyayers@comcast.net>
DENVER, CO usa - Monday, November 15, 2004 4:01 PM CST
Anno, Mark and T,
I wish I could be there to feed you all buffalo wings (well maybe T we will start you out with some diluted sauce :-) ), make sure none of the care packages have chex mix and watch some baseball movies with you.
Thinking of you all the time and holding you all up in prayer.
All my love and prayers,

Kirstjen Nielsen <kmn4@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, November 15, 2004 1:55 PM CST
I wish I could be there to be Timothy's nurse! I hope all the solutions become clear soon and that everything resolves quickly! I'll keep watching for news!
Jennifer Lumb <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
Bristol, UK - Monday, November 15, 2004 1:39 PM CST
Just thinking of you all and sending all my prayers and good thoughts (and whatever else I can think of) to help get to the bottom of T's blossoming size--I know it must be great to have Zoom there to take care of you guys as you take care of your little guy. I can't imagine there is any problem that the two Ayers women can't solve (with Ms. Katy pitching in from afar...). Thinking of you and sending LOTS of love. I hope that tea was decaf and you were able to get some sleep!
Ruth Ann <ruthannkeene@yahoo.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, November 15, 2004 11:43 AM CST
thinking of you and wishing you a good week this week - may questions and prayers be answered on all ends.
much love,
mati buccini
(caterina's aunt)

mati bonetti buccini <matibonetti@hotmail.com>
new york, ny - Monday, November 15, 2004 9:43 AM CST
Dear Annie, Mark & Sir Timothy,
I am sending you all a big, big hug and of course continued prayers. I pray that the little man gets some relief very soon. Lots of love, Auntie Meg

Meghan <megrich@sbcglobal.net>
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, November 15, 2004 9:35 AM CST
Annie, Mark and "Two-ton Timmy",

So glad to hear that Zoom has come for a visit. We think of you so often and you are always foremost in our prayers. C&E send extra kisses to sweet Timmy. Stay tough and keep the faith-remember, you're putting together a miracle piece by piece. We love you.

Robin, Dennis, Caroline & Emma

Robin Farwell Schuh <rfschuh@optonline.net>
Scarsdale, NY - Monday, November 15, 2004 8:55 AM CST
Well, here's to a fresh start to the week. Hopefully, T will be back home soon and feeling better after the long weekend. Rest assured that all of us across the country and around the world are pulling for you and wishing you the best!

Lots of love, Julie

Julie Goldsmith Reiser <jreiser@cmht.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, November 15, 2004 7:15 AM CST
More prayers and love from Kingwood. And, Hi to Zoom! Glad she can be there with you. I know how comforting and helpful she can be. Go, fluid, GOOOOOOO!!!
Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX 77339 - Monday, November 15, 2004 7:14 AM CST
We are thinking of you and we are with you in spirit. Lord, please continue Your miracles with this family. Help T's donor cells grow, his body to accept them, and his fluid to disperse. Be with his parents as they go through this "bump in the road." Lord, thank you for their faith and support, and that Zoom was able to be with them. Thank you for the caring doctors and nurses on the unit and thank you for all your mercies. Amen.
Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Monday, November 15, 2004 6:29 AM CST
Bless you all. Looks like I got the night shift again--many prayers and thoughts coming your way--sleep while you can Mom and Dad while the staff take some of the work off you two. Lord we pray, take this extra fluid load off this precious little babe and bring the sat(oxygen)levels up. Let him heal and sleep.GO FLUID GOOOO! Work cells grow cells GROW.

Give them all hugs and kisses for us all. So great you are back again Patsy.

Love and prayers, Joanie

Joanie Benner <JABenhur@MSN.COM>
ColoradoSprings, CO - Monday, November 15, 2004 3:56 AM CST
Hugs and kiss for all of you from Sierra Vista. We wish we could be there too to deliver them in person. Please distribute them yourselves and tell each other they're from Aunt Carol and Uncle Jerry.
Grow cells grow; Go fluid go

Aunt Carol & Uncle Jerry <tinkb357@aol.com>
Sierra Vista, AZ USA - Sunday, November 14, 2004 9:58 PM CST
Johnny says "Hi, T." It's his way of avoiding bed and it's working! We're thinking of you lots!
Kim and the guys

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Sunday, November 14, 2004 9:05 PM CST
Just a note to let you know I missed your smiling faces at clinic today. I think of you all the time, and pray the weekend has been a good one. Today is the anniversary of my brother's passing, 18 years ago. I know he is watching over Timothy also... Stay strong and have faith. With love to you all,
Claudina <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Sunday, November 14, 2004 2:22 PM CST
Anne, Mark and Timothy,
I keep on checking on you guys. My prayers are with you all!Timothy is so strong with the support of his fabulous parents. Take Care!
Love,Nancy Kinney, Nido 1

Nancy Kinney <saknck@comcast.net>
Westminster, CO USA - Sunday, November 14, 2004 9:47 AM CST
Annie, Mark and Timothy,
Du nouveau à Eppeville !
Alors que nous étions tranquillement entrain de déjeuner avec Dominique hier à midi, un flot d'embulances et de pompiers est passé devant la maison tous feux alumés. Dominique a été tenté d'appeler l'usine au tél, mais voyant qu'on ne l'appelait pas, il n'a pas bougé. Il est obligé de prendre un peu de recul et ne peut pas s'affoler dès qu'un pompier passe !!! c'était sans compter notre petite églantine, assez bavarde à cette heure... qui a du couvrir la sonnerie du téléphone. Vers 15 h, décidant d'aller acheter la tronçonneuse de ses rêves, avec Vincent, ils quittent la maison. La surprise a été grande pour lui ! Il avait plusieurs messages sur son portable (laissé dans la voiture) lui annonçant que l'atelier de désydratation des pulpes (à droite en face de la sucrerie) avait explosé ! Vincent n'est évidemment pas allé plus loin. Il est revenu à la maison pour nous annoncer ce qui venait de se passer. Nous avons revu Dominique vers 20 h puis il est reparti parce que des foyers de feu restaient encore à éteindre. Miracle, il y a seulement 3 blessés légers. La désy est à reconstruire, c'est de l'extérieur un spectacle de désolation, la sucrerie ne peut plus fonctionner qu'à moitié grâce aux pulpes qui sont envoyées dans toutes les sucreries environnantes. Nous avons vu les dégats sur FR3 hier au soir, Dominique est passé à la Radio ce matin et il y aura un nouveau reportage ce soir ! Dommage que vous n'ayiez pas FR3... ah ! ces américains.... Enfin, il fait face, je suis vraiment fière de lui. Il n'a pas eu beaucoup de temps pour penser à son petit Timothy chéri et à son papa à sa maman, mais j'y veille! Je vous embrasse pour nous deux très tendrement. Love, Love, Love.....

Chantal <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Sunday, November 14, 2004 7:25 AM CST
Just stopping by to say hi and let you know that you all are thought of often.
With HOPE,

Michelle Gwin <moocow517@comcast.net>
Mullica Hill, NJ USA - Saturday, November 13, 2004 1:56 PM CST
Hi, guys. Just checking in to say keep up the good work and know that we are always thinking of you (we, your international fan club=]=])
All the best.
Love, Tanya

Tanya Haley <tch2r@virginia.edu>
Charlottesville, VA - Saturday, November 13, 2004 11:24 AM CST
The weekend is here and I hope that it brings much rest, relaxation and fluid dispersal! Our prayers are with you always. We love you!

The Storck Nest <cstorck@gcnetmail.net>
Oakland, MD USA - Saturday, November 13, 2004 7:52 AM CST
Hi Guys,
I saw the Kerrigans last night. Mary Jo said she keeps you, Timothy,with your picture on the prayer card with her all the time and you are in her rosary every day. You have a pretty amazing fan club, you know. I for one am proud to be part of it. Wish I could come see you right now and kiss all that fluid away. We continue on the prayers - big ones tonight. Cool hat, Annie. I think Mimi would approve. xoxox. Love you so much. Peggy and Chris by proxy from Camp St. Malo.

Peggy , Chris, Mary Helen, Juliana, Catherine and Christopher <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Saturday, November 13, 2004 0:10 AM CST
Well, Annie, you've got me back knitting and crocheting. I've inherited 2 generations of yarn, so let me know if you need any ;). There's a web site with free patterns (lion brand yarn) if you decide to venture past the hats (though I do like the picture of Timmy and Tommy in cat-in-the-hat hats that comes to mind with Danny's note!
We appreciate all the comments you and yours make and enjoy the feeling of connectedness throughout the country. Gotta switch to a picture of T -- Johnny's requesting it!
love and peace to you all!
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy and Johnny

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Friday, November 12, 2004 3:31 PM CST
More thoughts and prayers from Grand Rapids.
Molly Kelly <molly.kelly@woodtv.com>
Grand Rapids, MI US - Friday, November 12, 2004 10:36 AM CST
More love and prayers for Timothy and all of you from Grand Rapids!! What a beautiful and strong little boy. There are no strangers in prayer. Go fluids go!!
Amanda Roelofs <amanda.roelofs@woodtv.com>
Grand Rapids, MI - Friday, November 12, 2004 9:31 AM CST
Jean Doll here... from WOOD-TV8.
Your child is so beautiful...
Just wanted to add my love and support.
Keep your spirits up. Your schedule sounds overwhelming...so take care of yourselves and eachother as well. Stay Strong.


Jean Doll
Grand Rapids, MI USA - Friday, November 12, 2004 8:32 AM CST
Greetings T, A and M,
Lots of prayers (away with the fluid! up and up with the platelets!) flowing from the May and Goldberg clans. Rarely does a day go by when Mom, Greg, or Vik aren't asking for updates and giving prodding reminders that they send their love...along with ours. We sure miss you guys and continue to be awed by your spirit, cheer, faith and love. Keep up the good work...especially you, Timothy! You are a champ!
xoxo Di, Tigger (and Honey, Chuck, Greg, and Vikki, too!)

Di May <dgoldberg05@student.law.du.edu>
Denver, CO - Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:43 PM CST
Hi Annie,
This message is for you, but please give Timmy and Mark a hug and a kiss? for me as I only have a minute to post what I want to say. Two things.. First of all, I loved the hat that you knitted for Tommy. Secondly, your interesting choice of words for Timmy in yesterdays journal was priceless.. my "two-ton son". I know things could be better for Tim, but do you think he'd mind if I called him "two-ton Tim" for a while?
Love, Danny
ps.. by chance, do I qualify for a tassle on top of a knitted hat? If so, blue and orange are a couple of colors that I like ;o) bye bye, love ya, Danny

Dan Haley <dan@freshscentcarpet.com>
- Thursday, November 11, 2004 10:42 PM CST
Hi, Timmy, Ann and Mark! I've been thinking about the three of you all day. Your faith in T's medical team is so comforting to me and I'm sure to others who read your journals and see your pictures. Thanks for sharing so generously even through the more difficult times. Grow cells, GROW! and, Go away, fluid, GO!
Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 8:40 PM CST
Good evening! Just want to share a scripture from 1 Peter that is on my heart with Ann, Mark and Timmy. You all are in more prayers than you know.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade--kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls."

Lindsey Higgins
The Woodlands, TX - Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:12 PM CST
Hi, Timmy. Zoom says that Tommy's hat looks a lot like the one your mommy knit for you. Tommy thinks he looks like the cat in the hat when he wears it. What do you think you look like? We hope you and your mommy and daddy get some rest today. We love you all very much.

Tommy and Elsie

Elsie Haley <haleye@4dv.net>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 4:23 PM CST
Coucou d'Eppeville,
Dominique et moi sommes souvent absents en ce moment, mais dès que nous revenons de la maison, nous allons directement au bureau et ouvrons notre ordinateur pour avoir des nouvelles. Merci du fond du coeur de nous permettre de vous suivre pas à pas. Ainsi, notre désir d'être avec vous, près de vous, est comblé. Nous prions pour que toute l'équipe qui gravite autour de vous trouve les traitements adaptés à chaque jour et pour que les effets indésirables diminuent. Nous vous embrassons très tendrement tous les trois.

Chantal et Dominique <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Thursday, November 11, 2004 3:03 PM CST
Hi guys,
I think the whole conversion from pounds to kilos is too taxing on my brain so I'm out of the contest!
I've been keeping up with the journal entries and wanted to send some extra strength your way today. I can only imagine how tired you must be but I also know you'll get over this hurdle as well. I would love nothing more than to hop in my car right now and drive down to help out and give each of you a big hug! Stay strong and stay positive. Give the big/little guy kisses from all of us.

The Stecker clan <katiestecker@aol.com>
Pittsburgh, PA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 12:20 AM CST
Hi Timothy,
Katy and I are off to join Zach Smith and friends for the Timmy Ritacco Bowl-a-thon at noon today. We're looking forward to some fun and anticipate a deflated "kingpin" report by the end of the day. We'll be in the cheering section (so don't worry) thinking of you, Big T. Hi to all your nurses and a big hug to Sue and Dr. K. I know they're taking the very best care of you and your Mom and Dad. with love and prayers, Zoom

pat ayers <payers@homebroker.net>
denver, co - Thursday, November 11, 2004 12:12 AM CST
Hi Ann & Mark & Timothy!
I miss you still! I am in my 2nd week of working on the BMT unit here. It's very different from 5200! I hope you guys figure out what's causing all this fluid retention; but I'm quite sure T's just as adorable as ever!
love, Jennifer

Jennifer Lumb <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
Bristol, UK - Thursday, November 11, 2004 11:29 AM CST
Good morning you three! I hope Timothy (along with his team) find a comfortable way to get rid of the extra fluid. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, Johnny

The Vera Haley Clan <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Thursday, November 11, 2004 9:05 AM CST
Good Morning Timothy Annie & Mark,
May the Lord bless you and protect you.
May the Lord smile upon you today and be gracious to you all.
May the Lord show His favor and give you His peace.
We love you and pray for healing and guidance for you all daily.
Grow cells, GROW. Go away fluid, GO.
Love you,
Jackie,Dick,Michael,Danny,Ricky & Jeffrey

Jackie Haley <jackiehaley99@yahoo.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Thursday, November 11, 2004 8:01 AM CST
Grandpa Ritacco here,
You echo all of us who wish we could take on some of your duties each day and surround you with love and caring.
Just know that Mom and myself pray for you two and the Little Guy(or maybe I should say the BIG GUY) everyday.

Love & Hugs,

Paul Ritacco <paitalent@aol.com>
- Thursday, November 11, 2004 7:51 AM CST
Hey guys,
Just getting caught up on your journals... Durhamitis is brilliantly accurate. But you my friends will one fine day leave this place with a one healthy Mr. T-Man in tow. It sounds as though your fighting hard against thrombocytopenia and a defeat is insight. You are in my thoughts daily and am chanting all of my OOOMMMMM's (yoga sound) in Timothy's honor.


Carrington Jackson <carrington_razook@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC US - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 1:07 PM CST
My mom reports that all of St. Michael's parish in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts is praying up a storm for one Timothy Ritacco as well as for his amazing mom and dad. This woman ropes in everyone she knows to be a part of this prayer chain and it just keeps getting longer. So, good things coming at you from all parts of the country, including lots of strangers who are praying for more growing. I think some of them must have sent prayers to your tummy, Timothy, but we shall redirect them to your cells! Have a great and growth-ful week!
Marylou Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO US - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 12:12 AM CST
Lord, you know the answer to all things, this is why we pray. I pray for little Timothy. Lord protect his little body and give his family strength to trust in you. You are the master and we forever seek your face. Amen
monet walker <borntomotivate@yahoo.com>
jacksonville, fl usa - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 10:55 AM CST
Just checking in to say a quick hello, i've been thinking about you 3 today and i love you!
erin <erinehaley@yahoo.com>
denver, - Wednesday, November 10, 2004 0:16 AM CST
Hi Timmy!
I just started following your journal after the wirths wouldn't stop talking about how amazing and adorable and perfect you are. Couldn't help but take a peak at your pictures and i think it's safe to say you'll be able to use that charm to get out of more than a few swimming lessons in the lake in years to come. Mark, last time i saw you i was probably getting pegged in the face with dodgeballs from your 7B groupers, wes delancey and flash birkett. But i'm now officially on the grow cells grow bandwagon. timmy's a rockstar from what i've seen and read. keep it up, little man! your strength and hope inspire us all. I'm with you in spirit from cleveland, Ohio!!!

Kelly Sherwin <ksherwin@alumni.princeton.edu>
Cleveland, OH - Tuesday, November 9, 2004 6:53 PM CST
Thinking of you and praying for you daily! Keep up the good work Timmy.

All my best.


Katie Braham <Kathryn.Braham@morganstanley.com>
- Tuesday, November 9, 2004 10:01 AM CST
Uncle Paul gave me your web address... just thought I'd say hello and send good wishes...
Jenny Beeson <beesonic92@yahoo.com>
Alexandria, VA USA - Monday, November 8, 2004 5:24 PM CST

KATY & ISA <katyayers@comcast.net>
DENVER, CO USA - Monday, November 8, 2004 2:14 PM CST
Platelet prayers are on the way and prayers for all three
of you. Much Love, The Kildeas

Linda Kildea <lkildea@aol.com>
Washington , DC - Monday, November 8, 2004 12:29 AM CST
Thinking of you all often. Thanks for the specifics to pray for. Love,
Kim and the guys

Kim Vera <VHFamily!@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Monday, November 8, 2004 8:04 AM CST
Thinking of the three of you, so thought I'd let you know. Way to go with the steady count, keep growing those good cells. A break from clinic visits will be welcomed I know. Meghan is coming to DC on the 11th and I am going to TN and Dr. Rich is going to a medical meeting. Great timing all the way around. No matter where I may be, however, I keep you three close to heart and lifted in prayer. Thanks for naming specifics of how to pray.
Love to ya'll (has the southern draw caught up with ya?)
Marty Rich

Marty Rich <msmrich@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA USA - Sunday, November 7, 2004 3:45 PM CST
Hi there Timothy, Annie and Mark, It is a grand day in colorado. No snow yet, but I am sure it will come soon. I have prayers coming your way Timothy to get those platlets growing, I hope that's spelled right. I will build my first snow man for you. Mark and Annie, know you are in my prayers and many many more others who love. Take care. Love cousin susie, colorado springs.
Susie Dougherty <susie1846@msn.com>
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Sunday, November 7, 2004 1:20 PM CST
Dear Timothy, Thanks for all the fun stuff! We are using them to decorate Tommy's first floor suite. :) We were so happy to hear about your platelets. We love you. Hugs to your mom and dad ,too,

Love, Tommy, Elsie, Matt and Erin

Elsie Haley <haleye@4dv.net>
Denver, CO USA - Saturday, November 6, 2004 8:58 PM CST

My computer skills are also weak. Sorry about the multiple entries.

Higgs <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Saturday, November 6, 2004 4:23 PM CST

I have a pathetic knowldge of medicine and therfore don't really know what platelets are. However, holding them seems awesome! Rip and roar Timmy.

Love, Higgs

Higgs <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Saturday, November 6, 2004 4:21 PM CST

I have a pathetic knowledge of medicine and therfore really don't know what platelets are. However, holding them seems to be awesome! Rip and roar Timmy! Our prayers are with you.

Love the Higgins Family

Higgs #32 <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Saturday, November 6, 2004 4:20 PM CST
Great platelet news! We're donating platelets here at home to help the general cause. We continue to pray for strength and healing--God listens! All our love, Lydia and Pat
Patrick and Lydia Chaverin McKenzie <pmcknz@prodigy.net>
Sarasota, FL USA - Saturday, November 6, 2004 3:55 PM CST
Thanks for the updates. Great job holding platelets, T! Prayers and thoughts of good health are coming your way from ours. Love,
The Vera crew

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Friday, November 5, 2004 8:53 PM CST
Hey, guys. Glad to hear you're holding your platelets Timothy! Keep up the good work! You are quite a strong person, along with your parents. I'm sending you continued wishes of good progress.Grow, cells, GROW!! Platelets, you stay put, and no more seizures!!
love always, Tanya

Tanya <tch2r@virginia.edu>
Charlottesville , VA - Friday, November 5, 2004 7:00 PM CST
Who can resist chubby cheeks? Good thing I'm not in Durham or I might try to pinch them. Keep on growing platelets young Timothy. I am sending my best wishes to the three of you for a great fall weekend with no clinic visits!
Patty Roth <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
- Friday, November 5, 2004 2:41 PM CST
Your remarkable sense of humor coupled with your faith brings such strength to your table. What an inspiration you have been! I know that Jesus and Mary are watching closely over each of you every minute of every day. And, we continue to draw strength from reading your journals and guestbook greetings. Of course, we look forward to more pictures. You have spoiled us! Continued prayers and love from Texas, and Grow cells, GROW!
Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Friday, November 5, 2004 9:56 AM CST
You are such wonderful parents and an inspiration to every-
one. We continue to pray for the three of you. Hugs to all. Love, The Kildeas

Linda Kildea
Washington , DC US - Thursday, November 4, 2004 12:29 AM CST
Give each of those chubby cheeks a kiss for us. Glad to hear you're hanging tough and still laughing.

Jenna and Jon
Denver, CO - Thursday, November 4, 2004 9:13 AM CST
Anno, Tacco and Timbo,

Please, no more Sox analogies! Come on, you know I am a Yankee fan! Maybe we can meet in the middle and use some old EMHO analogies.
I was glad to read the journal entry this morning. Our thoughts and prayers remain with you daily. Keep smiling and keep praying. You are all inspiring us with your continuous faith. I will hope to see you again soon.


Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Thursday, November 4, 2004 7:13 AM CST
Glad you all have more up times/moments/days than down! Yes,you are in our thoughts and prayers often!
Now you know why medical people have such odd senses of humor;) Also why we laugh and joke so often.
Here's something for you to think about--we have a 14month old English Springer puppy--Zeke. Well our neighbor across the alley doesn't like the tone &/or pitch of his bark.....can you see us trying to give him voice/singing lesssons??it's FUN:)
You all remain on our church prayer circle.

Love and prayers, Joanie et al

Colorado Springs , CO - Thursday, November 4, 2004 0:49 AM CST
Those growing cells are stirring things up. You three are a true inspiration. We will continue to pray for you all. Kiss big T for us. We'll be in touch again soon.
We love you all very much.

Susie, Richard and Jack Davis <susieemail@yahoo.com>
Greenville, SC - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 7:18 PM CST
so GOOD to hear from you and know that things are going relatively well. at least you have had some sunny days for all your runs to clinic. hug your chubby-cheeked babe for us.
mary and bill gilland <grandmary5@yahoo.com>
SEATTLE, wa usa - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 3:23 PM CST
I love that you are remembering to laugh! I smile each time I read the entries. Love and prayers going your way! Grow cells, GROW!
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 3:13 PM CST
We think of you often and pray the most recent test results were good. Thank you for keeping us all in touch with you.
Love to each, Tuggie and Mike

Tuggie Armstrong <tuggiearmstrong@aol.com>
Richmond, Va - Wednesday, November 3, 2004 6:33 AM CST
Just a note to let you know we're thinking of you this Election Evening. Lots of good wishes are coming your way. Love,

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 6:47 PM CST
Oh - I forgot...if Becky has extra flyers on the Bowl-A-Thon, I'd love to post them at the school: Montessori Academy of Colorado. While most of the families are working parents, some like me, do have the day off and it sounds like a lot of fun! Please send a copy to my e-mail. Thanks...
Jo-Nell Herndon <jonellherndon@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 5:03 PM CST
Hello Timothy and Family,
We are thinking of you often and find inspiration in all that you are doing! We send our prayers daily and miss you at the Montessori Academy. It is amazing the strength and resilience that children have....We are also glad to hear that you cheered for the Red Sox. We happened to plan our fall trip appropriately and were in Boston and the Cape during the play-offs with the Yankees. Happy Halloween and Happy Election Day! We sure will be happy to not have to watch those nasty election ads anymore!
The Herndon / Chadd Family - Jo-Nell, John and Katharine (in Infant Community 1)

Jo-Nell Herndon <jonellherndon@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 4:58 PM CST
Happy Election Day, Timothy! I was at the polls this morning thinking of you and voting for the guy who supports stem cell research because it is THAT important (but you already know that, don't you, my favorite little cell grower). This may be the only time your parents let me get away with this so I'll take full advantage: KERRY-EDWARDS ALL THE WAY! WOOOHOOOO!
Marylou Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO 80218 - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 10:55 AM CST
Je pars à l'Hermitage ce matin et je veux vous embrasser très fort avant de poursuivre ma journée qui a commencé par une louange ce matin avec Dominique (avant de nous séparer)et vous étiez tous les trois avec nous.
Dominique se souviendra du WE de la Toussaint ! Il a passé deux jours complets à l'usine ! grosse panne ! nous vous embrassons tous les trois tendrement.

chantal, Dominique, Hélène, Pierre, Ombeline, Jeanne, Maëlys, Vincent, Jean Gabriel and little sister.... <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, france - Tuesday, November 2, 2004 0:47 AM CST
BOO! I hope you had a Happy Halloween!

Katy <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, co usa - Monday, November 1, 2004 6:11 PM CST
Here's wishing you a beautiful fall day -- I'm watching the sun rise over orange leaves and it is gorgeous! I hope your days have been filled with drives in fall foliage and rest (not to mention cell growing!). Love and prayers,
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy and Johnny

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Monday, November 1, 2004 6:02 AM CST
Anne,Mark and Timmy,
Happy Halloween! The weather is finally turning cold in Denver, snow predicted for tonight. Continue to be strong and I'm thinking and praying for all three of you.
Love, Amy (&Jack of course!)

Amy Edwards <U21Bananas@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Sunday, October 31, 2004 2:04 PM CST
Happy Halloween! Hope all is well there. We just finished our beautiful fall colors ("Autumn Glory" is the big festival around us) and have moved into more of the gray of winter, although for now the weather is still warmish. We did have snow for the Autumn Glory parade though! We think of you at least daily and pray all continues to go well.
Love and Prayers,

Cindy, Steve, Sarah, AJ, and Jessica <cstorck@gcnetmail.net>
Oakland, MD USA - Sunday, October 31, 2004 5:37 AM CST
Chers Annie, Mark and Timothy,
Maëlys, Vincent, Jean-Gabriel et Eglantine passent le WE avec nous à Eppeville. Nous vous embrassons tous les trois tendrement et très très fort. Nous espérons bien vite pouvoir nous avoir près de nous et prions pour la guérison de Timothy toujours plus fort. Nous pensons à vous qui allez devoir voter et prions aussi pour ces élections. Tendrement de nous tous.

Chantal and Dominique Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Saturday, October 30, 2004 4:57 AM CDT
Mark, Ann & Timothy,
You are truly an inspiration. We are thinking of you and sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. Ann - I love to read your journal entries. Thanks for keeping us informed with such eloquence!
Love from CA --- Amy, John, Halyard and Kaiyo

Amy Inaba Freyder <amyinaba@earthlink.net>
Newport Beach, CA USA - Friday, October 29, 2004 11:49 PM CDT
Hi guys, just checking in to say hello and happy Halloween! Love from the Veras!
Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Friday, October 29, 2004 3:00 PM CDT
Hi Timothy, Ann, Mark,
I'm in Bristol now! I miss you guys! I'm glad though that it sounds like you're doing okay overall (tounge-biting excepted). I haven't had a chance to check websites & email since I got here until today; but I should have pretty reasonable access now. Grow donor cells grow!

Jennifer Lumb <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
Bristol, UK - Friday, October 29, 2004 2:38 AM CDT
Hi Timothy, Annie and Mark,
Just checking in. We miss you and pray always. I love seeing how many people love you too. You are the best best best. MMMMMM That's the noise for a really big hug.

Love, Peggy <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, October 29, 2004 0:10 AM CDT
Hey, guys just wanted to wish you a happy halloween. I'll probably be dressing up as an 80s girl a la Flashdance--complete with off-the-shoulder sweatshirt and crimped hair hopefully. Go Red Sox!!
love, Tanya

Tanya Haley <tch2r@virginia.edu>
Charlottesville , VA - Thursday, October 28, 2004 8:49 PM CDT
Timothy, this New England girl is writing to tell you that if the Red Sox can win the World Series then I know for sure that you can triumph over low platelet counts and seizure meds. This is the year of the underdog, little man! Hmmmm, now THAT would be a cute costume for you this Halloween: da da da da da daaaaaaaaaaaa ... UNDERDOG! Go get 'em, kiddo!
Marylou Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO US - Thursday, October 28, 2004 5:02 PM CDT
Hi gang - just wanted to say that I'm so glad Timmy is having fun again and that am keeping my fingers crossed for his test results this week! Grow cells! Hope you are enjoying the lovely autumn in good old durham and that my alma mater is treating you well! Give that precious child a huge hug for me! Am praying hard for you guys. Love Curley
Jennifer Curley <jennifer.curley@linklaters.com>
London , England - Thursday, October 28, 2004 1:14 PM CDT
Mark, Anne, and Timmy,
I have made it a daily routine to check the website to keep pace with your progress. You are all an inspiration to many people all over the world. Especially to us new parents. May God bless you all and may God hold Timmy in the palm of His hand throughout this journey to recovery. We will see you at the flotilla off the bell tower Sunday July 3rd @ noon. Mark and Anne bring the beers, Timmy, you bring the water wings!
All The Best and Grow Cells, Grow!!!

Dave O, Mary Karen and Dave O Jr.

David X. O'Shaughnessy <oshaughn@sig.com>
Philly, PA USA - Thursday, October 28, 2004 12:20 AM CDT
Chers tous les 3, vous nous manquez encore et encore. Il y a toujours pas mal d'humour américain qui m'échappe dans vos écrits... mais je ris souvent sans comprendre un traitre mot, simplement parceque j'ai tellement l'impression de vous voir et de vous entendre ! J'ai monté ici un groupe de prière des mères chaque semaine à la maison. Des mamans qui ne te connaissent pas prient pour toi en France, Timothy, et demandent de grandes grâces. Ta photo est toujours dans notre coin prière. Au plus près du coeur de Jésus.
Love to you all, Hélène

Hélène Strauss <strausshp@wanadoo.fr>
Toulon, France - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 10:11 AM CDT
How refreshing to hear that Timothy is "having fun with us, again". And, yeah -- I'd love to see those Autum colors again myself. It just doesn't happen down here in Houston. Probably because of the weather -- it's too warm down here. Oh, well . . .

As you might suspect, we're pulling hard for terrific test results for Timothy, this week. Warmest regards, prayers and wishes once again from Texas. Grow cells, GROW!

Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Wednesday, October 27, 2004 7:24 AM CDT
Hi Timmy - Your progress is great. We keep you in our thoughts and prayers. love, Kathie and Peter
Kathie Schaumber <schaumber@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 11:32 PM CDT
Dear Annie, Mark, and Timothy,
What a wonderful, sparkling, lovely photo of Timothy. I just wanted to linger, looking at him, and smile back! What brilliant smiling eyes! Just came from the Adoration chapel... Sending much love and continuing prayer your way.
M. Sullivan

M. Sullivan
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:37 PM CDT
I just wanted to send prayers and thoughts your way. We are so happy Timothy is showing good signs. I hope the new study and medications in Nov help Timothy. You all are so amazing.

You have been added to our prayer list and to the prayer list at my mother's church (Melani's Granny). I believe God is helping to hold your arms up. Bless you all.

PS Go Sox!!!

Donnie Dawson <dawsonparents@yahoo.com>
Chickasha, Ok USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:32 AM CDT
Ann, Mark and Timothy,
Go Hoos!! Timothy must have wanted a little break from his usual costume -- Superman!! We're thinking of you guys lots! Grow, cells, Grow!
Love, Cliona and Art

Art and Cliona Levy <clevy@sonnenschein.com>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 9:38 AM CDT
Timothy, I can think of more fun costumes! I bet you gave your parents a scare! Ricardo is in Chile this week, and getting more prayers from there! The world is expanding. Thinking of you often.

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Monday, October 25, 2004 9:14 PM CDT
Annie, Mark and Timothy,
Much time has passed since I spoke with you Annie. Am blessed to read the good reports and see the precious photos of your cell growing Timothy...what an answer to prayer. Abundant entries express prayerful support for the three of you. Just think of all those unable or don't know to get in touch with you via this site. An around the world army of warriors in this battle with you. My best friend and I pray for healing and God's Word, Psalm 91:11, for Timothy. What a priviledge for us. I heard a teaching that life is not about the process of getting to a place or the place it's self, rather it's dealing with the interruptions along the way. That is our path. I am humbled by your strength, hope, integrity and faith as you walk this journey. Your invaluable sense of humor a gift. I send my thoughts, prayers and love across the miles. Bless you, Marty

Marty Rich <msmrich@aol.com>
Fairfax, VA USA - Monday, October 25, 2004 6:25 PM CDT
hi annie, mark and timothy!
You are an amazing family! Timothy sir, you are doing a fabulous job. I hadn't pulled up the site for a bit and was truly inspired by all of you and all you do. Keep up the good work. you are in my prayers...I am very excited to see you again!

Trudy Boulter <boulter.trudy@tchden.org>
denver, co - Monday, October 25, 2004 4:28 PM CDT
Anne, Mark and Timothy,

Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with you.

Rick and Stephanie

Rick Nathanson <rick@nathansonandcompany.com>
- Monday, October 25, 2004 4:14 PM CDT
Good Morning! Timothy, Annie & Mark,
We are praying for all of you!! We are so happy to have this website and keep up with Timothy's incredible progress!
Keep the faith and all the love you have for eachother, you are a wonderful family and have a lot of prayers and support from the Haley bunch!
Love & prayers to you all.
Dick, Jackie, Michael, Danny, Ricky & Jeffery too. xoxoxox

Jackie Haley <jackiehaley99@yahoo.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Monday, October 25, 2004 9:02 AM CDT
Happy Monday to you all --

I'm so glad to hear that the seizures have subsided and that the Durham health care providers are able to help Timothy focus on the most important task -- growing cells.

I can't wait to hear more positive reports as we head into November. Mark and Anno -- you guys are amazing! Hang tough.

Love, Julie

Julie Goldsmith Reiser <jreiser@cmht.com>
Washington, DC - Monday, October 25, 2004 7:11 AM CDT
Hi guys! Another win for the Red Sox -- Annie, keep on knitting! Timmy, you're working hard too, that's why you're so tired these days! It's hard to do all that cell growing AND all the growing that a one-year-old has to do. You're doing a great job! Annie and Mark, you two are amazing.
Love you muchly,

Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, and Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Monday, October 25, 2004 6:40 AM CDT
Hi, Annie, Mark, and Timothy. Thanks for the latest update. Pretty exciting, the possible drug study! We'll make sure Len hears about it. We keep all of you, and the community which has grown up around you, in our prayers. We especially remember in our prayers this incredible Haley family.
Now, guess what? It's a beautiful sunny day in Denver. So, we're going over to see if Jack can come out and play with our big puppy.
Love, Sue and Chris

Susan and Chris Lane <suelane1@comcast.net>
Denver, CO US - Saturday, October 23, 2004 3:30 PM CDT
Dear Timmy, Annie, and Mark,
I miss you so much, and I say my prayers every night especially for you. I try and say a prayer for you at least every hour.I love you!
love Catherine

Catherine <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
- Friday, October 22, 2004 6:15 PM CDT

I hope that you are watching the baseball playoffs with your mom and dad. Speaking of your dad, the Yankees sure could have used him the other night....Oh boy.

I hope that the cells are hitting a big growth spurt this week. Please give my best to your folks, the doctors and that Doodlebug character. Have a great weekend Timmy. All of the Higgins are praying with you every day!

Uncle Higgs

Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL - Friday, October 22, 2004 12:09 AM CDT
Dear Mark, Annie and Timothy,

I am a friend of your aunt Peggy Sheehan - my husband and I work in campus ministry and just had a baby girl, Cate, in April - she is now 6 months. Your journal entries and photos touched me deeply. You will be in our after Mass prayers! We are with you in Christ!

Libby, Matt and Cate McCartney <emccartney@focusonline.org>
Greeley, CO 80631 - Friday, October 22, 2004 0:26 AM CDT
What a sign that God is really directing this and carrying you all (and us) through this trial! I'm reminded of the Sure (deodorant) commercial -- raise your hands if you're sure! I see a lot of comments from people who are sure! (sure proud of you, sure supportive, sure of God's hand in the process, etc.) We think of you often and are impressed by the attitude of gratitude.

Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy and Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:39 AM CDT
We check in daily and continue to keep you in our prayers. In fact, Rose, Jacob and I went to adoration tonight and I overheard Jacob (on his knees with his head bowed into his hands) asking God to "please make Timmy all better." With all the prayers everyone has been throwing up to heaven, I have no doubt that God, like the judge you referred to from Sunday's gospel, will just have to give in. God bless!!
Felicity, John, Rose & Jacob <botaish@qwest.net>
- Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:56 PM CDT
Dear Timmy,Annie and Mark,
I'm praying even harder every day and if I know I didn't say prayers well enough I'll say them in my head and on my knee's.

Christopher Sheehan <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, October 20, 2004 8:58 PM CDT
Hi Timmy, Mark, and Annie. I was in Denver this past weekend, and Zoom took me over to see your home on Monday, which I really loved. The best part were all of the family pictures you have on the walls in the staircase. Reminds me a lot of Kim's home. Of course, I HAD to see Timothy's room. Everyone is so anxious to have you all home soon. And, Jack was asking about you, but I didn't know how to tell him how you all are doing. I thought ... "If I only had my laptop ..."

Anyway, this message is intended for Becky Smith and her son, Zach. I love the work you've done on the 1st Timmy Ritacco's Toy Fund/Bowling Partyfund raiser. Living in Texas, we have to settle for making a contribution and miss out on the fun, but I'd like to know if you'll be offering t-shirts for sale to us out-of-towners. If so, maybe you could post the selling price so we can put our order in. (You can give our shirts to Zoom.) A special thanks for your efforts accompanies greeting. You are a real blessing. Thank you, Becky, and thank you, Zach!!!

And, once again we send our prayers and love from Texas to Annie, Mark and Timmy! Grow cells, GROW!

Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 7:28 PM CDT
Hi Ann, Mark & Timmy, We've got our 1st Timmy Ritacco's Toy Fund/Bowling Party for Cory Elementary Families and anyone else who can make it, set-up for Thursday, November 11th at Monaco Lanes from 11 to 1 pm. (Which is a school day-off) We are copying 366 flyers right now which will go out to all of the students tomorrow in their backpacks. Zach is going to be making a box tonight where the kids can turn in their RSVP's to bowl, plus their checks for the tickets...We got a great deal on 1 hour of bowling where we pay $6, that includes shoes, hot dog, drink and cookie. We're charging $15 for one ticket, $25 for 2, etc etc. We are also in the process of getting T-shirts ordered to sell at all of our events. The principal of Cory, Lynn Scates, just lost her husband of 30+ years to cancer over the summer and his name was Tim...She is really behind us on being able to use the school for future fundraising events etc...We got 1st Bank on Colorado Blvd. to waive their monthly checking account fees for us and Office Max to donate brightly colored paper to print the Bowling Party Invites on. Everyone here in Denver seems willing to pitch in...We'll keep you updated on our progress. If friends or family cannot attend our events here in Denver, but want to make a donation to Timmy's Toys, feel free to mail a check payable to "Timmy Ritacco Toy Fund" in care of Becky or Zach Smith - 1511 S. Columbine Street, Denver, CO. 80210. We'll be back in touch after the event. Hugs and blessings to all of you!
Becky Smith <bsmith@balancefunding.com>
Denver, CO Denver - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 3:33 PM CDT
Hello brave ones: So great to hear good news, steeped in hope and faith that positive things will continue to unfold. Keep an eye on that precious life and take care of yourselves. We send big waves of love East to you. And, by the way, I had my flu shot last week so I am ready for full-on baby head sniffing when you all return! Love to you, Laura (& Drew & Beta, lover of all children small enough to drop food on the floor near his doggie self).
Laura Hazen <laurajeannelson@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO 80218 - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 2:38 PM CDT
Tim-Tim, Hope Dr. K day was productive and encouraging. Your Mommy's wonderful experience at Duke Mass was surely a vivid reminder that God is watching over you and your dear parents, and walking with you every step of the way. Your fan club out here continues with prayers and well wishes. Grow cells, grow!

Love ya......Doodlebug Higgins

Mark "Doodlebug" Higgins <mark@hallwynne.com>
- Wednesday, October 20, 2004 1:25 PM CDT
Hope Dr. K day was fabulous and encouraging!
Marylou Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO US - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 12:16 AM CDT
I cried when I read your entry just now. These, I believe are true signs that you are not alone in this battle. I have goose bumps. I hope yesterday brought more calm to your doubts and that Dr. K worked her usual magic. Hope to see you in clinic soon. How about a spa day for the moms whenever Timothy & Cati give us the time? I will take care of booking- just give me the date! Lots of love to you all- and much faith, peace, and persistence!
Claudina <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:26 AM CDT
Good morning Timothy, Annie & Mark,
We will help you hold your arms up high!!
Whatever you ask for in Prayer with faith you will receive.
Matthew 21:22
You all have been incredibly strong and have so many prayers around the world.
Annie & Mark we are so proud of the wonderful parents you are, you are an inspiration to everyone.
We love you all.
Dick, Jackie, Michael, Danny, Ricky & Jeffrey

Jackie Haley <jackiehaley99@yahoo.com>
Houston, TX USA - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 7:43 AM CDT
Timothy - You and your sweet parents are truly inspiring! Please know that I am rooting for those cells to grow and keeping you in my prayers. Sending you a HUGE long-distance hug! Much love, Curley
Jennifer Curley
London, England - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 4:04 AM CDT
Annie and Mark,
WE WILL CONTINUE TO HELP YOU? HOLDIND YOUR ARMIS DAY BY DAY. PROMIS. At mass last sunday, we were with you when we listen the readings ! this is the communion of saints !
Grow cells growwwwww ! Go on Timothy, we are here, all of us whith you. You can make it ! Love from all of us.

Chantal and Dominique Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 1:16 AM CDT
Annie, Mark and Timothy,
Great entry today. Thanks for all the details. All those "knots on the back of the tapestry" continue to produce a miraculous work of art. Timothy, you keep teaching us so much. I have lots to learn on the patience front. Let's work on that one FASTER. Good job on the sleeping trick too. We send you more love than ever. We'll keep praying and you keep healing. Grow Cells, Grow! ;)

Peggy , Chris, Mary Helen, Juliana, Catherine and Christopher <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, October 20, 2004 0:44 AM CDT
That sounds like one perfect mass. What great timing and inspiration! We're so proud of all of you! Go Timothy!!!
Piep and Tracy <taddenver@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 5:39 PM CDT
Your ability to see through the seizures, mucositis, etc and to hold tight of your glimpse of the other side is simply astounding. You three are amazingly resilient soldiers in your battle, and I have no doubt that you will be victorious.
By the way, you were not missing a thing at the fair! I went my first year in Durham and it was a scary, scary sight. Miss you and sending super-terrific hugs.

Carrington Jackson <carrington_razook@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC US - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 2:31 PM CDT
Hello friends! I loved reading about your progress and experiencing, secondhand, the beautiful mass Ann described. The photo of Timothy on this site made me SMILE--what a happy and vibrant guy! His joy in that photo is contagious. Lots of love to you all. : ) -E
Elizabeth Train <etrain@mac.com>
Boulder, CO United States - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 2:10 PM CDT
Thanks for the most inspiring journal entry ever. You know, Anno, I check on you and send positive thoughts to you every day but never until today did I feel like I really had a part in helping Timothy and you both. Thanks for making us part of your journey. We are here and we are with you. Truly. Much love and arm-holding,
Marylou Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO US - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 1:56 PM CDT
Hello all. I'm just back from Costa Rica - was glad to read the latest journals and hear that things are looking OK. I thought a lot about you on my trek - we raised a lot of money for medical research - I hope that in some small way that journey can be part of someone's miracle. . . Talk to you soon! Love and good wishes. . .
Amy Slothower
- Tuesday, October 19, 2004 1:15 PM CDT
LOVE the new pics -- they are so fun! Timothy looks great -- what a trooper. And fearless, wearing that Hoyas tee in NC! Can't wait to get you guys back to some G'town games...
Bridget Gray
Washington, DC - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 9:01 AM CDT
Hi there Annie, Mark and Timothy. You are in our thoughts and prayers. This is such hard work for all of you so I am beaming to you lots of pep and energy alongh with my prayers. Love Patty Roth and family.
Pat Roth <rothp@law.georgetown.edu>
Washington , - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 8:46 AM CDT
Good Morning. Love the picture, especially the one with the Georgetown shirt!!!
Timothy is in my prayers.

Joe Kildea <jkildea@georgewbush.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, October 19, 2004 7:35 AM CDT
We continue our prayers for the three of you. The pictures
are precious. I am adding his name to a prayerlist at Little Flower Church. Love, The Kildeas

Linda Kildea <lkildea@aol.com>
Washington, D.C. U.S. - Monday, October 18, 2004 11:58 PM CDT
Just wanted to check in and tell you all that your continued strength is so awe inspiring! We sure do love you and can't wait for you to come home!! Timmy is just as cute as a button and getting so big!! I can't wait to give you all hugs (germ free of course) I stood in line for 4 hours on Saturday to get my flu shot-just so we could hang out and so I could help out when you get back to Denver-I am ready!! Give Timmy a cluck cluck cock-a-doddle-doo from his favorite cousin Isa.
Lots of love and prayers and continued strength!!

KATY, REGGIE AND ISABELLA <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO usa - Monday, October 18, 2004 8:55 PM CDT
Hi Ritaccos! I am still in the US because of visa difficulties....the new plan is to leave on Friday. Glad to hear that you are doing better. Keep up the good work, Timothy! love, Jen
Grow donor cells grow!

Jennifer Lumb <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC - Monday, October 18, 2004 3:47 PM CDT
Man oh man has our favorite little superhero gotten big ... looks like he is just about ready to step up and be the next SuperMan! THe new pictures are great and funny and inspiring, as are all of your postings. Keep up the great work, all three of you.
ps - The search is on for a stuffed pumpkin that clucks!

Marylou & Brent & Ruby Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO 80218 - Monday, October 18, 2004 12:35 AM CDT
still thinking and praying for you guys daily. threw 2 good luck pennies in the fountain at chattanooga aquarium this weekend for Timothy and his parents. all the best from atlanta!
Ned Underwood <ned.underwood@cingular.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Monday, October 18, 2004 10:49 AM CDT
Hey Timmy, guess what it did here in Chautauqua yesterday--it snowed!! Someday you'll see the snow and the geese flying south, and all the beautiful red, orange, and yellow leaves. Petersons, Shaffers and Schaals at Hare n' Hound Sat. night--lots of positive energy from us to you folks.
Sara Peterson <sarape48@hotmail .com>
Chautauqua, N.Y. - Monday, October 18, 2004 10:22 AM CDT
You are a great inspiration! When shopping for Halloween costumes, I found one that was a chicken. It was too small for Mark, though! Almost got it for Johnny, but ended up with the yellow jacket (RMC) for logistics purposes. You're in our thoughts everywhere! I hope you keep smiling and sleeping!
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy and Johnny

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Monday, October 18, 2004 9:13 AM CDT
Mark, Ann, and Timothy,
You are very inspiring to everyone for strength and courage. Our thoughts and prayers are with you daily. We can't wait to read more good news about Timothy’s progress. He is an amazingly strong child!
Love and prayer's to you all.
Dick,Jackie,Michael,Danny,Ricky and Jeffrey xoxoxoxox

Jackie Haley <Jackiehaley99@yahoo.com>
Houston, Tx USA - Monday, October 18, 2004 8:37 AM CDT

You are a tough cookie. Even football players like Rich Karlis are taking note! Timmy keep up the great work. I miss you and look forward to seeing you again soon. Lottie and Drew are excited to meet you. Have a great week Timmy.

Uncle Higgs

Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL - Monday, October 18, 2004 7:49 AM CDT
SLEEP TIMOTHY SLEEP Don't know which photos we love more--sleep or smiling--keep up with both! This was good news to read on RaiderHater Sunday Timothy WINS!!Broncos WIN!! GO TIMOTHY GO GROW TIMOTHY CELLS GROW!!!!!
Love and prayers, the Benners

Joanie Benner <LBENHUR@aol.com>
Colorado Springs, CO - Monday, October 18, 2004 3:30 AM CDT
I'm so proud of you - you are such a strong and courageous little guy and I know that you are working so very hard to get better. You can do it! I'm sending you all my strength and love and can't wait to meet you in a few months!

Annie and Mark,
I think of you all the time and constantly wish I could be there with you, talk to you, play with Timmy, get the updates. I am so happy to see the progress that Timmy is making and I am truly awed and inspired by your strength, courage and love. You are all in my thoughts and my heart and I can't wait to see you soon.

Lots of love, xoxo

Corin Stone <corinstone@yahoo.com>
Baghdad, Iraq - Monday, October 18, 2004 3:02 AM CDT
Timmothy !
We want to start the week with you when you are still sleeping...We hope and pray for it. No way to stop thinking of you and pray for you. Continue to progresssssss "grow cells grow" and keep smiling as often as you can good boy, that helps your Dad and Mam so much ! We love the pictures, specialy the one with your Dad, génial ! He is so proud of you ! Tell them our love ok ? Your "cousin" Eglantine est doing very well and Jean-Gabriel seems so proud of her. We will send you pictures very soon. Promis ! Love from us all, give big hug to Mam and Dad.

Chantal & Dominique Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Monday, October 18, 2004 0:54 AM CDT
Ann, Mark, and Timothy-
You guys are amazing! We're so glad that Timothy's seizures are getting under control. He really is a champion! His parents are champions, too. Thank you for your journal entries - they're a wonderful link to what you're experiencing. And, they always leave me inspired by the Ritacco-Ayers clan's spunk, strength, and sense of humor. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

Jenna and Jon
Denver, CO - Sunday, October 17, 2004 7:29 PM CDT
We were so happy to read your latest journal entry- good news for all of you! We think about you often and send you all our love and good wishes.I'm sure the weeks ahead will be full of steady progress. Your faith and hard work will carry you through these trying times. The Berg Family
Karen Berg <Karen785@hotmail.com>
Longwood, Florida Seminole - Sunday, October 17, 2004 6:28 PM CDT
Hi Timothy!! I hope you are having a great weekend. Hopefully not too busy. Your new pictures are so cute. I loved seeing your smile everytime I took care of you. Let me know next time you're in clinic and maybe I can come see you over there. I bet you're getting so big now. Tell your mommy and daddy hello for me. Lots of hugs and kisses. Love one of your favorite 5200 RN's. HA HA!!
Cindy Taylor <cindytaylor@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC - Sunday, October 17, 2004 4:22 AM CDT
Good morning you three. It's another beautiful Colorado morning here. I just wanted sign on and wish you all a great day. The news of Timothy's progress is very encouraging. Keep up the good work and hurry home!

Jan Haley <writejan@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Saturday, October 16, 2004 8:12 AM CDT
Mark, Ann, and Timothy-We are thrilled to read that things are continuing to improve...thanks for all the great progress reports! The Steeres
Allen Steere <allensteere@yahoo.com>
Rockville Centre, NY USA - Friday, October 15, 2004 7:08 PM CDT
Wow. Great to know that Timothy is getting more and more comfortable. He also seems to be getting cuter and cuter. I will be praying that Timothy's smile will be coming back more and more to brighten yours and our days.
Love from Charlottesville.

Tanya Haley <thaley79@yahoo.com>
Charlottesville , VA - Friday, October 15, 2004 6:42 PM CDT
Great photos! Great news! Do I detect mischief in T's eyes when giggling with his dad??? We're thrilled with the good news. I guess T hit a triple with his new meds? We're cheering in the stands for all of you.
Kim and the gang

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Friday, October 15, 2004 5:14 PM CDT
The picture of you with your Dad made me giggle aloud to myself, Timothy. It's so nice to see you in such happy moments. And, the "cashed out" picture is equally adorable. I cannot get over how photogenic you guys are -- all three of you! I'm still collecting these pictures and putting them in http://junglewood.pikespeakfloral.com/kma/timothy_photos for anyone to enjoy at their leisure.

More love and prayers from Texas, and Grow cells, GROW!

Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Friday, October 15, 2004 4:44 PM CDT
Hi Timothy, Mark and Ann
We keep checking in everyday. Timothy looks so cute in his jumpin jack pose. Cracks me up! Dawson is taking an extra nap just for you Timmy! I can't believe the progress you have made...What a strong and brave little boy. Dawson has a lot to learn from you. We can't wait to see all of you again. Keep laughing! Love, Mel Coates and Dawson

Mel Coates and Dawson <mddawson@du.edu>
Denver, CO United States - Friday, October 15, 2004 2:46 PM CDT
Mark, Ann and Timothy, Great to hear this news. You seem to have the best doctors! Thank you for sharing the pictures through the web. I keep a picture of Timothy up at my desk and that way get to send my prayers and thoughts throughout the day. I always get such a warm feeling. I am so glad to see his new pictures. I have to admit that he has stolen my heart with his awesome looks! He has the best expressions!

As always, let me know if you need anything! Thank you for sharing. Ann and Mark have I told you lately that you are the absolute best!!! Hugs, Kelli

Kelli Bodnar <kelli.bodnar@qwest.com>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, October 15, 2004 12:59 AM CDT
Thanks again for another update. We have been checking, wondering how your week was going. Great news that Dr. K diagnosed the seizures so Timothy can once again concentrate on growing more cells. We continue to pray every night for all three of you. Stay strong. We'll send more pictures and I'll call you soon. Big hugs from all of us. Love, Katie, Dave and Molly...
Katie Stecker <katiestecker@aol.com>
Bridgeville, PA - Friday, October 15, 2004 12:43 AM CDT
Mike Gieger forwarded me this link. I wanted to let you know that Timothy, Mark and you are in my prayers. It's sounds like he's a pretty tough guy. Let him know they'll be a job with the Broncos when he grows up!! They need more guys like him that are so determined.
My warmest regards and power of prayer to each of you.

Rich Karlis <rich.karlis@qwest.com>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, October 15, 2004 11:14 AM CDT
Each time I see BOP, I am reminded of what we called BOP juice -- Banana Orange Pineapple -- that my brothers often drank as kids.
You guys are awesome and awe inspiring. CLUCK CLUCK and Grow!
Kim and Ricardo Vera

Kim, Ricardo, Jimmy, Johnny, Richard Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Friday, October 15, 2004 8:42 AM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers have been with you these past months. Your strength and courage is wonderful. Timothy is a very special young boy with an overwelming amount of love from his family and friends. We just learned about your website from Tanya. It is a wonderful way for us to keep the Armtrong's in touch. We pray that his cells will grow and grow and that his smile will get brighter each day. Love to all, Tuggie and Mike
Tuggie Armstrong <tuggiearmstrong@aol.com>
Richmond, Va. - Friday, October 15, 2004 8:21 AM CDT
Our love and prayers for Timothy and for you, Annie and Mark, are being sent daily! We are so in awe of the love and sense of humor that you maintain and give to Timothy and to all of us! As you bless him, you bless us! Thank you!

"There is a Soul Force in the Universe which, if we permit it, will flow through us and produce miraculous results." (Gandhi)

Maureen and Jim Rovegno and Family <morovegno@yahoo.com>
Chautauqua, NY - Thursday, October 14, 2004 10:49 PM CDT
You all totally rock. That's Annie and Mark language for I'm inspired, touched, humbled and full of love, laughter and tears in front of my computer. Timothy, for such a little guy you have turned our world upside down. How cool is this to see so much love coming from so much random family and friends from all over the globe sending these tremendous messages of love. I can't single out any one because it is the collective effect that amazes me the most. Keep clucking, MARK and laughing Timothy and Annie, and we will keep praying. St. Therese, thanks for the "heavenly flowers". Keep "spending your heaven doing good on earth" as you promised. It is working. Love from all 6 of us. And Grow cells grow.

Peggy <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver,, CO - Thursday, October 14, 2004 3:27 PM CDT
We're praying for you each day: Timothy's health, T's smile, Annie and Mark's smiles, peace, good nights' sleep, grateful for family, and more. Though there may be setbacks along the way, they're just bumps in the long road (just ask the Redskins!!!). Grow cells grow! Love,
Kim, Ricardo,Johnny, Jimmy and Richard

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Thursday, October 14, 2004 8:49 AM CDT
Sometimes it is the smallest milestones that are celebrated the most. When Ashleigh regained her smile, I cried like a baby and sent out emails telling everyone. We still are trying to get it on film. I am so happy that you got to clebrate such a sweet gift. It is only a matter of time before our babies are laughing, talking, saying "mama" and running. For now we celebrate the gift of life that we have and those occational smiles!
God Bless...
With love and HOPE,

Michelle Gwin <moocow517@comcast.net>
Mullica Hill, nj USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 9:21 PM CDT
Mark, Ann, and Timothy,
You are an amazing source of strength and courage. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We will check in often to read more good news about Timothy’s progress. He is beautiful!
Love, Melanie and Peter Buch
P.S. Thanks to Steve Higgins for putting us in touch with your website.

Melanie Buch <maclancey@yahoo.com>
Atlanta, GA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 7:15 PM CDT
Greetings Timothy! We are so happy to hear that you are smiling and laughing. Isn't it great that Dads can do the most wonderful things - we bet Mark can imitate a whole barnyard if called upon. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Thanks for the heartwarming updates. Love, Amy, John, Halyard and Kaiyo
Amy Inaba Freyder <amyinaba@earthlink.net>
Newport Beach, CA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 4:49 PM CDT
Keep smiling, all 3 of you! Y'all keep doin' whatcher doin'! Is that Southern enough for Durham? Thinking of you daily.
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, and Johnny

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 12:55 AM CDT
Annie and Mark chéris,
Quelle émotion à propos des rires de Timothy !
je vous imagine si bien "ivres de joie"
Vous êtes merveilleux ! On vous aime tellement.
Je vous embrasse de la part de Maëlys, Jean-Gabriel et Eglantine. Love +++++++++++++

Dominique et Chantal Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Paris, France - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 12:17 AM CDT
My heart is full reading about Timothy's smile and laugh. I will pray today for more smiles and chuckles for Timothy, and for hope to fill your hearts. Thanks for keeping us up to date on his progress. I can't wait to see that beautiful smile in person one of these days - I've got to get out to the East Coast soon!! Hugs and kisses to all 3 of you!!
Alison Havel <alisonliz@yahoo.com>
Santa Monica, CA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 11:58 AM CDT
So wonderful to hear that Timothy's smile came back! Keep up the positive energy. We look forward to hearing about many more smiles!
Katy, Craig, Justin & Cameron <katy_duda@hotmail.com>
Vienna, VA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 9:23 AM CDT
We send you every good wish from the shores of Chautauqua La
ke. According to an old Indian tale the waters of this lake have a healing and spiritual character. We hope Timothy drinks deeply.

Tom Becker <tbecker@chautauqua_inst.com>
Chautauqua , NY USA - Wednesday, October 13, 2004 6:14 AM CDT
Anne, Mark and Timmie -
Fantastic news on Timmie's progress. You all have been and continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I love to be able to get updates here and see Timmie smile. The flu shot has been unfortunately elusive for me here in Denver, but will continue to try so that I can see the smile in person once you are back.

Love Steph

Stephanie Copeland <scopela@msn.com>
Denver, CO 80206 - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 3:00 PM CDT
Hi Timothy !
I am your new little "french cousine" !
A flower among the flowers... My name is Eglantine ! I am one of your fan ! Saint "Fleur" will take care on me as she has always done on the Haley Familly. I already love you and pray for you. Jean Gabriel send you his love too.

Eglantine Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Paris, France - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 2:33 PM CDT
Annie, Mark & Timothy - we think about you all the time!! It is wonderful to be able to get the latest through this website. I hope that each day gets a bit easier for you, and that little Tim can catch some z's! Hang in there, your strength is truly an inspiration.
Julia Dobbins <juliadobbins@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 10:20 AM CDT
Saint Theresa is known as the Saint of the Little Ways, meaning she believed in doing the little things in life well and with great love. She is also the patron Saint of flower growers and florists.
She is represented by roses. May everyone be blessed who reads this.
May today there be peace within.
May you trust your highest power that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing you are a child of God... Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love.

This came to me in an email, and although I don't usually forward those, somehow this one seems so appropriate, down to St. Therese being the patron saint of flower growers and florist. We're thinking of you proud to call you family!
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, and Johnny

Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 10:04 AM CDT
Cindy and Kim snapped a picture of Timothy as he slept at our Family Reunion last summer in Estes Park. When they learned of Timothy's health issues, they set about making a prayer quilt for Timothy and his parents using a copy of that picture. I know they presented the quilt to Annie and Mark after they arrived in Durham, and Zoom told me what a wonderful thing it was that they had done.

Well, I saw a picture of the quilt for the first time this week, and I see now how really beautiful it is. I'm not sure how they did the prayer quotes on each picture, but I think that Ricardo (Kim's husband) helped out in preparing each picture somehow. Thanks, Cindy, Kim & Ricardo!

I can't figure out how to past a thumbnail photo into this comment box, but so far, no luck. So, for those of you who would like to see some pictures of the quilt, you can browse to http://junglewood.pikespeakfloral.com/kma/timothy_photos. The pictures can be viewed in 3 sizes, the thumbnails on the index page, screen-sized images by clicking on the image, and the original size image by clicking on the caption below the image.

Annie, Mark, and Timothy; Hang in there and keep fighting -- like the Astros are doing this year. Looks like you just might see Clemens in the WS this year, after all, Annie. We certainly hope so! And we continue to send our love and prayers from Texas. And, Grow cells, GROW!

Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 8:19 AM CDT
Goodmorning, Infant Jesus of Prague and St.Therese seem to hear our prayers. Timothy, not only new cells but teeth and height too. We are proud of the three of you and humbled
Love Grandma

Joanne Ritacco <jritacco1@aol.com>
Chevy Chase, Md USA - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 6:33 AM CDT
Annie and Mark- Your journals are wonderful. May God bless and keep you in His hands as you care for Timothy. Grow cells grow....Love, The Schaumbers
Kathie Sahaumber <schaunmber@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Monday, October 11, 2004 9:57 PM CDT
The chicken story was great. We are so glad that Timothy smiled. What a gift for you guys. Rich and I are so proud of the three of you and your strength. We will continue to pray all the time. Love you!!!
Susie, Richard and Jack <susieemail@yahoo.com>
Greenville, SC - Monday, October 11, 2004 7:34 PM CDT
Ann, Mark, Timothy,
I'm so sorry I missed you last week! I keep on reading your website and will continue to do so in Bristol too! If you email me your address I'll even send a postcard! love & prayers,

Jennifer Lumb <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
Cullowhee, NC - Monday, October 11, 2004 6:17 PM CDT
Cluck! Cluck! Chuckle! Chuckle! What great news! You three are models of grace and determination in adversity.
Kit <cdobbins@mcleodusa.net>
- Monday, October 11, 2004 4:38 PM CDT
Wow! We sure missed A LOT in six days away! Ann and Mark, you remain our heroes. Timothy, I think we are going to have to sew a little cape and tights ensemble for you because you are a SUPERHERO! We're thinking good thoughts for you and hoping that the seizures are abating. Huge hugs to all three of you!
Marylou & Brent & Ruby Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO 80218 - Monday, October 11, 2004 4:30 PM CDT
Dear Anne,
I love reading your journal entries. Every time I run into you guys I think of the day when we can watch our kids play- the Summer in Vail, or maybe watching them on a sled on a snowy Winter day. I wish we could hang out with them and spend afternoons here in Durham- mom to mom going through the trials and tribulations of this process. I am so happy to hear that things are progressing well. His smile is the most precious gift ever! Keep those chickens clucking Mark! With love to you all- and many prayers,

Claudina (Caterina's mom) <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Monday, October 11, 2004 12:53 AM CDT
I love you. You're a wonderful writer. Love and hugs to everyone.
Grandpa Ritacco

Paul A. Ritacco <paitalent@aol.com>
- Monday, October 11, 2004 10:06 AM CDT
Thanks again for all the news. The story about the cluck-cluck chicken is wonderful. Love and continuing prayers.
Susan, Chris and Mark Lane <suelane1@comcast.net>
Denver, CO US - Monday, October 11, 2004 9:36 AM CDT
Cluck Cluck, Timothy! Smiles and laughter make such a difference! I'm glad to hear that! How nice that Zoom is back for a visit and can let you get some sleep! Reminds me of our trip to Denver for OBH's birthday surprise -- one to drive, one to sleep, and one to navigate or keep the driver company -- 3 was the perfect number for driving such a long distance! May your return to Denver be as quick and great! Sending much love and many prayers,

Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy and Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Monday, October 11, 2004 6:24 AM CDT
It was wonderful talking with you in "fishtank" yesterday. I am sorry to hear about Timothy's seizures, Ashleigh has them too. We just had to play around with medications until we found a combination that worked for her. I will pray that those yucky things go away soon and Timothy is feeling better soon.
I will be checking in often...with prayer and HOPE.
Michelle (Ashleigh's mommy)

Michelle Gwin <moocow517@comcast.net>
Mullica Hill, nj USA - Monday, October 11, 2004 5:27 AM CDT
Timmy, Ann, and Mark,
It is great to see that things seem to be progressing in such a positive direction. The strength that all of you have shown through this challenge is truly inspiring. We look forward to seeing the three of you in the near future!
-Tom and Keri Viehe

Tom Viehe <tviehe@yahoo.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Sunday, October 10, 2004 5:41 PM CDT
Hi Timmy,

Can't wait to hear that you are smiling again soon and all the time!! You and family are an inspiration and "grow-cells-grow" is a mantra I am proud to make part of my daily tradition. Many thanks again for keeping me so well informed of your progress. Wishing for a speedy recovery.


Nathan Nassif <nathannassif526@hotmail.com>
Summit, NJ USA - Sunday, October 10, 2004 1:28 PM CDT
Mark,Ann & Timmy:
Glad to hear and see that things are looking brighter. Keep up the strong spirits and add another EMHO to the roster.
God Bless You All
Ron,Tina Ron Jr & Mallory

Olean, NY USA - Sunday, October 10, 2004 7:52 AM CDT
Hi from Cindy and Kim here in Garrett County, MD where the leaves on the trees are gorgeous already! The colors are coming South and should get there soon! Kids are in bed and we're checking on Timothy's progress. Glad to hear the good news. love and prayers,
K & C

Cindy Storck <cstorck@gcnetmail.net>
Oakland, MD - Saturday, October 9, 2004 10:33 PM CDT
Mark, Ann, and Tim,
I'm glad Mark has finally given up his practice of spinal taps. The world is a safer place. Timothy's latest picture sork of looks like Mark's Dad. What a great smile. Very appropriate T-shirt. Hang in there

Justin Cashman <jlcashmanmd@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, October 9, 2004 7:52 PM CDT
Dear Anne, Mark and Timothy,
Hang in there. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Laney and Will are looking forward to playing with Timmy at Club.
Adam, Teri, Lane, and Will Howe

Adam Howe <adam.howe@grubb-ellis.com>
Cleveland, Oh USA - Saturday, October 9, 2004 3:23 PM CDT
Wishing you another day of good news and smiles. We're praying for you and thinking of you lots! Love, the Vera Haley clan
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, Johnny <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Saturday, October 9, 2004 5:11 AM CDT
Timothy...We want you to know you are also in our thoughts and prayers. We have been thinking about you and now know how to keep track of your progress. All our love to you and your parents. Love, Laurie, Jon and Sam Nassif
Laurie, Jon and Sam Nassif <lwatters@parkbenchpress.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, October 8, 2004 11:56 PM CDT
Timothy...We want you to know you are also in our thoughts and prayers. We have been thinking about you and now know how to keep track of your progress. All our love to you and your parents. Love, Laurie, Jon and Sam Nassif
Laurie, Jon and Sam Nassif <lwatters@parkbenchpress.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, October 8, 2004 11:55 PM CDT
Annie, Mark, and Timothy-

I feel like I know the three of you - my daughter, Amy, has spoken so highly of your family and has shared your plight with me. How courageous you are! May faith, hope and love continue to guide you in this incredible journey.

My prayers and loving thoughts are with you- Terri Bunker

Terri Bunker <tjbunker@patmedia.net>
Chatham, NJ USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 9:59 PM CDT
Our prayers have been with you and will continue. Please
give Timothy lots of hugs from us. The Kildeas

Linda Kildea <lkildea@aol.com>
Washington , dc us - Friday, October 8, 2004 5:56 PM CDT
Timmy, Nadine and I are thinking a lot about you. Can't wait to meet you someday so I can regale you with stories from the Chautauqua Softball League and something I call, 'adventures from the hot corner'...be well my brave little man.
Rob and Nadine Watters <rob_watters@peoplesoft.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 3:59 PM CDT

Sorry about the tough week, but I am happy that Dr. K. is figuring everything out. I love you buddy and continue to be amazed by your courage and focus. Lottie and Drew are looking forward to meeting you soon. Tell your dad that Lottie wants to see his Godfather again soon. Our thoughts and prayers remain with you constantly.

Higgs 32

Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL - Friday, October 8, 2004 3:46 PM CDT
Dear Anne, Mark, & Timothy,
Sorry to hear about your latest setback... So glad to hear that it is all being controlled. Have faith, be strong, and continue your path. I know you will all persevere. Hope to see you soon in clinic. With love and prayers,

Claudina <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Friday, October 8, 2004 3:43 PM CDT
Hi it's me,Christopher. I'm still praying my novenas and rosaries. I sure do hope it's working. I won't give up now just because the school year has started. I hope Timothy is just as happy and smiley as he was back here in Denver.I miss you.

Christopher <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, Colorado - Friday, October 8, 2004 2:58 PM CDT
I am so glad to read Oct 7 entry. You all have been in my thoughts - as always. Have a good weekend - hopefully the flu shots will make it to Denver quickly.
Kelli Bodnar <kelli.bodnar@qwest.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, October 8, 2004 1:14 PM CDT
Wow, I was told almost my entire life by someone I considered just about the smartest man ever (my Grandfather) of the wonder of Annie Ayers. Watching you (from afar) I continue to be in awe of you, Timmy and Mark. Wow. I will keep praying from out here on the west coast and will use your message as my inspiration to go stand in line for a flu shot! I will drag Carole as well! Love you so much!
RA <ruthannkeene@yahoo.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 1:02 PM CDT
I wish to send you much love and many prayers. I think of your little family often.
Donnie Dawson <dawsonparents@yahoo.com>
Chickasha, Ok USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 10:46 AM CDT
Ann and Mark,
Very, very relieved to hear the news last night! Soon Timothy will be back to knocking our socks off with his cell growing abilities!
Cliona and Art Levy

Cliona and Art Levy <clevy@sonnenschein.com>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 9:47 AM CDT
What did Annie, Mark, and Pat (Zoom) do to earn the friendship of such wonderful people like Becky Smith and her 10-year-old son, Zach? In a recent greeting, Becky talks of putting a fund raiser together in Denver to raise money for Annie and Mark to be able to buy some of the high-tech (read, quite expensive!) devices that the doctors are recommending upon his return to home in Denver.

One of Becky's ideas was to talk to some of the local bowling alleys about doing such a fund raiser. Sounds like not only a great idea, but a lot of fun! Well, we don't live in Denver, so we won't be able to participate. But, we are very happy to offer $50 in sponsorships for those who would participate but maybe can't aford it.

Thanks, Becky and Zach! Your support is awesome!

Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 8:49 AM CDT
Lynne and I read the latest Journal Entry before leaving the house at 5:30a. What an amazing relief! And how sweet it was to read about the caring hands of Timothy's medical team. We send our prayers that Timothy "gets calmed down soon, that the diagnosis holds and that the treatment is effective, that he stays otherwise clear of infection, and that the cells keep growing!" Love to all of you, and say hi to Zoom!
Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Friday, October 8, 2004 8:05 AM CDT
We are so thrilled! We, too, cannot imagine anything but a positive outcome with all the miracles so far, all the Haleys and friends pulling for him, and knowing he's in God's very capable hands. I love the title of this phase and am looking forward to hearing of T's smiles soon! How lucky for him that he was able to sleep through his spinal tap. We're sending up many prayers of thanksgiving and for health and peace.

Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, and Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Friday, October 8, 2004 6:36 AM CDT
We'll offer all our masses, rosaries, candles, acts of love, faith and hope as well as some extra smiles for our little Timothy. We'll include a few prayers of thanksgiving for the "good news" of the treatability. May his smiles come back big and soon. We love you so much. I'm so excited you're talking of returning to Denver that I've already had a flu shot.
Peggy & Chris & Mary Helen & Juliana & Catherine & Christopher <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, , CO - Friday, October 8, 2004 1:31 AM CDT
Just wanted to let you three know that I'm thinking of you. Even through these tough times, I have a hard time imagining anything but a positive outcome... there's too many of us out here with the necessary hope and energy for this to go any other way.
Dan Haley <writehaley@comcast.net>
lakewood, CO - Thursday, October 7, 2004 10:25 PM CDT
Just wanted to let you three know that I'm thinking of you. Even through these tough times, I have a hard time imagining anything but a positive outcome... there's too many of us out here with the necessary hope and energy for this to go any other way.
Dan Haley <writehaley@comcast.net>
lakewood, CO - Thursday, October 7, 2004 10:25 PM CDT
I almost forgot.....Jack sends his love and a big lick for Timothy. He's doing great and i'm sure he misses you too.
woof. woof.

Amy Edwards <u21bananas@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 9:12 PM CDT
Mark,Ann,and Timothy,
We have kept all three of you in our prayers and think of you often. It's so great to read all of the updates, but i am sure it's also very difficult for you to write. Timothy is strong and is going to fight his way through this. We will continue to pray for growing cells, strength, and cure. The three of you have been so strong through all of this and i know God will continue to look over you.
Amy (formerly Bunker:)and Jamie Edwards

Amy and Jamie Edwards <u21bananas@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 9:09 PM CDT
Hi Mark, Anne and Timothy
Just want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Give Timothy a kiss for us.
Melissa, Andy and Christopher

Melissa Viehe <MSViehe@aol.com>
- Thursday, October 7, 2004 6:42 PM CDT
We are thinking of you and praying for all three of you - for Timothy's seizures to stop, the cells to grow and the smile to return quickly and for you and Mark to have the strength to keep on going! You are awe-inspiring. Best wishes and many prayers . . . Coco, John, Alex and Griffin Harris
Coco Hatch Harris <harris910@comcast.net>
Chicago, IL - Thursday, October 7, 2004 6:18 PM CDT
Annie and Mark - We are praying HArd AND FAST AND IN MANY AREAS-- NY, VA, FL, DC, OK, MD, CT, and LA. Hope Timmy is having results from the new medicine and he is able to rest and beginnng to SMILE. Love and God Bless you all.
Kathie and Peter Schaumber <schaumber@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 5:32 PM CDT
We just wanted to let you guys know you are always in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. We hope that the doctors figure this out soon so that Timmy can get back to concentrating on growing those cells. And we wish you all a good night's sleep.:) We love you very much!!

Tommy and Elsie

Elsie Haley <haleye@mscd.edu>
Denver, Co USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 5:25 PM CDT
Thinking and praying for you three often. Stay strong - your strength is an inspiration and something that Timothy needs from you both as well. Keep us posted.
Take care,
Katy, Craig, Justin & Cameron

Katy Duda <katy_duda@hotmail.com>
Vienna, VA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 1:45 PM CDT
We're praying for all of you.
Grow Cells grow.
Greatgrandma Bartczak, Aunt Carol & Uncle Jerry

Carol Jelinek <tinkb357@aol.com>
Sierra Vista, AZ USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 1:05 PM CDT
hi there mighty triumvirate, we are thinking of and praying for you often and look forward to our next colorado visit and seeing you. of course, you are always welcome here in seattle. lots of love, mary and bill
GILLAND <grandmary5@yahoo.com>
seatte, wa - Thursday, October 7, 2004 10:21 AM CDT
Hi, this is Judy Carlberg again - friend of Fred and Christine from San Diego. Like soooo many I just wanted to send extra love, support and prayers at this difficult time. I am on the board for Children's Hospital Auxiliary in San Diego and have shared your story with many of the doctors I come in contact with. They all say Duke is an incredible medical center with doctors that are both wise and gentle.
With God at your side you are at the best place possible. As I mentioned before we will be at Duke for parents weekend from Oct. 21-24 and would love to do anything for you or maybe just give an extra hug. I will be in touch.

Judy Carlberg <judycarlberg@hotmail.com>
San Diego, Ca USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 9:38 AM CDT
Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated! We're thinking of you, praying for you, and loving you! We wish you good news today and hope that the seizure medicine works, no matter what the source! I wish you three peace and comfort.
Kim and the guys

Vera-Haley Family <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Thursday, October 7, 2004 7:06 AM CDT
Candles are burning for sweet Timothy and many prayers are being offered for answers, therapies, and comfort.
Tacoma, WA USA - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 11:32 PM CDT
Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys. We'll check in tomorrow. Hugs and kisses to all of you. We love you very much and are thinking about you all the time.
Susie, Richard and Jack

Susie <susieemail@yahoo.com>
Greenville, SC - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 8:00 PM CDT
Annie, Mark & Timothy,

Thank you for keeping us updated. Many prayers and much positive energy coming to you from New York. Caroline remembers Timothy nightly in her prayers, and thanks God for the blessings of her day. Being reminded of the power of prayer is Timothy's precious gift to our family. We believe, just as Timothy does. We love you, we are praying for you, and may you gather strength from the knowledge that we are all with you in spirit. Go Timmy go.

Love, Robin, Dennis, Caroline & Emma

Robin Farwell Schuh <rfschuh@optonline.net>
Scarsdale, NY - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 7:31 PM CDT
Knowledge of something specific helps so much! We'll be praying hard tonight. Johnny's face lit up when I opened the site and he saw T's hands going. He smiled and said "T." I have to take it as a positive sign from my 10-month old! We'll light a candle (maybe even a fire in the fireplace!) for all three of you. May they be medication induced and reversible! His cells are certainly growing. Way to go, T! Annie and Mark, the love that surrounds your young family is almost palpable. Just check the number of "hits" this site has received when you need a reminder--a lot of us just check in to think about you even when we don't leave a message! Hugs and love! Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy and Johnny
The Vera-Haley Clan <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 4:21 PM CDT
It is always good to have focus! We are still praying for the big one and these little bouts along the way keep me on track and focused for the day. Thank you so much for the updates as I imagine they are hard some days to write, I admire your continued strength. I will call all my prayer buddies and make sure that we send all of our positive energy to you in the hospital and at home too! We love you guys. Go Timmy Go!
Katy <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO usa - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 1:46 PM CDT
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Katie <kathrynbraham@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, October 6, 2004 12:44 AM CDT
Hi, you three. Just wanted you to know that I will be sending very strong and positive prayers your way. I'm so glad that you guys are getting to the root of T's sleeplessness and that hope is on the way. I think the "prayer lines" will be very flooded today and tonight with hopes for you guys. With love,

Tanya Haley <thaley79@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, October 6, 2004 11:23 AM CDT
Hi Annie, Mark and Timothy. I spoke with Zoom last night and learned about the seizure situation. Lynne and I then talked about it and finally fell asleep in prayer for all of you. Your words are so perfect, "... may the seizures be related to medications, may they be treatable, may they be reversible, may those working with us at the hospital be wise and gentle, may Timothy be strong and well, and of course, grow cells, GROW." And these words will be in our prayers as we go through the day. Thanks again for the journal entries! It's hard to understand where you find the energy to do them. You keep us informed in such a perfect way. Here's a Texas-sized hug from Texas ... HHHHHHUUUUUUUUUGGGGGG!!!

Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 10:11 AM CDT
Glad we checked in today so that we can send even more prayers your way. Stay strong. Give Timothy lots of hugs and kisses. We love you guys.
Katie, Dave and Molly

Katie Stecker <katiestecker@aol.com>
Bridgeville, PA - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 10:03 AM CDT
Doses and doses of special prayers sent to all of you today, the 6th! We love you, miss you and can't wait to have you back with us. Keep going, Timothy! You are a champ, as are your mommy and daddy...
Dianna and Tigger <dgoldberg05@student.law.du.edu>
Denver, CO - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 9:43 AM CDT
Hi Mark and Annie,
I just read your most recent journal entry. I'm off to spend most of the day with Tommy and Carla. The three of us will put our best prayers and positive energy and all our love together and send it your way today. Hang in there.

With love,


Jan Haley <writejan@comcast.net>
Lakewood, CO USA - Wednesday, October 6, 2004 7:39 AM CDT
Wishing you a peaceful evening with no (or as few as possible!) beeps. Grow donor cells grow! Love, the Vera clan
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy & Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 8:12 PM CDT
Just checking in to see how the methadone is working -- feel like something of an expert in that field after dealing with the meth lab next door but I'll bet Timothy is MUCH better behaved than the tweakers. Well, most days anyway. Hope it is helping. Send word! Love,
Marylou, Brent & Ruby Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO US - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 5:01 PM CDT
Tommy and Erin here, we just had lunch together and were talking about you guys, and we're thinking about you lots. We continue to check for updates and thanks for keeping us in the loop in the midst of your hectic-ness.
Love, TOmmy Elsie Matthew Erin

Tommy <erinehaley@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 2:25 PM CDT
We are praying for the little fella. He is a beautiful child and we know he's going to be OK.
Tavia and Ned Underwood <ned.underwood@cingular.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Monday, October 4, 2004 8:11 PM CDT
"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." -- Allan K. Chalmers. I know you have plenty to do, plenty to love, and plenty to hope for, so I wish you plenty of happiness. Your positive attitudes which you share with us share your happiness and we thank you! love, the Vera cousins
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, and Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Monday, October 4, 2004 9:27 AM CDT

I am sorry that I have been out of the loop. I just returned from another hurricane evacuation. All is well, and I am am glad to know that you are continuing to progress. I hope that you have a great week. Keep up the good work Timmy.


Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL - Monday, October 4, 2004 7:38 AM CDT
Your strength and determination are amazing! We are praying for continued success.
Grow cells, Grow!
Jill, Tim and Jane Pitner (Friends from MAC)

Jill Pitner <jt.pitner@worldnet.att.net>
Denver, CO USA - Sunday, October 3, 2004 10:11 PM CDT
You guys are doing SUCH a GREAT JOB!!! Your journal entries are amazing and your spirits are so great, even with the lack of sleep you've all been experiencing. I had lunch with Zoom, oops, Pat, this past Friday and told her that our 10 year old, Zach, needs to participate in a community service throughout his 5th grade year. His classmates can work with him on it too, so he has said he wants to help fund-raise for Timmy's high tech toys and whatever else can help his recovery. I don't know quite what to tell the kids and their parents about Timmy's battle, other then it sounds incredibly rare and life threatening...(Hallelujiah for the team of doctors you've found and the successful battle you waged with Cigna to help cover the expense of the procedures!) I'll keep reading from the earlier days in your journal to try and put together a biography of this journey you've been on with Timmy, for the other families to read. I'll also get together with Pat on any other clarifications...One idea we have to help raise funds is to talk to one of the local bowling alleys and see if they'd give us reduced lane fees and shoes, then charge each bowler a $25 entrance fee to donate towards those toys. We think the Cory Elementary Community will definitely support our cause! (Plus we'll get the word out to all of your Denver family, friends, and co-workers, etc...)

If there is another web-site we could go to that gives us an introduction to his malady, let us know. Zach's email address is zach@colorado hifi.com if you have any ideas for fun kid fundraisers to get TIMMY WELL AND THRIVING!!! Sending tons of love and prayers,

Becky and Zach Smith <bsmith@balancefunding.com>
Denver, CO USA - Sunday, October 3, 2004 7:02 PM CDT
Wow. Timothy, you and your parents just continue to amaze us. Anno, I wish I were there to wear the pants for you for just one night so you could get some well deserved rest. I promise to do so once you are back in Denver (which we hope is very soon). Hope today is a SUPER SUNDAY for you all! Much love!
"Pants" & Brent & Ruby Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO US - Sunday, October 3, 2004 8:24 AM CDT
Lets go to mass all together today and pray for Timothy, Annie and Mark (lecture of the second letter of ST Paul to Timothee 1, 6-8, 13-14. Love to you all.
Chantal and Dominique Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Sunday, October 3, 2004 3:33 AM CDT
All day Friday and today, I have been pre-occupied with the 86% news. I know there is a long road yet ahead, but for me, this was a big one. News that the new cells mght not have been the donor cells was a little more unnerving than I thought. I'm so relieved and thankful -- almost giddy! My prayers have now shifted to appeals for help with Timothy's discomfort and his parents' exhaustion. Grow cells, GROW! And, Rest, Tim, Annie & Mark, REST!
More love and prayers from Texas!

Jim & Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Saturday, October 2, 2004 8:59 PM CDT
Go Family Go! Grow Cells Grow! Sleep Timothy Sleep! Thinking of you and wishing you good things! Love, Kim and the gang
Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Saturday, October 2, 2004 6:44 PM CDT

KATY, REGGIE AND ISABELLA <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO usa - Saturday, October 2, 2004 11:30 AM CDT
Hi, I'm having trouble getting a message in today so forgive if there are five of them!

YEAH!!! Cells are growing!!! Sleep will come too, keep the faith!

Love you guys,


Fern Balaun <FernBalaun@Juno.com>
Littleton, CO USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 3:20 PM CDT
What fabulous news! We've been holding our breath for this patricular journal entry. We were so sorry that the timing wasn't right for us to come down and see you when we were in Virginia, but happy to be patient and keep rooting you on from Denver land. Keep up the excellent work, you three. And I'm sure sleep is just around the corner (drug-induced or otherwise). Love, Jan and Dan.
Jan Haley <writejan@comcast.net>
Lakewood, CO USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 11:02 AM CDT
Wow guys, that is terrific! Excellent progress T man. I am so happy to see all wonderful news, especially that you might be finding some sleep soon. I would love to help out the Parish moms with meals for you... I make great mashed potatoes and my vegetarian chili is fabulous! :)
Grow cells grow!!

Carrington Jackson <carrington_razook@Hotmail.com>
Durham, NC US - Friday, October 1, 2004 9:58 AM CDT
GREAT NEWS! Another minor miracle has occurred. Grandma and I are praying and waiting for the day when we can see the little guy again. We love all of you and continue to marvel at your faith and resolve.
Love and kisses from the both of us.
Grandma & Grandpa Ritacco

Paul & Joanne Ritaccco <paitalent@aol.com>
Washington, DC - Friday, October 1, 2004 9:31 AM CDT
Really thrilled to read your website this morning and see some excellent progress. Keep the faith!
Jaylene Crick <jaylene.crick@businessobjects.com>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Friday, October 1, 2004 9:12 AM CDT
Dear Mark,Anne and Timothy,
We just wanted you to know that you have been in our thoughts and prayers. I am so happy that he is home with you and is doing so much better. I hope that he will be more comfortable soon. Thanks for keeping us up to date on his progress. Love,
Nicole,Rob,Bailey and Mackenzie

Nicole Carter <carterrm@aol.com>
Atlanta, GA - Friday, October 1, 2004 9:06 AM CDT
Annie, mark and Timothy,
The pictures are so great !Thank you to the good photographer !
Thank you so much for the news which are very encouraging. We continue our prayers more than ever. You make it possible for us to be just beside you, except we can't do anything for you to help in little things, as we would love it. We pray for the turmoil fo chemotherapy will soon decrease and for the cells continue to grow and spread good enzymes ! They will continue to grow. God has an eye on it regularly and is working on. Bon courage day after another day. We love you so much.

chantal, Dominique, Hélène, Pierre, Ombeline, Jeanne, Maëlys, Vincent, Jean Gabriel and little sister.... <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Friday, October 1, 2004 8:18 AM CDT
That is great news indeed! The photos are great, too! Your constant faith, gratefulness, and sense of humor has truly pulled you three and the rest of us through this adventure with grace. I think everyone has been touched by the many miracles we've seen. In the immortal words of another famous Tim: "God bless us, every one!" Grow, cells, grow!!!
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, and Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Friday, October 1, 2004 8:07 AM CDT
Great news! Keep on groing those cells T!

Ricardo <Rvera@mavolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 6:18 AM CDT



Yes, know what you mean we have a toaster that sounds like a med pump:( Love and prayers, Joanie

Joanie Benner <LBENHUR@aol.com>
Colorado Springs, CO - Friday, October 1, 2004 4:10 AM CDT
So happy to read the update. Prayers will continue from all of us.
Judy Plock, and all the Christine and Scott Davis family <judy_plock@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, October 1, 2004 0:34 AM CDT
Hey, guys. Great pictures. Looks like there was a great team at the hospital. We are praying for you everyday. Keep growing those cells, Timothy!
love, Tanya

Tanya <thaley79@yahoo.com>
- Friday, October 1, 2004 0:30 AM CDT
Hi guys!!
Just checking back in to let you know that we continue to pray for you all the time. We are so pleased to hear that you're settling in to the new apt. and will pray even harder for comfort and rest for T - thus, for mom and dad!! You are all so brave.
We send prayers and love,
Andrea, Stephane, Martin and Charlotte Badot

Andrea Badot <badot@kingwoodcable.net>
Kingwood, TX - Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:12 PM CDT
Ann and Mark, thanks for the updates you're sending through the journal. Your writing really helps me to picture what is happening with you all and Timothy. I have to giggle, too, imagining you using all your highly relevant JD/MBA training to wrestle with 'home health' issues. I am sure you are doing a stellar job. Lots of love to you guys and healthy, strong wishes for Timothy. Hope all three of you get more sleep... SOON! :)
Bridget Gray
Washington, DC - Thursday, September 30, 2004 11:27 AM CDT
Hi Annie, Mark, and Timothy,
I can't get used to all the things you have to manage as you describe. Timothy, you have an amazing set of parents, probably the best ever, but don't tell my kids. You are one incredible little boy yourself. Here, we are enjoying lots of fall days with Colorado sun and the threat of snow this week end. The view of the snow covered range against the blue sky surprised me this morning as we returned from the orthodontist. Nice little gift. Glad to hear Hurricane Jeanne is past. Hope Timothy enjoys those cool fall southern strolls in the evening. That almost sounds restful. Could it be? Laugh some for me. Love and keep those cells growing. Love, Peggy

Peggy & Chris & Mary Helen & Juliana & Catherine & Christopher <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver,, CO - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:05 PM CDT
Glad to hear of the good numbers! I sympathize with you -- I think Johnny is having sympathetic sleepless nights with Timothy! Maybe they'll both celebrate Jimmy's birthday (today) by sleeping comfortably through the night! We love the updates and continue the prayers. Enjoy the fall colors -- they're just starting to turn up here, so you should get some in a few weeks. Peace!
Kim, Ricardo, Jimmy, Johnny and Richard Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 4:50 PM CDT
I am glad that you all have adjusted to the apartment/clinic schedule and that Timothy is doing well. I miss seeing you all on 5200. Maybe I will see you in clinic sometime. Take care!
Colleen Hibbert <bovecm@hotmail.com>
Duke 5200, - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
I got your message yesterday and I am sorry I have not called, I am preparing to leave tomorrow on a mission trip to Brazil, I will be gone for 12 days. Sam is here and can help you with the fund you were talking about. I am glad to hear that Timothy is doing well. I pray for things to continue in the right direction. I can not wait to talk with you. It may be after I return from the trip. Here is my e-mail, feel free to e-mail or call anytime, I know how busy things are so whenever is fine. Things do slow down a bit in a year or so!!!!! We have just started to slow a little and Nolan is 18 months out!!!! We will pray that Timothy progress quickly and you are "home home" soon.
Love, Nancy

Sam and Nancy Ramsey www.caringbridge.org/co/nolanramsey <samdramsey@comcast.net>
Erie, Co - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 3:46 PM CDT
Hi, guys. Sounds like things are going fairly well since your transition to the apartment. That's great that T's WBC is so high, but I'm sorry he's so uncomfortable lately. Hopefully he will be feeling better soon so you can all get some rest and get rejuvenated. We are always thinking about you.
with love,

Tanya <thaley79@yahoo.com>
Charlottesville , VA - Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:16 AM CDT
I'm happy to hear you are all settling in to home care. I hope this week brings more finetuning of your nursing skills, and that Tim gets more used to life "at home". I think of you often, and pray for continued cell growth.
Much love,
(Caterina's aunt)

mati bonetti buccini <matibonetti@hotmail.com>
ny, ny - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 3:20 PM CDT
Mark, Ann and Timothy- I think about you and pray for you daily. Love the updates! God Bless Cherrie

Cherrie Archuleta <cherrie_archuleta@yahoo.com>
Longmont, CO US - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 2:54 PM CDT
Hi You Three! Soooooo glad to see that Timothy is doing so good! I miss you all and think of you often. I always get such a warm feeling when I am praying for you three. With all of my prayers, thoughts and love,
Kelli Bodnar <kelli.bodnar@qwest.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 12:15 AM CDT
Cousin Kim again, just wishing you a comfortable day of cell growing, laughing, learning, laughing, loving, laughing, and fun! Love you all!
Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Tuesday, September 28, 2004 8:01 AM CDT
I continue to follow your journey...what wonderful strides the Big T has made! We are cheering from NYC. Wish you only the best. Love and hugs! Grow CELLS Grow!

Olivia (Caterina's friend)

Olivia Lyons <olivialyons@hotmail.com>
NYC, NY - Monday, September 27, 2004 8:29 PM CDT


Katy, Isa, Reggie <katyayers@comcast.net>
DENVER, CO USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 4:54 PM CDT
As if you don't have enough to deal with, here comes Tropical Storm Jeanne bearing down on you. We're praying that she gets downgraded even further before she gets into the Carolinas (if she's not already there). Stay warm and dry, and GROW, CELLS, GROW! Love, Sandy, Ricardo & Ale Velasco
Sandy Velasco <svelasco@hollandhart.com>
Denver, CO - Monday, September 27, 2004 4:02 PM CDT
Hello Ann, Mark & T!

So glad to hear that you're adjusting to life outside of the hospital and dealing so well with all of the curve balls thrown your way. The first week was bound to be the toughest, so I'm confident it will get lots easier from here on out.

In scrolling through the journal entries I couldn't help but notice the vast underrepresentation of Seahawks fans among your friends and family. So, notwithstanding everyone's comparisons between T's progress and that of the Skins, Broncos, etc... I'm writing to wish you all as much success as the Seahawks will undoubtedly have this season. Timmy deserves the best! :)

Finally, I want to echo Zoom's advice not to let penguins drive the bus. I have no idea what that means, but if learned anything about Anno's mom the year that Ann & I lived together, it's that she has incredibly good judgment!!

That's it for now. Thanks so much for writing and keeping us all included in your world. I wish you much rest and positive cell counts in the near future.

With love, Julie

Julie Goldsmith Reiser <jreiser@cmht.com>
Washington , DC - Monday, September 27, 2004 3:54 PM CDT
I called Kathie from work this morning to see how Timothy was doing and she sent me today's web page report. Our thoughts and prayers remain with you and Timothy.
Peter Schaumber <peter.schaumber@nlrb.gov>
Washington, DC - Monday, September 27, 2004 1:00 PM CDT
Hie again from France,
I just red benjie's message and I wanted him and Patsy and all your family to know that we pray for each one of you Tommy, Timothy, Annie, Mark and everyone who takes care of each other. You are just so fantastic, a real exemple for us. When we lived in Denver, in 1986 and 1987, We adopted your family. We have always realized our chance of beeing your friends, but today, we know how lucky we are ! Yes Annie, Mark and Timothy, you are our inspiration, but not only you but the Halley Family. Orban and your mother must be so proud of each of you. They must dance all around heaven ! We pray for you all and love you so very much.

Chantal et Dominique <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Monday, September 27, 2004 11:56 AM CDT
Hi you three. I'm glad you all can still laugh as the mishaps happen. One of my favorite quotes from a parenting book is crisis+time=humor. It reminds us to laugh (even if it takes a bit of time to get to the point where we can!) at the daily situations. Timothy, no wonder you've been sore -- growing 3 inches as well as all those new cells!
Please know that we think of you every time we sit at the computer and check the site several times a day, even if we don't stick a note in the book. You three have been an inspiration to all of us and we love you! Johnny saw your picture yesterday and said "T" with a great big smile. He's definitely looking forward to playing with you!

Kim and the guys Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 7:16 AM CDT
Hi, Timothy! It's your grand uncle benjie here again! Just wanted you to know I'm still praying for you and your mom and dad. Also - I'm trying to take care of your grandma Pat, too! She likes me to be sure my computer is on for her to use so she can see who is talking to you guys here in the guestbook - and to see what your latest journal report contains.

Jack is doing great, always wanting to play. I try to accomodate him, but its never enough. He loves chasing after squirrels and the birds - and going over to the fence to smell out the Alaska malamute dog that lives over there.

I start my new job with Aurora Public Schools this morning -so I'm a bit nervous. It feels like the first day of school all over again. This won't stop me from keeping in daily contact with your progress via your website here, however. I must take my hat off to your mom and dad as they are doing such a marvelous job in taking care of you in your daily fight to grow new cells. You all are such an inspiration to me and to those non-family friends of mine to whom I have told your story.
Hope you enjoyed your visit with Danny and Jan Haley when they visited you this weekend. They both are very strong supporters of all you guys!
Hope you don't mind a little report here on your grand uncle Tommy, who has been fighting brain cancer the past two years - and is in our daily prayers, along with you and your family. He's been mentioned here before - along with you as you guys wage your unbelievable medical battles to recovery. Anyway... Tom continues his daily fight with his cancer via his cancer treatments (chemo, acupuncture, etc.) He had a tough week last week and is recovering from a fall he sustained during the night about 3 days ago where he broke a couple of bones in his left hand. He was trying to change his pajamas, as his wife Elsie explained it to me. Your grandmother Pat and grand aunt Peggy are pitching in to help watch Tom during the daytime - as I can no longer do this on Mondays and Wednesdays because of my new job.
I just can't believe how this family pulls together when life starts getting tough! It must be all the prayers and the wonderful example you guys are setting for the rest of us!
Your journal reports are obviously an inspiration to everyone who visits your website here - and that seems to be a lot of people!! Thank you for taking the time - and if I don't leave you a daily or weekly note here in the guestbook, know that I read it every day.
Much love... grand uncle benjie

Ben Haley <benhaley138@msn.com>
Denver, Co USA - Monday, September 27, 2004 5:47 AM CDT
Annie et Mark,
A la lecture de votre dernier long message. Nous avons pu constater que vos nuits ne sont pas de tout repos... En général, lorsque nous nous levons et que nous allons sur Internet, vous dormez encore ! et là ce n'était pas le cas ! Merci pour tous ces détails qui nous permettent de vous suivre pas à pas dans votre combat. Nous attendons avec impatience les résultats du prochain test qui vous permettra de voir si les cellules du petit enfant donneur prennent le pas sur celles de Timothy. Nous prions pour cela sans relâche et pour que le Seigneur vous donne la force de continuer jour après jour à lutter, avec Timothy. Nous vous embrassons tous les trois avec toute notre grande tendresse.

Chantal et Dominique <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Monday, September 27, 2004 2:50 AM CDT
Hope you ALL are fast asleep!! Yes, we are out here reading of your journey to health,praying and enjoying the pics--Keep smiling for Mommy and Daddy Timothy!--at all hours. We are cheering,sending love and prayers.
Keep up all the hard work--grow cells GROW!!

Love to all, Joanie

Joanie Benner <LBENHUR@aol.com>
ColoradoSprings, CO - Monday, September 27, 2004 2:40 AM CDT
Hi everyone!! I miss all of you and your smiling faces when I enter your room. I'm so gald you got out of here. I was looking forward to taking care of "T" this week though. Please keep in touch. Take care and hang in there. Lot of love!!!
Cindy Taylor 5200 RN <cindytaylor@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC - Monday, September 27, 2004 2:10 AM CDT
Timmy, Anne and Mark - This weekend there was a Eucharist Congress in Washington and I was lucky enough to attend most of it--along with thousands of pligrams. I kept you three in my heart and prayers. In these times of war and destruction it is wonderful to see such devotion to the Blessed Eucharist. Love and grow cells grow.
Kathie Schaumber <schaumber@aol.com>
washington, DC USA - Sunday, September 26, 2004 10:56 PM CDT
Hello Timothy, Annie, and Mark. I'm sure that getting into your new routine is quite a challenge. It was so touching to see the greetings from your nurse(s?) and Caterina's family after leaving the hospital. You can see how your fight has touched these wonderful people in a positive way, as I'm sure they have touched your lives over the past three months. And, I see from reading the greetings that you might have some visitors this weekend -- Dan, Jan and Tanya. That'll be an upper, for sure. Tell them hi for us. Much love and prayers still coming from Texas. Grow cells, GROW -- and, BEAT SANDHOFF'S!
Lynne and Jim Haley <jim.haley@kingwoodcable.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Sunday, September 26, 2004 7:19 PM CDT
Hi... miss you all! Lots! Remember:"Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus." Timmy knows! See you soon. You're doing a fabulous job. And I can't imagine better drivers. We are sooo proud of each of you. xoxozoom
Pat Ayers <Payers@homebroker.net>
Denver, Co - Sunday, September 26, 2004 1:43 PM CDT
Dear Mark and Annie and Timothy !
We have been praying and thinking so much of you during all this time since Peggy phoned us.Timothy's lovely picture has been and is still in our prayers.We are so happy to know that you are back home.I won't forget my stay at your place in Paris.We had such a nice time with Peggy and the children there.We keep praying.Lots of love from Caroline Barbet and her family,Philippe,François and Marie.

Caroline Barbet <phbarbet@yahoo.fr>
Vence 06140, France - Sunday, September 26, 2004 9:24 AM CDT
Hey there Timmy! I hope that you are able to see Danny, Jan and Tanya this weekend. I love you very much and hope that you are adjusting well. Give your mom and dad lots of smiles for me. xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxo
Katy <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO - Saturday, September 25, 2004 10:44 PM CDT
Timothy, Annie & Mark, we hope your transition is going well and that T is feeling better each day. Love, kisses and best wishes, Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy & Johnny
Kim Vera <vhfamily@mavolleyball.org>
- Saturday, September 25, 2004 8:00 PM CDT
Timmy, we are frinds of your grandfather Paul and are cheering for you and your mommy and daddy, praying for you too! We know with all the love around you you will begin getting well soon!
Debby and Larry <ddemaree@erols.com>
Bethesda, MD - Friday, September 24, 2004 12:25 AM CDT
KATY <katyayers@comcast.net>
DENVER, CO USA - Friday, September 24, 2004 11:37 AM CDT
As I was reading some of the contributions from your MANY good friends and relatives out there this morning, I thought about how YOU have made it so EASY for nearly everyone to say something profound. What a Journal! Keep up your hard work and we look forward to seeing all three of you on Monday.
xoxo Dan & Jan

Dan & Jan Haley <writehaley@comcast.net>
Lakewood, CO - Friday, September 24, 2004 8:06 AM CDT
Thank you for your journals. Growing thoughts and prayers zing out from Washington as well as sustaining energy for you both. XXX Abigail
Abigail Wiebenson <awiebenson@lowellschool.org>
Washington, DC - Friday, September 24, 2004 5:08 AM CDT
Go on Timmy !
We keep praying together for yours cells keep growing. No diet for them !!!
Love from us all around here to you, your mam and dad and all your family.

Chantal et Dominique <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Friday, September 24, 2004 0:45 AM CDT
Keep on Truckin Looking good
Puglisi family <angelo@aminvestments.com>
Washington, D.C. USA - Thursday, September 23, 2004 10:40 PM CDT
Hi Ann & Mark,
I just have to ask...the first night you came home with Timothy did your on-call nurse get a 2:30 a.m. panic call because you forgot to flush the lines?????? If not, you are way ahead of the game and have my utmost admiration. Timothy - your winning smile is on my laptop. Go baby.
Jo Yost

Jo Yost <jyost@manekin.com>
Baltimore, MD - Thursday, September 23, 2004 1:44 PM CDT
Congratulations to the whole family!! Timothy you are a champion and we are all so proud of you. You don't know me but I am Caterina's aunt and we have kept you in our prayers for some time now. I spend a week with Cati at the hospital and I saw you a couple of times and really hoped everything went well for you. Now I am back in the Dominican Republic and was so happy to read the update and hear you all are doing well at home. Timothy, you are a living proof that we must never loose hope and that God is hearing our prayers. Stay strong and have a great life.
Ligia (Caterina's Aunt)

Ligia Bonetti de Valiente <l.bonetti@mercasid.com.do>
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Thursday, September 23, 2004 11:53 AM CDT
Hooray! What an incredible step, big T! Keep up the good work! From "D" for discharge to "D" for Denver! You'll be home soon enough and we can't wait to welcome you!
Love to you, your incredible Mama, and super Papa---
Di and Tigger

Dianna and Tigger <dlgdenver@hotmail.com>
Denver, CO - Thursday, September 23, 2004 11:52 AM CDT
Congratulations! Keep on going! Finally at your new home. Timothy, Ann and Mark you are always in our minds.
Ricardo, Kim, Richard, Jimmy and Johnny <rvera@mavolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Thursday, September 23, 2004 6:50 AM CDT
Bravo Timmy !
Maintenant nous allons encore plus prier pour vous trois !
Vous avez quitté le cocon hopital pour être "à la maison". Nous espérons que ton papa et ta maman vont pouvoir se reposer un petit peu et dormir.... Nous espérons que tes petites quenottes (dents) à venir ne te font pas trop souffrir ! Dis nous si tu as envi de quelques "French stuffs" Comment ça va avec le masque ??? c'est pas très drôle j'immagine !!! Je pars demain matin avec Maëlys (qui attend son bébé pour dans 3 semaines)et ton petit ami Jean Gabriel, pour le mariage d'Etienne. Prie pour que le bébé ne naisse pas dans notre voiture !!! Vincent est en mission et n'arrivera que samedi matin... je préfèrerais qu'il attende son papa... Un gros bisou à tous les 3, avec notre immense tendresse.

Chantal et Dominique <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Thursday, September 23, 2004 6:31 AM CDT
Yahoo!!!!Wish I could be there to help you all. You are doing so well I know you will do GREAT with this hugh step! Lots of change but take a BIG breath or two and go go go!! You three CAN do it!!
Our prayers are with you too. Timothy your smiling face greets us at our church too as I posted your picture to remind everyone to send their prayers too. We have many healthcare and spiritual workers at East United Methodist Church sending encouragement and prayers your way.
Keep up the hard work! LOVE AND PRAYERS, Joanie

Joanie,Larry,Jenny and Trenna Benner <LBENHUR@AOL.COM>
ColoradoSprings, CO - Thursday, September 23, 2004 3:25 AM CDT
Welcome home, Tim-Tim! One small step at a time, buddy. Can't wait to see you when I get back from San Fran. Keep those cells growing! Love to you, Mommy and Daddy...


Mark Higgins <mark@hallwynne.com>
- Thursday, September 23, 2004 3:24 AM CDT
In an interview on this morning's early TV, the PhD author of a new book "The Spiritual Gene" (or something like that)advanced the notion that DNA carries a gene that makes 'spirituality' (or hope or survival) part of the genetic makeup.

Me must be right -- witness all the persuasive supplications made by yourselves, your family, friends and acquaintances to make certain the spirituality gene is part of T's DNA strand!

He did not, alas, mention swabbing the gums with bourbon whiskey to relieve the discomfort of growning new teeth, much less the pain of growing new cells. Must not be a southerner.

Hug Timothy!

Kit <cdobbins@mcleodusa.net>
Denver, - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 11:53 PM CDT
Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
- Wednesday, September 22, 2004 9:55 PM CDT
It's great to see the pictures and to hear that you are all together now. We will continue to pray everyday for more good news. We love you all very much.

Susie, Richard and Jack <susieemail@yahoo.com>
Greenville, SC - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 8:32 PM CDT
congratulations on your departure from the hospital, and best of luck with the new challenge in the coming days! sorry to have missed your discharge from the hospital - i'm still in durham if there is anything you need while you are in clinic all day.
best wishes for a smooth transition ahead.
much love,
(caterina's aunt)

mati bonetti buccini <matibonetti@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 4:56 PM CDT
Hi Timmy!
Now you're out of the hospital and will soon be living the "Durham Life." I can't wait to take you to the Duke Gardens for a picnic, the Life and Science Museum and hunting for pumpkins in one of the local pumpkin patches. I am so happy that your cells are growing growing growing. Keep it up kiddo and can't wait to see you.

Carrington Razook Jackson <carrington_razook@Hotmail.com>
Durham, NC 27705 - Wednesday, September 22, 2004 9:42 AM CDT
Hi brave threesome-
I have heard through the grapevine that you are home. I hope that means you will be able to get some much needed sleep, especially you little guy, get some z's. I am so happy to hear about the extraordinary progress; you guys are quite incredible. Please keep us posted - everyone loves the updates. Miss you tons!!! Lots of OOOOOOOOOOXXXXXXXXXX and prayers, as well as lots of love. Terri

Chicago, - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:21 PM CDT
I came in today and you weren't here! I'm so glad that you're out and doing so well but I miss you!
Jennifer Lumb <nurse_wren@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:49 PM CDT
Hello Annie, Mark and T!! We are thrilled to hear the wonderful news!!! We continue to pray for you all - for more cell growth and less pain and a little more sleep!!!
Keep up the good work T!! Annie you have to write a book some day. You are beautifully eloquent and such a pleasure to read - even with only 4 hours sleep out of 36!!!
Love and blessings,
Andrea, Stephan, Martin & Charlotte Badot

Andrea <badot@kingwoodcable.net>
Kingwood, TX USA - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:28 PM CDT
And I'll third it! Coming from someone who had a lot of help on my last move while I was in the hospital having Johnny, that kind of help is most appreciated! We love you lots and wonder if you may be reading this at "home" with T.
Kim & Ricardo & Richard & Jimmy & Johnny <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:00 PM CDT
And I'll second that one, Fern. It's that Love and Peace we all need who love these three soooo much. From my heart to yours, I send you the biggest virtual hug ever. xoxox Love,


Peggy & Chris & Mary Helen & Juliana & Catherine & Christopher <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 12:59 AM CDT
To the Three of You! What great news and great expectations even if they are scary. Though I don't know the folks who helped you move, thank you, thank you, thank you! In this case, it is a critical "move." I'd like to send along a quote that has meant so much to me recently and it is, "The eternal voice of perfect Love whispered, 'Peace, Be Still' and there was great calm." Please listen for that voice of perfect Love for he will calm you all. With my love and my call to GROW, CELLS, GROW!

Fern Balaun

Fern Balaun <FernBalaun@Juno.com>
Littleton, CO USA - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 12:38 AM CDT
i second that, katy!!!!
love you guys lots,
and am so excited for this next phase
love, erin

erin haley <erinehaley@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:37 AM CDT
I hope that your move is successful and can't wait for new pictures. We miss you so darned much. Love you lots and pray for a continued infection free recovery! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Katy <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO usa - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:14 AM CDT
Timothy, we're thinking of you on this big day when you might be coming home. I am picturing you getting a deep breath (through the mask... keep it on!) of that nice fresh air and enjoying a bit of sunshine on those cheeks. It was great to see your parents this weekend... you are a lucky boy to have those two! Lots of love to you, Timothy, Mark and Annie!
Bridget Gray <bridgetcb@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, September 21, 2004 8:59 AM CDT
Hi Annie, Mark, and Timmy! What a long haul you all have had! You've been in my prayers constantly and it's so wonderful to hear that they're working. You'll look back on this time and be amazed at everyone's strength. My sister had some scary post-cancer set-backs and is now doing amazingly well her self. I've been meaning to send you a card full of love, but just got to talk to Pat today, to find out how and where you are. Keep going! You're almost there!!! Love, Becky
Becky Smith <bsmith@balancefunding.com>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, September 20, 2004 6:35 PM CDT
We are friends of Caterina and so very excited to hear the good news!!! As you do my parents live in Colorado and I was roomates with Claudina from high school...I hope that all goes smoothly into the next part of your journey. Cheers coming from NYC!!! Grow CELLS Grow!!! Best of luck
Olivia Lyons <olivialyons@hotmail.com>
NYC, NY - Monday, September 20, 2004 6:06 PM CDT
We are friends of Caterina and so very excited to hear the good news!!! As you do my parents live in Colorado and I was roomates with Claudina from high school...I hope that all goes smoothly into the next part of your journey. Cheers coming from NYC!!! Grow CELLS Grow!!! Best of luck
Olivia Lyons <olivialyons@hotmail.com>
NYC, NY - Monday, September 20, 2004 6:06 PM CDT
Great job Timothy!!! We have been following your progress and are thrilled to hear you may be going home this week. We hope to join you in clinic in the not too distant future. Caterina is hanging in there... fighting fevers but breathing much better. We miss seeing you through your window or ours, but we have been keeping quiet and gathering our energy to fight this big bump. Take good care and we look forward to throwing you some confetti! With love always,
Claudina (Caterina's mom) <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Monday, September 20, 2004 1:21 PM CDT
I am thinking of you 3 often and praying that things go well. It is looking so positive.....I will continue to check the site for updates. Lots of love.
Kacy Brown <kacy.brown@tq3navigant.com>
Aurora, CO USA - Monday, September 20, 2004 12:06 AM CDT
Annie, Mark and Timothy,
Les nouvelles d'aujourd'hui sont vraiment séduisantes. Dommage que nous ne puissions vous aider. Nous allons prier pour l'installation et l'organisation de Timothy dans votre nouvel appartement. PRIER aussi pourle bien être de Timothy, jour après jour, et pour que vous puissiez tous les deux prendre des temps de repos. Nous allons beaucoup penser à vous le WE prochain. C'est promis !
Nous vous embrassons tous les trois avec tout notre amour.

Dominique and chantal <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Monday, September 20, 2004 11:57 AM CDT
Hey, Timmy! I had to laugh when your Mom said that you gave that mask a piece of your mind. Good for you! It's all part of fightin' the good fight. Keep it up -- and you too, Annie and Mark. What a team you three make. Wish we could be there to help with some of the cleaning, etc. We love you, and send our prayers as always. Grow cells, GROW!
Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Monday, September 20, 2004 11:07 AM CDT
Hey Timothy! Finally gittin out out of that hospital, eh? What a change for all of you! We'll be throwin' more prayers your way as you continue your unbelievable battle to grow new cells. Annie and Mark too! You've got a tough week ahead moving into your new surroundings - but we're all thinking and praying for all of you.

I'm over at Tommy's typing this on his new laptop computer, which Danny took Tommy out to buy the other day. Tommy's goes to his "chemo therapy" session this morning - an appointment that isn't much fun, as it leaves him quite tired. In spite of all this, he thinks and prays for you too!

Billy's here too and sends his love and prayers as you continue your amazing recovery at Duke Medical and all those wonderful doctors and nurses that you have there.

Patsy, the Sheehan family and I all said another rosary and the novenas last night for you. Hang in there buddy! You are certainly fighting the good fight!!

much love,
Benjie, Billy and Tommy Haley

Ben Haley, Bill Haley, Tom Haley <tomhaley@4dv.net>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, September 20, 2004 11:04 AM CDT

All the best big guy as you prepare to move to the new crib! My thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day! I love you Timmy!


Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Monday, September 20, 2004 7:59 AM CDT
What a great way to start the week! We were at the beach this weekend and I missed checking into this site for all the updates! Annie and Mark, you two will be especially in my prayers as this exciting change comes through! Yipee! We love you!
Kim Vera and the guys <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD - Monday, September 20, 2004 7:18 AM CDT
Goodnite sweet Timothy! I love you so much. Not a 5 minute period passses when I don't stop and think about you and say a quick prayer (for real!). Sounds like things are on the up and up!!? Terribly hard, frusterating, plain ol' yucky, but you are sure showing us all how to do it. I hope that you have another AMAZING week. We are all rooting for you from my address. Lots of love. To you Annie, and Mark too! You are champions! I continue to pray.
Katy <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO usa - Sunday, September 19, 2004 10:13 PM CDT
DENVER, CO USA - Saturday, September 18, 2004 10:27 AM CDT
Hot Damn!!! (east tennessee redneck expression to express abounding joy) If this kid covers short field like he grows cells, watch out. We could have a potental MO' famer on our hands. Thinking of you guys often. We are keeping the dream alive here in Chicago. Many prayers your way. Love, Todd Go Timmy Go!!!
Todd Haberkost <toddhaberkost@gmail.com>
Chicago, IL - Friday, September 17, 2004 11:54 PM CDT
Grow Cells GROW! GO Timothy!
Annie and Mark- Peggy just shared this website. We are all rooting for you!We have been for months. SO glad to know about your daily progress.

the Crew Family <dianaleecrew@jmsn.com>
Denver, Co - Friday, September 17, 2004 8:01 PM CDT
Keep it up! I saw your mom at church this morning, Annie. I mentioned how impressed I am with you. You're an inspiration to us all. We pray for you every day - many times a day. It is working.
Felicity O'Herron <botaish@qwest.com>
- Friday, September 17, 2004 6:22 PM CDT
so happy to see tim and anne yesterday. congrats on engrafting. hope he continues on his path - one day at a time. let me know if there's anything i can do for you guys - since i'm "home at the apt in durham" during most of the time, i can lend a hand if you need me to bring anything over, etc.
have a great night,

mati bonetti buccini <matibonetti@hotmail.com>
durham, nc - Friday, September 17, 2004 6:19 PM CDT
Hello Timothy,Annie and Mark,
Que de progrès ! Nous sommes tous à l'écoute des dernières nouvelles, et elles ne nous déçoivent jamais ! Annie and Mark vous devriez être journaliste ! Quel don vous avez pour l'écriture. Ceux à qui nous transmettons le site de Timothy sont très touchés sans même vous connaître et prient pour vous. Soeur Catherine et la communauté d'Etrépagny continuent à prier pour vous aussi. Merci à tous les deux de vous donner tant de mal pour nous aider à rester "en contact" avec vous, tout près de vous. Nous continuons à prier pour ta guérison Timothy, tes merveilleux sourires nous charment de plus en plus et nous rappellent que nous ne devons pas faiblir. C'est bien peu de choses ! Nous vous embrassons tous les trois très tendrement.

Chantal et Dominique <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Ham, France - Friday, September 17, 2004 12:31 AM CDT
I pray for you and your family almost everyday. Someday we'll know all about this but for now we just have to trust in God's love. If we knew what God knows, we'd want what God wants. Faith is a good thing.
janet claxton <soxoff@homebroker.net>
denver, colo usa - Friday, September 17, 2004 11:17 AM CDT
We just said a prayer for Timothy this morning. Continued blessings on the three of you.
Barb Wirth <barbmwirth@earthlink.net>
Atlanta, GA USA - Friday, September 17, 2004 8:57 AM CDT
Timmy - way to go for making those cells grow! What super news! Keep up the good work and give your mommy and daddy a big hug from me! You guys are all in my prayers!
Jennifer Curley <jennifer.curley@linklaters.com>
London, - Friday, September 17, 2004 8:00 AM CDT
Way to go Tim !! Keep up the great work. All of our thoughts and prayers are with you every step of the way.

Rick, Aizza, and Anneleise Kerchenfaut

Rick Kerchenfaut <rickker1@aol.com>
Sheboygan, WI - Friday, September 17, 2004 3:37 AM CDT
dear T
So happy to hear your good news, make sure to give mom and dad a big hug for me!
bisous :)

erin haley <erinehaley@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, September 16, 2004 3:15 PM CDT
Dear Timothy,
Happy Engraftment! Such wonderful news! Keep on growing, Cells!

Cliona and Art Levy <clevy@sonnenschein.com>
Brooklyn, NY USA - Thursday, September 16, 2004 2:05 PM CDT
Great going Timothy. So you're ready for thee next phase, are you? With all your miracles so far, I'm sure this part will be a breeze. We love you so much. Take good care of your mommy and daddy. Love,
Peggy, Chris, Mary Helen, Juliana, Catherine and Christopher Sheehan <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Thursday, September 16, 2004 12:26 AM CDT
Wow--great work Timmy--and also your Mom and Dad! I went and did a little research on what it meant to be engrafted--you HAVE been working hard! Keep it up--we are ALL rooting for you and thank you for your inspiration. Funny how someone too young to speak can say so much...Keep it up!
Ruth Ann <ruthannkeene@yahoo.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 11:04 PM CDT
Such exciting news! Way to go Timothy!! We are all rooting for you here in Annapolis. Keep up the good work.
Give your mom and dad a few hugs for me.
love, katie

Katie Prechtl <katieprechtl@yahoo.com>
Annapolis, MD USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 7:52 PM CDT
Timothy! A photo of Charlotte and Martin placed beside one of you, sent by Annie to announce your birth, shows them giving you a high five for your 1100 ANC. Right on!

Kit <cdobbins@mcleodusa.net>
Denver, - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 5:31 PM CDT
Whoopeee! You are engrafted! How absolutely exciting, Timothy! And, how are those new teeth coming along? Growing cells and teeth at the same time? -- sounds exhausting, but it looks like you're getting pretty good at growing things. Congratulations! We'll continue to watch for more progress. Love and prayers as always. Grow cells, GROW!
Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 4:54 PM CDT
Glad to hear things are moving along well. Phase Two as you call it will be another big change, but it is nice to be able to move freely in your own apartment. We pray for continued cell growing!!!! Love, The Ramsey's
Sam, Nancy and Nolan (www.caringbridge.org/co/nolanramsey) <Samdramsey@comcast.net>
Erie, Co - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 8:51 AM CDT
What fantastic news!!! We look forward to reading all about more growth AND phase two...how wonderful! The picture of Ann and Timothy is a favorite here too...
Carey Steere <careysteere@yahoo.com>
Rockville Centre, NY USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 7:14 AM CDT
Wow! That's great news first thing in the morning! You all just keep amazing us. The power of prayer and positive thinking is fantastic. We love all of you!
Kim, Jimmy, Richard, and Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD 21774 - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 6:19 AM CDT
All right Timothy!!! You're almost ready to move on to the next phase!! We will continue to think of you in our daily prayers.
Love, The Mitricks, Anne, Joe, Gracen, and Blake.

Anne Mitrick <themitricks@charter.net>
Greenville, SC USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 6:16 AM CDT
Great news!!! Timothy is going for the gold medal of growing cells. Keep it up! Great job.
Ricardo Vera <rvera@mavolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Wednesday, September 15, 2004 5:29 AM CDT
ANC 1100!!!... I think you are on your way to win the triple crown this time Timothy. Come on TGIF!
Dan & Jan <writehaley@comcast.net>
- Wednesday, September 15, 2004 0:13 AM CDT
Way to go, Timmy! Sounds like you're growing cells at the fastest rate yet! Hooooorayyy! (and I do mean 'hoo. Wahoo that is.) Keep up the great work. Get home soon!
love, Tanya

Tanya <thaley79@yahoo.com>
Charlotesville, VA - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:58 PM CDT
Wats Up Tim? Dawson checking in here. So, I'm four weeks old today and things are kind of crazy around here. Mom and Dad say that your cells are growing and growing and growing. Go Tim Go! I'm ready for my designated play buddy to come home! My Doc says I've got Colitis so mom and dad gave me this way icky formula tonight. They say I've been fussy, colicky and that I don't sleep alot. Hmmm? I think I've been way cool. Anyways, can't wait to meet you. Mom and Dad have been saying their prayers for you.

Love, Dawson (Mel & Coates)

Dawson Lear <mddawson@du.edu>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 9:18 PM CDT
Mark, Annie and Timothy:
You should know that you have been in our thoughts and prayers. Tell Timothy to keep on smiling (and swinging of course) and we'll do the praying. You guys are fantistic and what you have done for all of us is quite extraordinary. All our love!

Bill, Christine, and Francesca <bill.haley @earthlink.net>
New York, NY - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 9:05 PM CDT
Lots lots lots of prayers for you and your Mam and Dad. We keep looking everyday from our "campagne" how great are your progress ! Grow cells grow ! Please keep growing ! love you so much !

Dominique and chantal <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Jambon , France - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 12:24 AM CDT

We are glad that you are continuing to progress. Keep up the good work. I would like to join you guys in a "cell dance." Sounds fun! After two weeks of hurricane dodging, I was glad to get caught up on the journal entries. We are praying for you and your folks Timmy. Stay focused and continue to amaze us all. We love you!

"Hurricane Higgs"

Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:00 AM CDT
Ok, Ok! So the Houston Texans got off to a bad start, yesterday. But, I think they heard about Timothy's website and they have a re-newed idea about what a fighting spirit is all about. Watch out for the Texans next week, Detroit! You show 'em, Timothy! I also have good vibes about your battle. I was stunned when Annie recently started talking about discharge procedures, but I don't think I'd bet against her. Love and prayers as always,
Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Houston, TX USA - Monday, September 13, 2004 9:18 PM CDT
Timothy, Annie and Mark, I check in every day and continue to see the good news of your progress, Timothy. What a great family you have pulling for you. I don't know about the other side of your family, but I know the strength of the Haley family. You may even feel the presence of Helen and Ora Ben though you may not recognize them, Timothy! For they are with you, as are we all who pray for you every day. GROW, CELLS, GROW!
Fern Balaun <FernBalaun@Juno.com>
Littleton, CO USA - Monday, September 13, 2004 2:57 PM CDT
A beautiful weekend full of hard work in Denver and in Durham alike ... we were out planting new fall goodies and thinking of you guys as we do. Here's to good growth on all fronts! Hope this week is a three-bie for Timothy and a peaceful one for all of you.
Marylou & Brent Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO 80218 - Monday, September 13, 2004 12:06 AM CDT
Mark, Ann and Timothy, just wanted to let you know we think of you all the time. Missed you in Chaut. Getting into our routine here. Let us know if we can do anything on the homefront. Sending our love, Kate and crew
Kate Zarou
Denver, CO usa - Monday, September 13, 2004 11:51 AM CDT
OK, tell me if I've got this right... Timothy needs to win the ANC 500 three consequtive times - right?
Dan and Jan

Dan and Jan <writehaley@comcast.net>
Lakewood, CO USA - Monday, September 13, 2004 11:34 AM CDT
Hey Timothy, we're BIG Redskins fans here and know that you have coaches (parents) and fans (the rest of us) who are even better than the great Joe Gibbs and the Redskins fans(and that's saying a lot!). We're pulling and praying for you here and hope that nasty diaper rash goes away soon! We check every day for updates and love to see your cute face! Lots of love to all of you!
Kim, Ricardo, Johnny, Jimmy and Richard Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Monday, September 13, 2004 8:34 AM CDT
Hey Timothy - the Broncos won last night against the Kansas City Chiefs, #1 offense in the league! No one thought the Broncos could come up with such a winning opener, not even me. So, I couldn't help but think of you - and the winning battle you are waging. Keep up the good fight - you're a winner in everyone's eyes around the country! We all love and pray for you every day.

Let us know what the doctor says about your chest x-ray today - and if they fixed your little diaper rash problem. I'm sure before the day is over, all will be well again - so hang in there, as you have so many times before.

lots of love and prayers are still coming your way!

grand uncle Benjie

Ben Haley <benhaley138@msn.com>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, September 13, 2004 8:23 AM CDT
Bruni and I have been keeping up with your reports on Timothy and we feel that we are right there with you. Keep up the great work you are doing and be be assured of our prayers on this end.
Tom Magovern

Thomas F. Magovern
Chevy Chase, MD USA - Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:47 PM CDT
We are praying so hard for all of you!! I'm so happy to have this amazing website and keep up with Timmy's great progress! When the picture came up I just wanted to scoop him up and kiss those beautiful cheeks!!! What an absolutely handsome boy!! Our love to all of you and everyone out there!!
Greg and Linda Prechtl <gprechtl@netsync.net>
Fredonia, NY USA - Sunday, September 12, 2004 6:54 PM CDT
Hi Danny !
We just came back home from l'Hermitage !Do you remember us ?
We are so sorry.... we just laughted at your last message.... next time donnot forget the magic stuff to stop the alarme !!! How was the night ? I guess it was not so funny. But we are sure you have taken time to pray for lovely Timothy and for his parents ! I immagine you when Timothy will be old enough, telling him the story !
With all our affection to your Halley family.

Dominique and chantal <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Sunday, September 12, 2004 1:57 PM CDT
We sure do miss you and hope that you are being stronger than ever! We love you very much and continue to pray for you! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

KATY, REGGIE AND ISABELLA <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO usa - Saturday, September 11, 2004 7:48 PM CDT
Our prayers are with you as our best wishes. Hope all is well in the past few days.
Rich Viehe <RBV30@cox.net>
Newport Beach, ca usa - Saturday, September 11, 2004 4:21 PM CDT
Yo Timothy, (you too Mom and Dad)
Wow, you are doing great! We are 'all' so happy to monitor your progress every day. Tell Mom and Dad that I ripped out the security system to your house in a fit of rage a couple of days ago... no big deal. The police and fire dept. came and took me in for questioning and all I had to do was spend the night in jail and pay the fine. But tell your Dad that I did get my drill back. Other than that everything on this end is going great! ;)
Granduncle Danny

Dan Haley <writehaley@comcast.net>
Lakewood, CO USA - Saturday, September 11, 2004 10:02 AM CDT
Cher Timothy, nous venons d'admirer tes photos avec Ombeline avec force commentaires de mademoiselle à l'appui ! Nous sommes suspendus aux news et restons unis à vous par la pensée le coeur et la prière. Vous nous manquez. Ombeline est en train de s'énerver sur sa soeur qui manque de docilité dans l'apprentissage du dessin. Timothy, je voudrais que tu vois ça !
Nous vous embrassons tous les trois très fort, Hélène

Hélène Strauss <strausshp@wanadoo.fr>
Toulon, France - Saturday, September 11, 2004 3:12 AM CDT
Dear T, A & M,
So much positive news. We've been praying for a miracle for Timmy and expecting it to arrive like Lazurus rising from the dead. Instead the miracle is happening a little at a time.
We've been praying FOR something for a long time and now I'm starting to include prayers of Thanksgiving every day along with my normal miracle prayers.
We truly have so many amazing things to be thankful for including the love of so many who care about T, A, & M.
Love and kisses from Grandma Ritacco and Grandpa
P.S. Grandma Pat thinks it's his Irish feistiness which is winning the battle. How about his stubborn Italian and workaholic Polish heritage?

Paul Ritacco <paitalent@aol.com>
Washington, DC - Friday, September 10, 2004 10:58 PM CDT
Hi Timothy and his Mommy and Daddy...Since Mark Higgins shared this website with me last week, I've been keeping up with Timothy's progress. That little fellow is so handsome. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go thru these days and nights. Thank God for the Duke Children's Hospital. Expect a miracle! As I sit at my computer, my 18 month old granddaughter is asleep in Nana's room. She is healthy and I am so blessed. You, too, are blessed and I know Timothy will be healthy again soon. Grow cells, grow!
Susan Dunnagan <susan.dunnagan@verizon.net>
Durham, NC - Friday, September 10, 2004 9:00 PM CDT
Oh, you will be batting 500 before you know it, Timothy! Keep up the good work, all three of you!
Marylou Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO US - Friday, September 10, 2004 5:54 PM CDT
Ann, Mark and Timothy,
God bless you all and know that we are all behind you and think of you tons. Have a great evening and hope it is restful. Cannot wait to see more from you all!
Kelli Bodnar

Kelli Bodnar <kelli.bodnar@qwest.com>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, September 10, 2004 5:50 PM CDT
Our thoughts, hopes, and prayers are with you for every step of the way. You've got some pretty amazing people with you every day, and we're all very proud of you. Keep fighting the good fight, and get well!

Steve, Christina, and Ben Haley <haleysa@us.ibm.com>
Round Rock, TX USA - Friday, September 10, 2004 5:49 PM CDT
Go Timothy, Mark and Annie,
It takes a pretty good team and family to make those numbers. Great news and new photos. Thanks for sharing all this right away. Wait till I show Chistopher and Catherine and Juliana and Mary Helen and Chris. This will make their weekend. Take care of your mom and dad, Timothy. Those little naps on the shoulder like in the photo work wonders. More love and prayers coming your way. This time some prayers of thanksgiving. Keep up the good work. oxoxox Love,

Peggy <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, September 10, 2004 3:31 PM CDT
Way to go, Timothy! You too Ann and Mark. The waiting is the hardest part, but you all seem to be making the best of it. Love ya lots!
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy and Johnny <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Friday, September 10, 2004 12:11 AM CDT
Hi Timothy, Ann and Mark!! I am so excited to read about the .8 WBC - Way to go, Mr. T! Keep on growing! I am so proud of you guys, and I miss you - I hope to see you SOON.
Uncle Blake

Blake Howard <jblakehoward@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC USA - Friday, September 10, 2004 11:56 AM CDT
Mark, Ann, & Timothy - We've been following your progress and are so thankful that you have this website to keep us all informed. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both, Mark and Ann, and most of all with Timothy. Timothy is such a beautiful boy and he's doing such a great job getting those cells to grow. Your strength is an inspiration for all of us. Stay strong.
God Bless, Katy (Slonaker), Craig, Justin & Cameron

Katy Duda <katy_duda@hotmail.com>
Vienna, VA - Friday, September 10, 2004 10:57 AM CDT
Wow, Timmy! Great work! You look adorable as ever. also, glad you liked the Pigeon book!
Love, Tanya

Tanya <thaley79@yahoo.com>
- Friday, September 10, 2004 9:42 AM CDT
Wow!--for a little guy who has gone through so much, Timothy is looking great. We've been following the journal entries and love the photos, and are just overwhelmed by your faith and fortitude. Chautauqua is taking on a fall feel, and we are looking forward to our annual fall trek to Denver. We know that Tim is busy now, but we look forward to a trip to Liks with all of you in the spring. Hugs to all.
Sara and Jay Peterson <sarape48@hotmail .com>
Chautauqua, N.Y. USA - Friday, September 10, 2004 8:40 AM CDT
Great news to read first thing in the morning! Hang tough -- you guys are almost outta there. Oh yeah... GROW CELLS GROW!!
Julie Goldsmith Reiser <jreiser@cmht.com>
Washington, DC - Friday, September 10, 2004 6:14 AM CDT
What a joy to see some color in those cherubic cheeks, Tim-Tim! Onward and upward with your progress, little Buddy, to get you out of Duke and back home pronto! Praying for you and your sweet Mom and Dad without ceasing. grow cells GROW!

Love ya,

"Doodlebug" Higgins

Mark Higgins <mark@hallwynne.com>
- Friday, September 10, 2004 6:14 AM CDT
I got up this morning at l'Hermitage and already went to have a look on N.C... Whowww ! Your nurse is great !!! she looks so gentle, I anderstand you like her very much... Thank you for the new pictures, We are all waitting for new ones, but we are very impressed when Your Dad and Mam find time and strengh to do new ones. Thank you so much to them too. Give them our love and keep a lot for you ok ?
Love more and more. Chantal

Chantal <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Gamaches en Vexin, France - Friday, September 10, 2004 0:39 AM CDT
Our prayers are with you -- we only wish we could be to give you hugs and moral support. Let us know if there's ANYTHING we can do from here (from watering plants to sending you stuff to you name it) -- we'd like to help in any way we can. Love, love, love -- Sandy, Ricardo and Alessandra Velasco
Sandy Velasco <svelasco@hollandhart.com>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 9:08 PM CDT
I am so happy that I have finally been able to reach this site.
I think and pray for Timothy and the entire family every day. Your faith is impressive and I feel sure that it will see you through this difficult time.

Barbara O'Connor <foc14127@aol.com>
Orchard Park, NY USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 7:47 PM CDT
I love you all so very much!! Grow Cells Grow!! Timmy I know you can do it! Keep strong and tell your Mom and Dad that they too are SUPER DUPER STARS!!
Katy <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, Co USA - Thursday, September 9, 2004 6:11 PM CDT
Hi Guys,
So happy to hear about Timothy's continued progress, this is really great. I'm still thinking about you 3 lots and checking this website every day. I can't wait to see you and give you bug hugs...
As Billy would say, "Keep on swingin!"

Erin Haley <erinehaley@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, September 9, 2004 1:17 PM CDT
Timothy, Annie and Mark
"Grow Cells Grow" Timothy thank you for working so hard in growing those cells. You bless your parents with all your hard work. We pray for continued cell growth.

Lois and Joe Guzzo <Guzzola@aol.com>
Cape Coral, FL USA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 8:22 PM CDT
Wow! Mark, Annie and charming, beautiful Timothy----From the length of this list it is obvious ou have a lot of friends praying for you. Our prayers are with all of theirs. We are looking forward to the day when Timothy is given the go ahead to return home so we can meet him and give you all hugs. Love, Les and Marianne
Les and Marianne Woodward <woodwardmm@aol.com>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 7:08 PM CDT
My dear Timothy,
You are a special boy with unbelievable parents and that is why you are going to just get better and stronger every day. I send you my love and unbounded best thoughts and wishes to you and your family. I have not been lucky enough to meet you yet, but I can't wait to see that amazing smile of yours in person some day soon. Give lots and lots of kisses to your mommy and daddy. Love, Jules

Julianna Greenspan
Toronto, Ont Canada - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 6:53 PM CDT
Dear Timothy, Annie, and Mark. Lynne and I have just returned from a family trip to the Bay Area in California -- complete with tours of the Fisherman's Wharf and of Alcatraz. The real reward was getting to spend time with family that we don't see nearly often enough. Each day, however, we needed to come and visit you at your website to see how you were doing and to be re-energized by the love and strength that is manifested here so continually. And, we did -- we're addicted! Thank you for keeping it so alive. You know that our love and prayers for you accompany this note.

Grow, donor cells, GROW!

Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 5:09 PM CDT
Anne, Mark and Timothy,

We have been keeping tabs on all of you through the chautauqua connection but I have been thinking about you everyday. You have been facing this situation with an amazing amount of grace and courage. I will continue to pray for you everyday.

Kristen Rogers <kRITTY1023@HOTMAIL.COM>
st. Petersburg, fl USA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 4:57 PM CDT
Dear Anne, Mark and Timothy
Great picture of Timothy and Dad- what a smile. We think about you so often, you are all working so hard to see this miracle happen. We send you our positive thoughts and prayers. Love to all of you- The Berg Family

Karen Berg <Karen785@hotmail.com>
Longwood, Fl USA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 4:52 PM CDT
Dear Anne and Mark:
We continue to pray for Timothy's full and rapid recovery. Bill and I consider ourselves members of his fan club which is a privilege. Our hearts go out to you.

Beverly and Bill Harmon <bh8m@virginia.edu>
Charlottesville, VA Albemarle - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 4:02 PM CDT
Thinking of you all
susan guerrero <guerrero@nytimes.com>
- Wednesday, September 8, 2004 3:35 PM CDT
Timothy, Mark and Ann,

Thanks so much for sharing this website with the MAC community. We are all thinking of you and sending our very best wishes. Know that this little piece of your community is standing behind you and wishing you well.
Much love and laughter,
Monica Liley

Monica Liley <mll@gmbltd.com>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 2:07 PM CDT
Timothy, Mark and Ann,
Thanks for all of the great updates and thanks for the explanations. I can't believe how much you must be learning each and every day. Timothy - you are a trooper and we are constantly thinking about you. Molly blows you kisses every time she sees your picture. Mark and Ann - you are amazing parents! We love you, support you and are praying for you every day.

Katie, Dave and Molly Stecker <katiestecker@aol.com>
Pittsburgh, PA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 11:34 AM CDT
Dear Timothy, Annie, Mark and everyone following the progress.

I'm amazed at the extent of what can be accomplished when people pull together for a common cause. There is nothing that we can't do if we approach life's challenges with Love in our hearts and the belief that all will be as it should. The outpouring of love that fills this guestbook is so completely and emotionally uplifting.

Keep up the good work growing new cells, Timothy. We are rooting for you all.

Pete Woodbury <pete.woodbury@state.co.us>
Grand Junction, CO USA - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 9:47 AM CDT
Hi Timothy!! It is one of your favorite nurses!! Ha! Ha! I hope you have a great day with mom and dad. I hope I'll get to take care of you real soon!! Love You!!
Cindy Taylor, RN 5200 <cindytaylor@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 4:08 AM CDT
Timothy chéri,
Incroyable ! La magie d'internet ! Nous sommes tous unis à vous, nous les internautes, à travers le monde, et prions ensemble, pour ta guérison.
Malgré tout, nous voudrions être près de vous et vous serrer dans nos bras, très fort ! Vous entendre et vous voir, rire et pleurer avec vous, vous venir en aide lorsque vous n'en pouvez plus. Mais nous serions trop encombrants !Les nouvelles que vous nous donnez régulièrement nous permettent de nous sentir proches de vous. Elles nous rappellent, combien ce combat que vous avez engagé est fait de joies et de souffrances ! Nous savons tous que la force que vous recevez pour faire face jour après jour, c'est le Seigneur qui vous la donne. A Marie, nous demandons qu'elle vous donne à tous les trois des graces de patience, de courage, de force, de confiance, d'abandon, de lacher prise, de fidélité, de pardon. Dans un même Amour, avec Jésus, nous sommes tous unis dans la prière autour de vous. Surtout, il ne faudrait pas que tu crois que tu nous déçois si tes bonnes cellules ne grossissent pas suffisemment vite ! Nous aussi, nous devons être patients et faire confiance et surtout ne pas vouloir aller à notre vitesse, mais à la tienne. Laisser Jésus te guider là et quand il veut. Fais un très gros bisou pour nous à ceux qui t'entourent. Merci Annie et Mark, merci de nous permettre d'être "avec vous". Nous vous aimons et vous embrassons tendrement.
Dominique et Chantal

Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Wednesday, September 8, 2004 1:58 AM CDT
Thanks so much for sharing the great photos and updates with Timothy's fans back here in Denver. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you every day.
Small world -- I ran into a man wearing a Duke H&H t-shirt last week. His grandson is a "graduate" of your program, Tim.

Susan Lane <suelane1@comcast.net>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 11:21 PM CDT
Hi Timothy. I'm working on a new tooth too. It's only my second so it startles me sometimes. I have to see your picture every day and say "Hi, Timothy" (or that's how my mom translates it) each day. Your smile makes me smile. My brother Richard calls it my happy place. I'm praying for you and can't wait to meet you! Oh, by the way, my parents and brothers say hi and keep up the good work!
Love, your 2nd cousin Johnny B(as in Johnny B Vera Good!) :)

Johnny (and Kim) Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
- Tuesday, September 7, 2004 8:43 PM CDT
You know, Timothy, I planted some dahlia bulbs way too late this summer but I watered them every day and I thought good thoughts for them and wouldn't you know it ... this weekend they started to bloom in the most beautiful lively colors. So, I'm taking the same approach with you and those new cells of yours ... I'm checking in on you every day and I'm thinking good thoughts for you every day and soon your cell counts are going to be as high as a dahlia stem in the middle of August (which is pretty high ... but you'll see that for yourself next summer when you are back here in Colorado). Wishing you sweet, peaceful dreams and soothed gums from Downing Street.
Marylou Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO US - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 5:53 PM CDT
Dear Annie,Mark and Timmy,
I'm pleased that Timmy is geting such good care from both of you. It's wondful that he is progressing so well.
Grow cells Grow!
Great Grandma Bartczak

Anne Bartczak <abartczak@aol.com>
Sierra Vista, AZ USA - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 4:29 PM CDT
Hi, Timothy! Your mom & dad are doing such a wonderful job on keeping us updated on your website here! I'm really taken aback by what great progress you appear to be making. All those prayers - someone is listening, right?
Your grandma Pat arrived safely back here in Denver and talks constantly about the wonderful care and treatment you are getting at the hospital. Kati picked her up at the airport last night and we all went to Peggy's for dinner. After dinner, Patsy, Peggy and the children snuck into the living room to say another novena for you! I didn't even know they were there - so I'm doin my own for you today.
You are in wonderful hands and so fortunate to have such a loving mom and dad (not to speak of all the other family members and friends who love you too!)
Thanks again for all those great pictures - it really helps me to see what great progress you are indeed making!
love, benjie

Grand uncle Benjie <benhaley138@msn.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 1:57 PM CDT
Timothy - you inspire us all! Keep up the good work, you sweet lamb...and tell your parents we miss them! We're cheering you from afar....
Di and Tigger May <dgoldberg05@student.law.du.edu>
Denver, - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 12:21 AM CDT
Dear Mark, Ann and Timothy,
Keep those cells growing and hurry on home. We miss you.
All our love, Ann, Tim, Matt, Adam and Henry Page

Ann Page <thepages1345@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, September 6, 2004 9:48 PM CDT
Sweet baby Timothy,
You're doing so great! What a good cell-grower! The teething thing is yucky, isn't it? But just think, more teeth to add to that already beautiful smile of yours!

Tell Mummy that Mike, Allen and the gang were so pleased to get a Timmy-update and they too will be visiting your fantabulous website. They really loved your Mummy at Georgetown.

Thank you so much for the stool for your friend Caroline(your Mummy actually sent me another type of stool a few years back and I gave her one too....we like swapping stools!) Another gift you have given Caroline-we pray together each night and she remembers you in her prayers. Thank you Timmy.

Love, Robin, Caroline & Emma

Robin Farwell Schuh <rfschuh@optonline.net>
Scarsdale, NY - Monday, September 6, 2004 8:30 PM CDT
Mark,Anne and Timothy
We are so glad to hear the good news. We think of you and your family often. Your strength is an inspiration to us all. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep up the good work Timothy.
Love, Melissa, Andy and Christopher

Melissa Viehe <MSViehe@aol.com>
Greer, SC USA - Monday, September 6, 2004 7:13 PM CDT
Mark, A-Team, and Timmy- You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I'm rooting for you ALL the way!! (Guess that means I'm rooting for Duke too...and somehow, that's OK with me?!!)
Aly Wirth <alywirth@hotmail.com>
New York, NY USA - Monday, September 6, 2004 5:44 PM CDT
Timothy, Mark and Anno,
We are thinking about you and rooting for you every day! We're so glad that cells are growing and Timothy is being such a trooper. Austin can't wait to meet Timothy and play with him in Chautauqua next summer! We love you!!

Melissa, Mark and Austin Levin <melissa.levin@troutmansanders.com>
Richmond, VA usa - Monday, September 6, 2004 8:53 AM CDT
Keep up the good work! We are counting on you taking out Cati on her first date soon. You are a beautiful little boy and a strong one also! Tell your mom I will email her the number for the housecleaning to prepare the palace for your arrival in case I don't see her today. With much love and best wishes,

Claudina B Marcus (Caterina's mom) <claubonetti@aol.com>
Durham, NC - Monday, September 6, 2004 8:37 AM CDT
St. Theresa's Prayer:
May today there be peace within. May you trust your
highest power that you are exactly where you are meant
to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that
you have received, and pass on the love that has been
given to you.... May you be content knowing you are a
child of God.... Let this presence settle into our
bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance,
praise and love. It is there for each and every one of

Aunt Carol & Uncle Jerry <tinkb357@aol.com>
Sierra Vista, AZ USA - Sunday, September 5, 2004 1:54 PM CDT
Way to go Timmy!!! We are SO proud of you. Keep up that cell growing. We love you SO much!!!

Much love - cousins Scott, Michelle and Makena

MIchelle Bennewitz <bennymichelle@msn.com>
Lone Tree, CO USA - Sunday, September 5, 2004 8:38 AM CDT
Way to go, Timmy AND Tommy!
Kim and the Vera guys <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
- Saturday, September 4, 2004 7:54 PM CDT
Dear Timmy and support group, Tommy had his first dose of his new chemo on Monday, and a shot to boost his immune system on Tuesday, so he's been focusing on growing new white cells this week, too. We were so happy to hear your good news and hope that you are able to rest more. You are an amazing little guy! Love to you, your mom and dad and "granny"! :)

Tommy, Elsie, Matt and Erin

Elsie Haley <haleye@4dv.net>
Denver, Co USA - Saturday, September 4, 2004 10:39 AM CDT
That is some serious cell growth T MAN! And I should know... I am a scientist! :)
Keep it up sport!

Carrington Jackson <carrington_razook@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC US - Friday, September 3, 2004 9:42 PM CDT
Dearest Annie, Mark, & Timothy: We just got back from the Big Apple today & loved catching up on all that has happened in just one week! The pics of Mr. T are cute as can be. Keep posting them! Everyone is praying for you, little guy (including my "boss"). Lots of Love, Aunt Krista & Uncle Paul
Krista & Paul Ritacco
Bethesda, MD - Friday, September 3, 2004 7:41 PM CDT
Hi my little Timmy,
Katy and Chantal said what I was going to say. So here's a little song I used to sing to all my little babies when we we alone and being silly. Katy or even your mom will sing you the tune. "I love you so much, I love you so much, yes I love you, I love you so much. I do. I do I really really do." followed by lots and lots of kisses. If that doesn't work, here's one that Mimi used to sing to all of us, "Hush a bye, my little doll baby, all the little doll babies are weary. Mimi loves the little doll baby..." repeat. I have to stop, because you are now supposed to be sleeping. Now we can all rest because we not only have all these people reading this praying for us but all those people in Heaven. Keep growing all those cells and we'll pray for the hurt to go away.
Love you guys.

Peggy & Chris & Mary Helen & Juliana & Catherine & Christopher <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Friday, September 3, 2004 5:34 PM CDT
Mark Ann and Timothy,

I cannot believe how big Timothy has gotten! I am so glad to hear that he is growing more cells and I continue to keep you in my Prayers. I miss all of you very much and I wish nothing but the best for Timothy. I hope that all continues to go well and look forward to seeing you when you get back to Colorado!
xoxoxoxoxo Much Love,

Lakewood, Co USA - Friday, September 3, 2004 2:33 PM CDT
Dearest Annie, Mark, Timothy and Pat
Julia forwarded your webpage address to me. Thank you, Bean!

Timmie, when you read this later, you must know how devoted and resourceful your whole team was and is, and your fortitude doesn't really surprise me, given your antecedants. You don't know this, but I too have been a silent member of your team since first learning of your condition. Prayers and love to you, Kit

Kit <cdobbins@mcleodusa.net>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, September 3, 2004 2:19 PM CDT
Timmy, again, you are AMAZING and I hear that even in the past 24 hours you have done a whole bunch more cell growing! I know that you are tired, and that you feel super yucky but KEEP STRONG and never give up-we will never give up on you. You too need to anticipate miracles as we have already been witness to so many. We love you so much and continue to pray every morning and night that you will regain health soon and that all the angels in heaven stay praying by your side. (and your mom's and dad's too)

Katy <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO usa - Friday, September 3, 2004 11:46 AM CDT
Timothy, you give new meaning to Labor Day ... it is hard work growing those cells and you are doing a GREAT job! We check on you and send you good growing thoughts every single day. Ann & Mark, your strength is amazing and inspiring and we are sending you both our support and admiration. Much love from everyone at Downing Street! ps If you need a laugh, pls call for a description of the first weeks of Ruby and Honey living together under one roof.
Marylou & Brent & Ruby (woof!) & Honey (meow!) Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO US - Friday, September 3, 2004 10:52 AM CDT
Hi Ann, Mark, Timmy Tough-Guy:

As if the thousands of messages haven't already let you know, there are more people than you know following this site daily and praying with all of their hearts for Timmy to keep growing those cells. My entire family has made stopping here a part of our daily routine (although it's taken a few extra Internet "cut and paste" lessons for mom :) Your strength is a true inspiration to all of us. Thank you. Stay strong. And grow, cells grow.

Steve Bonsignore <sbonsignore@gcigroup.com>
New York, NY - Friday, September 3, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
Grow cells, GROW! Congratulations on more cells. We're sending hugs and hope you're feeling better soon from those growing pains, Timothy. Ann and Mark, you are doing a great job taking care of each other as well as Timothy. I'm proud to call you both family!
Kim Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Friday, September 3, 2004 6:49 AM CDT
I am not surprised that Timothy's web site has been viewed 2,911 times at this point. He has an exceptional family and exceptional family friends. We are, as many others, praying for cell growth. The early results are positive and we pray the future results will continue to be positive. We want you to know that a San Diego community is praying for Timothy and both of you with "Grow Cells Grow!!!"
Christine and Fred Larsen <frednchris@aol.com>
El Cajon, CA USA - Thursday, September 2, 2004 11:57 PM CDT
Dear Timothy, Annie, and Mark - I am a cousin of the Denver Lanes - I'm sure I met you, Annie, out at Virginia Beach. Susan Lane told me about Timothy and you have been in my prayers and my children's prayers ever since. I always feel the prayers from children travel faster! Love and prayers to you and I will continue to watch the miracles happen for you all -
Kristen Sullivan Lynch <kristenslynch@sbcglobal.net>
Chicago, IL USA - Thursday, September 2, 2004 9:04 PM CDT
grow cells grow!!!!!!!!!!!
LOve, Nolan

sam and nancy <samdramsey@comcast.net>
Erie, Co - Thursday, September 2, 2004 5:13 PM CDT
Hi Timothy, Ann and Mark,
Way to go Timothy!!! You're doing awesome. Keep up the good work. Ann and Mark you are the best! I will be checking in on you and keeping you all in my prayers. Thank you for sharing this journey with us all.
Kelli Bodnar

Kelli Bodnar <kelli.bodnar@qwest.com>
Thornton, CO USA - Thursday, September 2, 2004 2:30 PM CDT
Une lueur d'espoir !
Rien n'est encore gagné, mais nous croyons tous si fort en ta guérison Timothy puisque rien n'est impossible à Dieu. Il suffit de le lui demander ! We keep asking and we pray for you, your mam and dad, Patsy and everyone who is around you. Across the sea, we send you our love, so much love ! Chantal and Dominique.

Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Thursday, September 2, 2004 2:13 PM CDT
Hello baby Timothy. This is your older cousin susie who thinks you are so handsome and getting stronger everyday. You have lots of people who love you and who are praying for you. Keep that wonderful smile going. Know you are loved more then ever and that the angels are all around keeping you safe. I love you, kisses and hugs to you. Mark and Annie, know you are in my prayers. God Bless you both.
Cousin Susie

Sue Haley Dougherty <susie1846@msn.com>
Colorado Springs, CO USA - Thursday, September 2, 2004 10:42 AM CDT
The best medicine in the world is practiced at a U.S. teaching hospital where things are on the "cutting edge" ! Duke university hospital is One!
John B. Sanders <jbsanders@pol.net>
West River, MD USA - Thursday, September 2, 2004 10:16 AM CDT
Hello Timothy, Ann, and Mark!
So glad to have this website to check on the great news--thanks for sharing it! We are thinking, praying, and rooting for you all! Our daughter, Cady, was in Timothy's class at MAC and we feel so privilaged to have met you! You all are truly inspirational! Best Wishes and keep those cells growing!!

Eric, Anne, Ellie, and Cady Messerli <amcwethy@hotmail.com>
Evergreen, CO USA - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 10:24 PM CDT
Timothy, Ann, Mark, and Pat -
I am so happy to hear the good news and thrilled to have this way to keep up! I am looking forward to reading more good news in the days to come!

Molly Hill <mollyhill@aya.yale.edu>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 7:15 PM CDT
Timothy, Ann, and Mark--

The energy of those who are accessing this site is downright palpable! In my model of the cosmos, that says a good deal about the healing energy coming Timothy's way.

Timothy, the arms of many, many grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles, cousins and consorts are holding you energetically in love--both those on this side of reality and in all others.

Mark and Ann, that same love is with you, too.

You certainly have mine.

Walk in Beauty
Melanie the Dragonheart

Melanie Mulhall <mmulhall@earthlink.net>
Broomfield, CO USA - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 10:13 AM CDT
Way to GROW, T! Love you all! We're thrilled!
Kim and the guys <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
- Wednesday, September 1, 2004 7:08 AM CDT
Keep it up!! Grow cells grow!!
Felicity, John, Rose & Jacob <botaish@qwest.net>
- Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:32 PM CDT
Hello Annie, Mark, Timmy and Pat!!
We are so pleased to hear the good news!!! We're also very happy to have this link now to keep up with you. Julia sent it today! We have the prayer teams of Good Shepherd Episcopal Church of Kingwood praying for all of you - especially T. He's gorgeous!! Continue to be strong Timmy and know that you are loved. We pray also for REST for Mom and Dad!! We'll be keeping tabs and praying.
Love to all,
Andrea, Stephan, Martin and Charlotte Badot

Andrea Badot <badot@kingwoodcable.net>
Kingwood, TX - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 8:34 PM CDT
What fantastic and extremely exciting news!!! I have been checking this website morning, noon, and night in hopes of reading about "growth" and jumped with joy when I read .01! YEEEAAHHH!!! I look forward to reading more good news in the days to come. Hats off to mom and dad and grandma for being soooo incredibly brave thus far...you all really leave me in awe.
In faith-Carey Steere

Carey Steere <careysteere@yahoo.com>
Rockville Centre, NY USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 7:09 PM CDT
Courage Timothy! Ma petite Stella espere pouvoir te connaitre bientot. Bises.
Isabelle Nuage
Mountain View, CA USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 6:45 PM CDT
Dear Timothy, Mark and Ann,
Thanks so much for the website. I am so excited for all of you. I think and pray for you all every day. As I've mentioned before Timothy has touched my heart and for the month he was at MAC, he made me grow as a teacher and an individual. Hugs to you all! Love Nancy

Nancy Kinney <saknck@msn.com>
Westminster, Colorado USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 5:25 PM CDT
Well Ann and Mark, it looks like you two are not the only overachievers in the family. Way to go, Timothy! Your SATs will be NOTHING compared to this. We are rooting for you all the way. Can't wait to see you back in Denver! Sending so much mile high love to all three of you (and too all of the tiny growing cells ... keep up the good work, cellies!)
Marylou & Brent Houston (and Ruby) <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 4:56 PM CDT
Grow Cells Grow!
Our daughter Emma was in class at MAC with Timothy. We think about you all daily, and our thoughts and prayers are with you. Thanks for sharing this site with us - it is so inspirational to us all. You are one strong little boy!

Susan, Jevin and Emma Croteau <suejev@msn.com>
Denver, CO US - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 4:10 PM CDT
What great news!! Way to go, Timmy. Mark and Annie, you must be walking on air. How wonderful to loose a nights sleep because you're too HAPPY to go back to sleep. This is only day 11. Thank God he's an early bloomer. Thanks for making everyone's day a good one.

xxoo Jan

Jan Haley <writejan@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 2:27 PM CDT
Tim-Tim, the .1 news is joyful indeed! Keep those numbers going upward, big boy. Am about to put on my special T-shirt from Grandma Pat to keep me cheering and praying for you. Love ya pal.....
"Doodlebug" Higgins <mark@hallwynne.com>
- Tuesday, August 31, 2004 2:24 PM CDT
Timothy, Annie and Mark,

Not a day goes by that I don't visit your web site. It has become such a source of strength and energy for me. Every day when I see that precious little face and the smiling faces of his parents, I clutch my Miraculous Medal and whisper "Thank you". And, now we see the beginnings of cell growth. Reminds me of seeing that first blade of grass in a newly-planted lawn. If one blade can grow, why not many?

I'll be downloading today's new pictures. I plan to make a photo gallery of all the pictures you put up on this web site. You guys are so photogenic!

Grow cells, GROW!

Jim and Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 1:54 PM CDT
Mark, Ann, and Timmy:
I've been following your story through Tori. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. In representing the whole "Gelb clan", we send our love and support to you and your loved ones...and especially Timmy.

Gavin de Windt <gdewindt@cel-sci.com>
Chautauqua, NY - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 1:21 PM CDT
Wow Timmy! You really ARE a wonder kid! Of course, who would expect anything different with that family of yours? Keep smiling at your parents and keep that wonderfully crazy (remember, "crazy" is a compliment in the Haley family) Granny of yours pushing drugs. We are praying for you--I note in particular that my non-computer using mother (Ruth Ann) is much better at prayer than she is at computers--and she is praying for you all as well! We LOVE YOU ALL!
Ruth Ann <ruthannkeene@yahoo.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:53 AM CDT
Go Timothy Go!!!
James Patterson
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:05 AM CDT
Katy <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO usa - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:03 AM CDT
Wow, that's great news! Timmy, you're on your way!!
Tanya <tch2r@virginia.edu>
- Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:49 AM CDT
I will ask Father Stephen if I can put Timothy's picture up in the back of the church so that the entire parish family can pray for him and watch his progress.
Linda Craven <hofa@prolynx.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:45 AM CDT
Well that's great news about your cell activity Timothy! I'm over at Tommy's house and he's upstairs with a physical therapist and I'm trying to stay out of their way. I just happened to notice a quote from the "The Talmud" attached to his refrigerator (you know - one of those magnet things). Anyway the qoute goes something like this... "Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, Grow, Grow." This comforted me because I know there are more blades of grass out there than the number of blood cells that you received 11 days ago. Love from your Uncle (once removed) Danny
Dan Haley <writehaley@comcast.net>
Lakewood, CO USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:23 AM CDT
You are all in our thoughts and prayers. God can and will deliver a wonderful miracle!
Jaylene Crick <jaylene.crick@businessobjects.com>
Vancouver, BC Canada - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:10 AM CDT
Hi Annie, Mark, and Timothy
This is such good news, what a great way to lose sleep!
I check in with you guys via this site every day, and am thinking about you LOTS!!!!
Love, Erin

Erin Haley <erinehaley@yahoo.com>
- Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:07 AM CDT
I am a Montessori Academy mom and a friend of Amy Swanson...I have been thinking of Timothy every day and sending positive thoughts and energy your way. You three are truly an inspiration to all of us. Keep growing cells and keep smiling Timothy!!!
Lisa Warshafsky <lwarshafsky@founders.com>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:02 AM CDT
We are friends of Fred and Christine Larson and part of the large group in San Diego thinking of you and praying for strength for all of you. We have a son at Duke-yes, and "Blue Devil" not a "Hoya". But for Timothy we are all on the same team. Your courage and strength is a inspiration to us all. We will be in Durham for parent weekend in October and would love to do anything we could........I will keep in touch. GROW CELLS GROW!
Jim and Judy Carlberg

Judy Carlberg <judycarlberg@hotmail.com>
San Diego, CA San Diego - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:42 AM CDT
Mark, Annie and Tim
I read all of the journals. I was one of those who contacted your insurance company when I learned that they initially had not approved this treatment. It is so wonderful that stem cell research has made this possible, and it is tragic that so many others will not be as fortunate to have such a chance because of insane politics. I will be watching, but Tim is in the hands of the best medical people in the world. He must make it!
So, Grow Cells, Grow!

Bill Aldridge <bill.aldridge@cox.net>
Hendereson, NV USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:29 AM CDT
Mark, Annie, Tim,
Ellen's dad here. What a happy sight to see Timmy for the first time today. What a trooper! You all have been in our prayers. I'm so happy that you found some great doctors. It's all been such a transition for you, but many good things can come from the trials in our lives, not the least of which is to discover that we are in God's hands. We often find ourselves looking for God, but when very unexpected, overpowering things happen, we find that it is God who is taking the initiative to find us and to reassure us of his presence and love. Give Timmy a big hug for all of the Butlers!

Frank Butler <FADICA@aol.com>
Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 10:24 AM CDT
Hallalujeh(?) 0.1!!!! What great news. Mother and I are elated. I know the T-man has a long way to go, but he'll do it.
We continue to pray. With much love and hope...
Grandma & Grandpa Ritacco

Paul & Joanne Ritacco <paitalent@aol.com>
Washington, DC - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 9:54 AM CDT
Annie, Mark and Timothy !
Maëlys et Jean-Gabriel sont à la maison cette semaine et nous pensons très très fort à vous "grow cells, grow" ! Dites à votre Uncle Higgs qu'il peut toujours apprendre le Français... enfin s'il veut faire partie de notre "french family" il doit le faire. Toi Timothy, tu sais que tu auras ta place chez O. Vincent et T. Maëlys lorsque tu sera grand, pour apprendre le Français de Jean-Gabriel... je voudrais y être !!! mais il faut encore être patient, avant il faut vraiment que ces cellules que nous voulons tous voir grandir se laissent charmer par ton sourir enjôleur ! Comme elles sont belles toutes ces photos. Merci à tous les deux, vous êtes formidables. Nous vous aimons tendrement encore et encore... Chantal et Dominique.

Dominique et Chantal Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 9:22 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Mark and Tim-Man,

Just wanted to say that the three of you are in our thoughts and prayers. We are so glad that this web site is available to us so that we can keep in touch and cheer for those cells! Hang in there and please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

Jim, Susan, and Baby Wood <woodjp_2000@yahoo.com>
Scottsdale, AZ - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 9:10 AM CDT

I wish I could read French, because it looks like you received some great encouragement from your friends overseas. I hope that you are having a productive week. I just love the new t-shirt and I will continue to root for those new cells to grow and mature! Take good care of your mom and dad, and let them know how much we love them.

Uncle Higgs

Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 8:44 AM CDT
Thank you so much for forwarding me this link! We wish all of you well and can't wait for those cells to start growing! I have forwarded the link to the families and staff at the Montessori Academy -- I am sure they will all be excited to see the progress! Best wishes to all of you!
Jo-Nell Herndon
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 7:27 AM CDT
Hi Timothy, Anny and Mark ! C'est si bon d'avoir découvert ce site en revenant de vacances - on a l'impression d'y être et on peut presque vous serrer dans nos bras. Ombeline adore les photos. Nous aussi. Nous redoublons de prières énergiques et vous embrassons.
P.S. Il va falloir apprendre aux filles le refrain "grow cells, grow", ça ne va pas être de la tarte !
Love, LN Pierre et les filles Strauss

Hélène Strauss <strausshp@wanadoo.fr>
Toulon, France - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 7:24 AM CDT
Happy day to you. We're thinking about and praying for you!! Engraft donor cells!! Thanks for keeping us up to date. We'll pray even harder. Love, F, J, R & J
Felicity, John, Rose & Jacob <botaish@qwest.net>
- Tuesday, August 31, 2004 7:16 AM CDT
Hey y'all. You do speak Southern now, don't you? Said your novena yet today? We're keeping up with you on these prayers every day. Pretty soon you'll receive some new art for your room and lots of gold medals (Miraculous, of course). Christopher and Catherine have been hard at work. We sure miss you but this site really helps. Love you very much. xoxoxxox Peggy and all 6 of us.
The Sheehans <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO - Tuesday, August 31, 2004 0:08 AM CDT
Dear Ann, Mark and Timmy,
Wow, you guys are amazing. This was my first visit to the website. I am overwhelmed by your strength of spirit. My eyes filled with tears as I read your journal entries and looked at your beautiful pictures. I can visualize the Holy Spirit swimming trough Timmy's body protecting him from illness and nurturing those new white blood cells about to bloom in his preciuos little body. Our minister's sermon this past Sunday was about Olympics of the Heart/Spirit. You guys have certainly won the Gold Medal in this competition and I am in awe of your spiritual athleticism and feel so proud that I know you and honored that you have shared and continue to share this journey. With love and faith, Char!

Char Higgins <charhiggs@bellsouth.net>
Vero Beach, FL - Monday, August 30, 2004 8:46 PM CDT
Timothy, Mark, and Ann,
Your courage is an inspiration to us all! You are the poster children of hope and love, and are living proof that anything is possible. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Keep on fighting. Can't wait to see you all soon.
xxoo, katie

Katie Prechtl <katieprechtl@yahoo.com>
Annapolis, MD USA - Monday, August 30, 2004 6:09 PM CDT
Ann and Mark,
We've kept you both and especially Timothy in our prayers that God will continue to lift and hold you up and give you strength as you go through these difficult procedures. You're in the right place at Duke and you've got one very strong child on your hands. God bless you and take care of yourselves. We look forward to meeting Timothy in Chautauqua!

Barb and George Wirth <barbmwirth@earthlink.net>
Atlanta, GA 30309 - Monday, August 30, 2004 4:26 PM CDT
Mark and Ann,
You know that this doesn't come naturally for me as a life- long Tar Heel fan, but for Timmy its pretty easy: GO DUKE!! and of course, Go TIMMY!

He's in the best hands possible with the medical folks in Durham, and he couldn't have asked for better parents in you two.

Take care, you have shown us what strength and faith are all about. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Matt Wirth <mwirth@walkerco.com>
Atlanta, GA USA - Monday, August 30, 2004 4:19 PM CDT
Annie, Mark, Timothy & Pat - wanted you to know that I think of you daily, send you positive thoughts, and that you are in my prayers. Your strengh and faith is inspiring.
Judy Wolfe
Denver, CO USA - Monday, August 30, 2004 4:06 PM CDT
Timothy, we have never met but judging from the photos... you are a real looker, watch out! Must be those darn good lookin' parents of yours. I know we will meet soon in Chautauqua and I can hardly wait.
Much love and many prayers.

Heidi Zellers <hzellers@180s.com>
Annapolis, MD USA - Monday, August 30, 2004 3:46 PM CDT
Mark, Ann & Timmy Tough-Guy,

My family and I send our love, thoughts and prayers. We will be checking in on the big guy regularly.

Much love, Stevie B.

Steve Bonsignore <sbonsignore@gcigroup.com>
New York, NY - Monday, August 30, 2004 3:43 PM CDT
Dear Timmy - may your smile remain large, may your heart remain strong and may the cells GROW GROW GROW!! you are an inspiration to all around you and the world. watch out chautauqua...another ritacco is on the loose and he's unstoppable!! Ann & Mark - you two are also a true inspiration. I will continue to pray for your strength and courage throughout this process but most importantly I will pray for Timmy's SUCCESS! You 3 are always in my thoughts and in my heart. Much love, Tori
Tori Hatch <torihatch@hotmail.com>
Annapolis, MD - Monday, August 30, 2004 3:23 PM CDT
Dear Timothy,
I'm a friend of your dad's. When you're a teenager, reading these messages and reflecting on your start on life, I hope three lessons emerge:
1) How much your parents love you;
2) That you dealt with this challenge with courage and
smiles (great smiles at that judging by the
pictures!) and your ability to deal with great
challenges will lead you to great accomplishments;
3) Finally, (and maybe of slightly lesser importance
than the first two - - although I'm not sure I can
concede this) just because you're having this amazing
experience at Duke doesn't mean you need to choose to
become a "Blue Devil" -- you can still become a
Georgetown "Hoya" !!

I've got a house full of good looking teenage girls (my
three daughters) pulling for you big time. All of our
prayers are with you.

Warren Olsen <wolsen@fwtb.com>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, August 30, 2004 2:01 PM CDT
Timothy, you are such a beautiful boy!!! I am Caterina Marcus's aunt and I wanted you to know lots of prayers and best wishes are coming your way from Santo Domingo. Be strong and fight.
Grow cells grow.

Ligia Bonetti de Valiente <l.bonetti@mercasid.com.do>
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Monday, August 30, 2004 10:08 AM CDT
Timmy, Ann, and Mark,
I am thinking of all of you and praying for new cells and continued progress. I am looking forward to meeting Timmy in Chautauqua next summer! Love- Kristen

Kristen Walker <kristen.walker@chp.edu>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Monday, August 30, 2004 8:24 AM CDT
Our sweet prince Timothy,

You're doing great! A fighter for sure, just like your mummy and daddy. You focus on growing new cells and playing with your fun trains (and giving mummy and daddy sloppy kisses now and then), and we'll keep praying for you. Keep the faith and keep up the fight. We love you, your mummy and daddy so very much.

P.S. Please thank Zoom-Zoom for the presents. Pictures to follow. As your daddy will warn you, the G-7 takes lots of pictures!

Love Aunties Kir and Robin

Robin Farwell Schuh <rfschuh@optonline.net>
Scarsdale, NY - Sunday, August 29, 2004 10:55 PM CDT
We're neighbors and good friends of Christine and Fred Larsen. We'll keep praying for strength for Timothy and you. The pictures are priceless and show a real spark. Love the spikey hair one! We'll keep checking and keeping good thoughts.
Marilee and Bill Fischbeck

Marilee Fischbeck <marileeann@cox.net>
El Cajon, CA USA - Sunday, August 29, 2004 9:53 PM CDT
Mark and Ann, Your strength is so inspiring. I think of you both and of Timothy often and hope and pray for a speedy return to Denver. I just returned this evening from three weeks at Chautauqua and so hope to see you three there next summer. I would love for my boys to meet your sweet son. A quote that often inspires when I need that extra nudge ... "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it". Keep the faith. Blessings to you all. Fondly, Coco Hatch
Coco Harris <harris910@comcast.net>
Wilmette, IL - Sunday, August 29, 2004 9:19 PM CDT
hi annie, mark and timothy,
those are sure cute pictures and we are hoping that cells are multiplying furiously. our thoughts and prayers have been with you.
mary and bill gilland

mary gilland
SEATTLE, wa usa - Sunday, August 29, 2004 7:07 PM CDT
Hello, Mark, Ann, and Timothy. Timothy, you seem to be taking all of this in stride. I love your new T-shirt. You look happy and healthy. It's always nice to see new pictures of you! Keep fighting. Thinking of you here in Charlottesville. Lots of love to all of you.
ps. was that a can of mousse I saw in the background of one of the pictures???=]

Tanya <thaley79@yahoo.com>
Charlottesville, VA - Sunday, August 29, 2004 5:42 PM CDT
Timothy, Ann and Mark, Grow Cells Grow! Just letting you know we think of you every day. We see your picture every day and hope to see you again soon. Timothy, your hair reminds me that we must be cousins! Your smiles give us smiles. Love,
Johnny, Jimmy, Richard, Ricardo and Kim <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD 21774 - Sunday, August 29, 2004 5:14 PM CDT
Hello Timothy, Annie and Mark !
Merci du fond du coeur de nous donner tant de nouvelles régulièrement. C'est vraiment fantastique de vous suivre ainsi. Nos prières vous accompagnent, n'en doutez pas une seconde ! Ce matin, Dominique et moi avons donné les dernières nouvelles à Soeur Catherine. Elle est partie avec un classeur plein de photos et de mails, la plupart en anglais... elle m'a dit qu'elle allait faire lire tout cela à sa communauté. Tu es bien entouré Timmothy !!! all over the world people pray for you and be sure de cells grow, growwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Annie, a little late, but you know combien nous pensons à toi, si fort ! et à vous trois si souvent dans la journée. Dominique et moi vous embrassons tendrement tous les trois et continuons à prier.

Dominique et Chantal Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Sunday, August 29, 2004 3:09 PM CDT
Your son Timothy is just beautiful. I really enjoyed the pictures. My son Andrew has Hurlers and transplanted at Duke 3 years ago. Yes Dr. K is a wonder and I would love for someone to do a biography of her sometime but I don't know how they would ever keep up. I looked up Sandhoff's but I didn't find out much. Maybe you could put a little summery at the head of your page to educate us new comers. Is is like Hurlers? I will check in on you. Love, Anne
Anne Himes <arhimes@ msn.com, www.caringbridge.org/page/andrewh>
Boonsboro, md USA - Sunday, August 29, 2004 2:24 PM CDT
Dear Anne - Your darling Timothy is a real hero. GROW CELLS GROW! I am so moved by this website and love reading your words. It is very inspiring! It is also such a coincidence that I know of 2 DORABLE BABIES benefitting from the wonders of Duke and their angels. What a blessing to know you have each other's families and the healing team there. I am thinking of you often and sending peace and love. XO Philae
Philae Knight <pk@philaeknight.com>
New York, NY USA - Sunday, August 29, 2004 10:41 AM CDT
Dear Timothy, Mark and Ann,

Thank you for the new pics and updates - they are very informative and sometimes quite funny. I love seeing that boys adorable face. I really miss you guys and can't wait to see you, talk to you soon.

Love Aunt Terri

PS: Pat you are a real trooper. I am so thankful that you are able to be there with them. Take care.

Terri <tritacco@sbcglobal.net>
- Saturday, August 28, 2004 4:54 PM CDT
Dear Timothy, I’m delighted to find this new way to send e-hugs. I’ve read your journal and many of your e-mails. All the words simply prove, what I already knew, you are one special person. It was fun to see that smile and I could almost hear the giggles. Now if you would give your mother a belated birthday hug for me, I’d like that. A quick message to thank you and your parents! You three have taught those of us at TCH a lot. Thank you for sharing the very personal side of what you are all going through. The strength you have shown has rubbed off on all of us. I think of you often and send up prayers for you. The mantra “grow cells grow” is a good one to add. I’m afraid that I was unaware of Caring Bridge. What a wonderful organization. I have some colleagues who are praying for you, and I wonder if I could share Timothy’s web site with them. One friend calls often to ask how you are doing Timothy. Hugs all around! Lynn
Lynette Chandler <chandler.lynette@tchden.org>
Denver, CO USA - Friday, August 27, 2004 5:49 PM CDT
Our prayers are with you for health and happiness.
Josh, Kathryn, Austri, and Elijah Samuelson <willishua@yahoo.com>
Woodlyn, PA USA - Friday, August 27, 2004 3:18 PM CDT
GROW CELLS GROW!! Very catchy doncha think?
I hope that you had a MARVELOUS week and that you kept "ZOOM" on her toes!! We miss you very much and love you even more and continue to pray even more and more!!

Love, Katy, Isa and Reggie <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO usa - Friday, August 27, 2004 1:18 PM CDT
Dear Timothy, Ann and Taco,
All my thoughts and prayers are with you and your families. You have meant so much to me and so many others over the years. Your strength and courage are truly inspiring and I will cherish our friendship forever.

All my love,


Nick Malas <nicol.malas@ubs.com>
New York, NY 10024 - Friday, August 27, 2004 1:07 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Mark & Timothy,
We recently learned about your odyssey to Duke, and have been keeping you in our prayers. (Thanks to Valerie Long for sharing this web site address ~ now we're praying "Grow, cells, grow.") It sounds like you're in the best of hands down there, and there is a solid Wahoo contingent cheering y'all on. Please let us know if there is anything we can do; we're right up the road!
Marion & Jim Kingdon
P.S. Our love to Pat, too . . .

Marion Kingdon <marionkingdon@hotmail.com>
Charlottesville, VA - Friday, August 27, 2004 11:34 AM CDT
Timmothy, Rose started first grade this week and we've started a new routine on the drive to school: she chants "Go Timmy Go" while I chant "Grow cells grow." We begin and end our chants with a prayer for you and your lovely parents. God bless, you look wonderful.
Felicity O'Herron <felicity.o'herron@qwest.com>
- Friday, August 27, 2004 11:04 AM CDT
TGIF Timmy! I hope that you have had a strong week. Give my best to your folks, and be sure to root for Mario in hockey's World Cup. Lots of love!

Uncle Higgs <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL USA - Friday, August 27, 2004 7:55 AM CDT
Grow Cells Grow, We are praying for Cells in Erie, Co for Timothy!!!!! Nolan says Hi! can't wait until you are back in Denver and seeing Dr. Ralph, he is great and you will love him!!!! Say Hi to all our Docs there at Duke, we won't be coming in October as planned, say special Hi to Dr. Paul, we miss him! keep going strong.
Love, The Ramsey's

Sam and Nancy (www.caringbridge.org/co/nolanramsey) <samdramsey@comcast.net>
Erie, Co - Thursday, August 26, 2004 10:07 PM CDT
Timothy, First of all: You look great - soon you can use a comb.....grow cells grow...
Second: We started a prayer group Monday from our friends who know your Grandparents, and Parents...Keep smiling and God Bless you all.

Kathie and Peter Schaumber <schaumber@aol.com>
Washington, DC 20016 - Thursday, August 26, 2004 10:00 PM CDT
We are praying for all of you and eagerly await your return to Denver. Call us if we can do ANYTHING for you from here.

Dave and Kate Zarou

David A. Zarou, D.O. <beezar@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 3:04 PM CDT
Hey Mark, Ann, and Timothy -- Luke and I are thinking about you guys, and chanting "Grow Donor Cells, Grow". You are in our prayers. Keep those spirits high. Your love for each other will carry you far. Call if you need ANYTHING. With love, Tracy
Tracy Eiler <tracy.eiler@businessobjects.com>
Redwood Shores, CA USA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:56 AM CDT

Catherine and Christopher <<sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>>
Denver, CO USA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:17 AM CDT
Dear Mark,Ann and Timothy,
Our prayers are with you and your family. We hope to meet you sometime at Chautauqua!
Ruthann and Jim Sammarco

Ruthann Sammarco <rasammarco@fuse.net>
Cincinnati, OH USA - Thursday, August 26, 2004 10:15 AM CDT
Dear Timothy,Ann and Mark,
I am so thankful that I can check on your progress now without stalking Aunt Terri on a daily basis...What an incredible website! We all love to look at your adorable face and we continue to wish on stars,throw coins into fountains and most importantly,pray for you daily. You are such a brave boy with a very special family and I am proud to be a member of your enormous fan club. Keep up the great work and let the cells start growing!!!!
With Love And Hugs,
Kate,Pat,Patrick,Julia,and Kristina Callan

Kate Callan <pcallan@optonline.net>
Locust Valley, NY USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 9:05 PM CDT
Dear Timothy,
We haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet but your Aunt Terri keeps me posted on your progress almost daily. I think of you and pray for you often. I am deeply impressed by your bravery and love your sweet face, especially those cheeks and hair!!! Sending love and support to all of you,
Lisa,Kimo,Katherine & James Hollingsworth

Lisa Hollingsworth <ehollingsworth@comcast.net>
Derwood, MD USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 5:24 PM CDT

My friend Steve Higgins told me you needed some prayers, so you've got it, It's a Wonderful Life-style, from our new home in Farmington, CT. Our ten month old, Jacob, would be happy to meet you and play with you some day. Just don't try to steal his school bus!

Love and Best Wishes, Jamie and Katy Perry
aka Fridge and Mrs. Fridge

Jamie Perry <jamie_perry@missporters.org>
Farmington, CT - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 2:49 PM CDT
Best wishes. You and yours are in our prayers

Tom <fightingdocs@juno.com>
Covington, ga su - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 1:16 PM CDT
I'm keeping you in my daily prayers, as well as the ENTIRE staff at Children's Medical Center!!!!!! Love you all, Betsy Bridges and the staff @ CMC
Betsy Bridges, L.P.N. <betsy2505@hotmail.com>
Denver, Co - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 12:21 AM CDT
Timmy, Mark and Anne,
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Continue to be strong through the good times and bad. You have great friends and family surrounding you to lend whatever support needed, just ask. And Timmy always listen to mommy, not daddy when they passes on their knowledge about greatest in the NFL. -JZ

Jeff Zellers <jeff_zellers2000@yahoo.com>
Washington, DC USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 11:44 AM CDT
Good morning, Timothy. Well, how do you like this? You really are famous! Look at this article found in the Denver Post on August 24, 2004. Peggy told me about it.
It is your olympic-class fighting spirit along with those million-dollar smiles that is so compelling. (Thanks, Denver Post!)
As always, Jim and Lynne

Jim Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 8:26 AM CDT
Mark, Ann, and Precious Timothy!

We read about, with such hope and wonder, your progress. We continue to be amazed by your strength and commitment. You are in our prayers and thoughts each and every day. We are anxious for the day that we can spend carefree time with you at Chautauqua. Grow cells grow!

The Mitrick Family -Anne, Joe, Gracen, and Blake <themitricks@charter.net>
Greenville, SC USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 8:11 AM CDT
Hi Timothy, Ann and Mark (and happy birthday Anno) - just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you guys and keeping you all in my prayers! I wish I could be there in person to help cheer on those donor cells, but please know I'm there with you in spirit and rooting them and you on from here! Much love and huge hugs, Curley
Jennifer Curley <jennifer.curley@linklaters.com>
London, England - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 3:49 AM CDT


COLORADO SPRINGS, CO USA - Wednesday, August 25, 2004 0:26 AM CDT
May God hold you in His hand, cherish you and nourish you as you begin again to enjoy the wonders of this earth on which you are destined to live for the next eight or nine decades. May He bless each and every donor cell and cause them all to be fruitful.
Our love,
Carla & Art

Carla Henebry
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:39 PM CDT
Hi Timothy! We haven't met yet, but my mom and dad tell me you're the greatest. They seem pretty clueless in a lot of ways, but I have a feeling they're right about you. I've been in the world for seven days now, and so far, so good. Mom and dad do their best to feed me and change my diapers, but they complain all the time about not sleeping. I don't know what they're talking about -- I sleep all the time! Mom and dad say your mom and dad are two of the neatest people they know. I can't wait to meet them, and you, as I'm still looking for some friends in this crazy world.

Oh, and mom told me to tell you to wish your mom happy birthday. Give her a big hug and kiss from all of us.


Dawson (and Mel and Coates)

Dawson Lear <coatesandmel@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:21 PM CDT
Mark, Ann and Timmy:
We wish you all only the very best and to let you know that we are thinking and praying for you every day. If there is anything else we can do, please let know.

We love you very much!
Aunt Pati & UJ ooxx

Pati & Jim Malinowski <patimalin@sac.sticare.com>
Sacramento, CA USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:25 PM CDT
Mark, Ann, and Timmy,

Great website! Can't wait to see some more updates. Kelly, Kelsey and I are all pulling for you. Kelly is officially about to deliver any time now. Looking forward to adding a new member to the gang. We're all praying things go great for you!

Justin, Kelly, Kelsey

Justin Cashman <jlcashmanmd@yahoo.com>
Annapolis, MD USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:45 PM CDT
Timmy Boy, Mark and Ann-

You all look fantastic - what a great website! That Timothy is one handsome devil. I am so sure he is charming the nurses because I know he has his Aunt Terri wrapped around his finger. You guys keep up the great work, the prayers and miracles will continue. Lots of love, hugs and kisses from Chicago.

Aunt Terri <tritacco@sbcglobal.net>
Chicago, IL - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 6:02 PM CDT
Dear Timothy-I very much missed meeting you in Chautauqua this summer, but look forward to the '05 season when we can ride bigwheels...and totally mess up your Grandma's house! My family and I think about you everyday. We are so proud of your courage, and pray for much continued cell growth. Love-Ethan Steere
Ethan Steere <careysteere@yahoo.com>
Rockville Centre, NY USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 3:36 PM CDT
We are friends of Christine and Fred Larson and
continue to pray for Timothy.

Kris and Ron Flynn <kflynn@sdcoe.net>
La Mesa, CA San Diego - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 3:34 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Mark, & Timothy,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE!!! We are so happy to see you all smiling and Tim playing the xylophone while he's becoming a new man.
We are amazed by your continuing strength and committment throughout and the outpouring of concern from everyone for you and us and all the family has been miraculous.
God Bless you all, as we continue to pray toward your three goals and complete recovery, WHICH WE WILL ACCOMPLISH.
Timmy if we have to pick one person to be next to us in the foxhole, you are the man.
Can't wait to see you(and smell you)again.

Love from Grandpa and Grandma Ritacco

Paul & Joanne Ritaccco <paitalent@aol.com>
Chautauqua, NY USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 3:19 PM CDT
Dear Mark, Ann and Timothy,
Wow! Now that is a picture of a wonderful family and might I say that Mr. Timothy is one handsome fella! I am sending you warm wishes and a constant stream of extra fabulous MOJO! Can't wait to see all of you!

Carrington Razook Jackson <carrington_razook@hotmail.com>
Durham, NC USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 2:11 PM CDT
Happy Birthday Ann, and tons of hugs, kisses and prayers for you, Timothy and Mark. Your tenacity and strength are an inspiration, and we wish you all the best. GROW CELLS, GROW!! Lou's wedding was not the same without you, but you were very much in our thoughts that weekend. Keep the faith and know that there are a lot of Wahoos pulling for the little man and all of his new cells. Much love, Walawee
Valerie Wagner Long <vlong@mcguirewoods.com>
Charlottesville, VA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 2:06 PM CDT
Dear Ann, Mark and Timothy (our champ!),
Can you feel the good vibes and prayers coming from Brooklyn, N.Y.!?! Art and I are sending them your way! Thanks for the website so we can see Timothy's progress as he gets stronger and stronger! And Best Birthday wishes to Ann and Timothy!

Art and Cliona Levy <clevy@sonnenschein.com>
Brooklyn, NY - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 1:53 PM CDT
Timothy, Anne, Mark I am so proud of you. You inspire us with your strength and faith. My prayers and wishes with you often -- all my fallen eyelashes and shooting stars go to you Timmy until you come home!
Vivian Chan
Vancouver, BC Canada - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 1:02 PM CDT
You're a miraculously strong family, deserving of one miracle after another. My thoughts are with you all. And though I'm sure you're doing this already, Mark, just keep 'em laughing.
Erin O'Malley <erino13@hotmail.com>
Palo Alto, CA USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 12:18 AM CDT
To Anne, Mark, Patsy but most especially to Timothy. I'm so glad Katy called to tell me about the web site. I was feeling frustrated, not knowing how you were all doing. My prayers have been with you all and it's wonderful news to hear that you are doing just great, Timothy. You come from a strong family so I know you can do it too. I'll count the days with you - just know that my prayers are always and all ways with you - all.


Fern Balaun <FernBalaun@Juno.com>
Littleton, CO USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:12 AM CDT
Best wishes to you all Ann, Mark and especially Timothy! We're thinking about you and hoping for the best. Keep smiling.
Shana <shana@coloradokids.org>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:06 AM CDT

Katy <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:42 AM CDT

In addition to you and little Davey O, I think we ought to be able to add little Ronny J, Ethan Steere, Jack Austin, Henry & Charlie Rutman and Sam Nassif to the next generation EMHO line-up. I look forward to meeting you soon. By the way, tell your dad that Lottie sends her best to her Godfather!

Drew Higgins

Steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
- Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:38 AM CDT
Happy birthday to Ann and happy new birthday to Timothy! We were all thinking of you and sending our best thoughts and wishes from the wedding on Friday ... believe me, you guys were there in spirit and we were with YOU in spirit! We're continuing to send good vibes and even some "reduced fat" Sour Cream & Onion Pringles ... because miracles DO happen, sometimes in the snack aisle and sometimes in the hospital.
Marylou & Brent Houston <mlbmail@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO US - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:36 AM CDT
Dearest Annie and Mark and Timmy, and all the Ritaccos and Haleys!
We are holding all of you closely in our hearts and thoughts as we pray and cheer those Olympic Miracle Cells on to victory! May they GROW, MULTIPLY, AND PROSPER! BEAT Sandhoff's, Timmy! YOU can do it! We love you and we celebrate your victory thus far! YOU are AMAZING! Well done! Bravo!
-- With enormous blessing from Maureen and Jim Rovegno and all the Rovegnos

Maureen and Jim Rovegno <morovegno@yahoo.com>
Chautauqua, NY - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:47 AM CDT
My parents and I are praying for you every day. My daddy tells me great things about you and your parents and some place called "Chautauqua". I'm looking forward to spending many a summer 'club'ing w/ you, borrowing bikes in the Institute, playing softball together (insert meatball comment here!)and raising hell for our parents! God Bless You, Dave O Jr., Mary Karen and Dave O Sr.

David X. O'Shaughnessy Jr. <oshaughn@sig.com>
Philly, PA USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:42 AM CDT

It was great seeing you and your folks several weeks ago. I expect to see you and your dad in the "Duke zoo" this winter. Our thoughts and prayers are with you each day. Go get 'em Timmy!

Steve, Char, Lottie and Drew Higgins

steve Higgins <shiggins@steds.org>
Vero Beach, FL 32960 - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:23 AM CDT
Hi from Tommy and Danny!
We hope you have a nice day. We're excited to hear about the progress you're making and we know that with 8 million new cells and as many prayers to match you will win for sure. Bye for now.
Tom & Dan

Tom and Dan <tomhaley@4dv.net>
Denver, CO United States - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:13 AM CDT
You are looking perky, Tim-Tim! Hang in there, lttle fellow. It's been a joy getting to know you while you are here in Durham, but the happiest day will come when you are sprung loose and bound for Denver with Mom and Dad. God speed on making those new and good cells! LOve ya....

Mark "Doodlebug" Higgins

Mark Higgins <markthos@nc.rr.com>
- Tuesday, August 24, 2004 8:17 AM CDT
Happy birthday, Annie. What a great miracle present! The photos and comments glow with faith and love. What a blessing to be part of such a great family! Timothy, your picture is our wallpaper on our desktop and we send up another prayer each time we see you. We love you and can't wait to see you again! Johnny wants to play with you when you're feeling better. God bless you, your parents and grandparents.
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, and Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 6:41 AM CDT
You're looking good guys! Our thoughts are with you as ever.
Paul & Gaby <paul.clark@businessobjects.com>
Paris, France - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 0:47 AM CDT
Congratulations on this important first step to recovery Timothy. Our family prayers are for you and your family on your journey.

John & Melissa <kreisa@yahoo.com>
Saratoga, CA USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 11:31 PM CDT
Happy Birthday, Mommy, Love, Timmy
Just kidding. It's me, Peggy. Grow some more cells, Timothy. That would be the best birthday present you could give your mom. Did she tell you it was her birthday? Go get your dad and give her lots of kisses. Looks like you know how to celebrate with miracles. Just look at all the love pouring in on this site. Keep them going and we'll keep praying. Fabulous photos. We're working on more with Katy and will send them very soon. Love, Peggy and all of us to you.

Peggy & Chris & Mary Helen & Juliana & Catherine & Christopher <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, , CO USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 10:47 PM CDT
Ourlove and our prayers are with you and Tim every day. Keep that passion and energy flowing. We are so proud of the three of you.
Lee and Carl Chaverin <clchav@prodigy.net>
Sarasota, Fl - Monday, August 23, 2004 5:09 PM CDT
What an uplifting series of pictures! Thank you for sharing them. It means so much to us. We feel as though we were right there with you on your Miracle Day. And, how nice it has been to read all of the wonderful greetings that have been pouring in. We visit this page several times a day looking for new pictures, greetings and more journal entries. We send continued best wishes and prayers from Houston, Texas. You go, Timmy! You and your parents are such an inspiration.

Love, Jim and Lynne

Jim Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 4:40 PM CDT
Hi, guys. You all look great. Congratulations on getting through the transplant. Now we will be counting the days until you are able to return home. You are in our thoughts. You've got quite a support system. We're praying for the very very best!!!!
Love, Tanya

Tanya Haley <tch2r@virginia.edu>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 2:53 PM CDT
We will keep the prayers going. You keep working and somehow this will turn out for the best.
Bruni and Tom Magovern
Chevy Chase, MD - Monday, August 23, 2004 11:56 AM CDT
Katy, Isa, Reggie <katyayers@comcast.net>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 11:54 AM CDT
Everyone at the Children's Campaign is pulling for you! We all send you lots of love and good wishes and are hoping for the very best possible outcome!
Amy Slothower
Denver, CO - Monday, August 23, 2004 11:29 AM CDT
To Timothy- with love in our hearts, and prayers each day
may God's healing hand be on you.
To Mom and Dad - may your undaunting spirit gain new hope
everyday from the many encourging words and your deep faith
in God.

Bill & Georgie Turner <57turner@rochester.rr.com>
Rochester, NY USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 11:07 AM CDT
Annie, Mark and Pat,
Thanks for keeping the website current! Really helps to keep in touch on Timothy's progress. Now the waiting begins - and our prayers more frequent! God Bless Timothy - and all of you for giving Timothy such a warm blanket of love, support, and encouragement. Already - he's a winner! Love, Benjie

Ben Haley <benhaley138@msn.com>
Denver, CO USA - Monday, August 23, 2004 11:02 AM CDT
Timmy, Ann, and Mark,
You guys are in our thoughts and prayers every day. I look forward to seeing the three of you at Chautauqua next summer.
Tom Viehe

Tom Viehe <tviehe@yahoo.com>
Atlanta, GA - Monday, August 23, 2004 9:16 AM CDT
Hier, j'ai reçu un coup de fil de Soeur Catherine, de la communauté des Dominicaines d'Etrépagny. Elle ne t'a jamais vu, mais en Jésus, elle te connait et prie pour toi avec toute sa communauté et son groupe de prière à qui elle a confié ta guérison. Elle a fait célébrer une messe rien que pour toi le jour où tu es entré à l'hôpital. Elle prie pour toi et tes parents chéris chaque jour. Bientôt, tu pourras aller l'embrasser lorsque tu viendra jouer avec Ombeline, Jeanne et Jean Gabriel et sa petite soeur, à l'Hermitage.
Bien sur, nous aussi nous continuons à prier pour toi, ton Papa et ta Maman. Nous demandons au Seigneur de vous donner toute la force dont vous avez besoin, jour après jour, et à Marie de ne pas vous lacher la main, pour que vous ne trébuchiez pas sur ce chemin où la Foi, la confiance et l'espérance doivent être vos seuls amis.
Dominique et moi t'embrassons avec toute notre immense tendresse.

Dominique et Chantal Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Monday, August 23, 2004 2:06 AM CDT
Rest assured, we will continue to keep Timothy, his parents and grand-parents in our prayers.
Peter and Kathie Schaumber
Washington, DC - Sunday, August 22, 2004 8:12 PM CDT
Timmy, Mark & Annie:
We are praying for all of you. You all have impressed us with your strength and courage and hope.
Aunt Carol & Uncle Jerry

Aunt Carol & Uncle Jerry Jelinek <jarjelin@aol.com>
Sierra Vista, AZ USA - Sunday, August 22, 2004 6:12 PM CDT
Timothy...God is allowing you to be his instrument for other miracles to come to children like you. You are blessed to have such wonderful parents (Anne and Mark) as well as grandparents who love and care from deep in their hearts. All who know you respond with prayers of healing.
Timothy continue with your smiles for it gives us hope.

Lois and Joe Guzzo (friends of Paul/Joanne) <Guzzola@aol.com>
Cape Coral , FL USA - Sunday, August 22, 2004 3:18 PM CDT
Samson Levine <slevine@iroquoisgroup.com>
Chautauqua, NY USA - Sunday, August 22, 2004 2:14 PM CDT
Go, Timmy! We are all rooting for you and know that you will do just fine. We will pray for you every day.

Love, Tommy and Elsie

Tom Haley <tomhaley@4dv.net>
Denver, Co USA - Sunday, August 22, 2004 10:25 AM CDT
Hi Timothy, Annie, Mark & Patsy,
Patsy will remember me but it has been a long time! I only today got to personal email and cried to know I had not known sooner of Timothy's battle. At any rate, I have joined the ranks of prayer partners and will add Timothy to my Partners Prayer list immediately for success and recovery. Father God, in Jesus' name, I thank you that Jesus died for Timothy, that he may have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). May the life of the Lord Jesus touch Timmy's little body, permeate each and every cell, especially all those new ones, and bring life and wholeness to him. Lord, Your Word says there is life and death in the power of our words. We join together with You to speak life to Timothy, to all the new cells and long life to him, all to the glory of God the Father and Jesus His Son! Be encouraged, Mom and Dad and Gramma Patsy, because you have so many wonderful promises in God's Word that the Lord Himself said will not return void if you will but trust Him. Trust even when fear knocks at the door. Praise when it hurts because God is faithful and He loves little Timothy more than anyone! Love to you all!

Noopie (Ginny Woodbury Noote) <abbaschild143@aol.com>
New Orleans, LA USA - Saturday, August 21, 2004 11:29 AM CDT
Dear Timothy,

You and your family are in our prayers every day. We are so excited for you. Your New Birthday is a miracle day - and your own Olympics kick off. Wow them!
God bless.

The Yost Family <jyost@manekin.com>
Baltimore, MD - Saturday, August 21, 2004 10:41 AM CDT

Your Cousin-ISA
DENVER, CO USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 5:48 PM CDT
Dear Timothy, Anne, Mark & Patsy,

Congratulations! A billion new cells? WOW

OK - a prayer for each cell, no problem!
We love you and are praying for you
and your mom & dad and granny!

Love Dick, Jackie, Mike, Dan, Ricky & Jeffrey

Dick Haley <dickhaley@yahoo.com>
Kingwood, TX USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 4:55 PM CDT
Congratulations Timothy! You did it. A billion new cells. I can just see all your smiles. Here's a bunch of hugs and kisses.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooo. That's quite a few to help you. Don't worry. We won't stop praying now. You've got some serious cell growing to do. We love you and your Mommy and Daddy and Patsy too. What a team. You rock! Love, Peggy, Chris, Mary Helen, Juliana, Catherine and Christopher
Keep making progress. I'm glad you're a new baby. I love you. I'm still praying.
Love, Christopher 8 yrs. old

The Sheehans <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, , CO USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 4:26 PM CDT
My continual prayers and love to you all. The Lord is with you.
Lindsey Higgins
- Friday, August 20, 2004 3:16 PM CDT
I will be in prayer for you today, sweet Timothy. I will also be praying for your family. It's a lovely day for a transplant! God bless you all!
Karen Mandolfo <kmandolfo@yahoo.com>
Littleton, CO USA - Friday, August 20, 2004 9:10 AM CDT
Thinking of you and your family. We wanted to let you know we are right here in Chapel Hill and if there is anything we can do we are here..933-9990. Please feel free to call anytime..I worked transplant at Stanford Childrens and know that today is a wonderful day that you worked hard to get to..healing thoughts, paula, wendell, taylor, laura and kevin
paula c gilland <pcgilland@yahoo.com>
chapel hill, nc - Friday, August 20, 2004 6:14 AM CDT
Dear Timothy, Anne & Mark, We met you all at the reunion almost a year ago. So much has happened since then. We will be thinking and praying for all of you.
The Woodbury's <pswood@prodigy.net>
Grand Junction, CO - Thursday, August 19, 2004 10:39 PM CDT
Dear Timothy, Anne & Mark, We met you all at the reunion almost a year ago. So much has happened since then. We will be thinking and praying for all of you.
The Woodbury's <pswood@prodigy.net>
Grand Junction, CO - Thursday, August 19, 2004 10:39 PM CDT
Dear Timothy, Anne, and Mark,

Your faith, tenacity, dedication, and love are amazing. With all that and the genius and skill of Dr. Kurtzberg and her staff, we're confident of a positive outcome. Our thoughts, hopes and prayers are with you! Best of luck tomorrow--Go Timmy!

All our love,

Ken & Vicki Haley <kenhaley@4dv.net>
Franktown, CO - Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:36 PM CDT
We wish you all the very best tomorrow. We'll pray for a quick and speedy recovery......
Nathan and DeAnn Haley <haley698@cox.net>
Portola Hills, CA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 7:41 PM CDT
Annie, Mark and Timothy, I found out about you guys through Alison here in Denver, We met at the BMT clinic while her son was here. She had requested that I contact you, I sent an e-mail a while back, but did not know if you were checking e-mails.
Nolan also transplanted at Duke, April 4, 2003 for hurler syndrome, Our son Nolan is 2 years old, almost 18 months out from transplant and doing great. I just wanted to stop in and wish you well tomorrow as you celebrate transplant day!!! It is an emotional day for it can be the begining of a great new life. We wish you well.
The Ramsey's

Sam and Nancy (www.caringbridge.org/co/nolanramsey) <samdramsey@comcast.net>
Erie, Co - Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:04 PM CDT
We are thinking of an praying for you. Go get it Timothy!!!!
Scott, Michelle & Makena Bennewitz <scottbennewitz@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, August 19, 2004 5:16 PM CDT
Timothy, I saw a card today that reminds us..."You may be under doctors' care...but you are in the Master's Hands!" Carinos,
Kim, Rico, Richard, Jim, & John <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 3:30 PM CDT
Coucou Annie, Mark, and Timothy chéris !
Dominique, Chantal, Hélène et Pierre, Ombeline and Jeanne, Maëlys et Vincent and Jean-Gabriel, and even his little sister who will come on the middle of october, we pray for you every day ans specially today. We are waitting for you at home, after all that will be behind ! We love you so much !
Nous sommes juste tout près de vous, près du coeur de Jésus et de Marie à qui nous confions notre immense espoir de te voir guéri Timothy. Nous prions pour ton Papa et ta maman et Patsy et tes grands parents Ritacco aussià qui tu donnes tant de courage avec tes sourires et ta tendresse. Tu es notre petit prince, dans notre canapé du fumoir, où nous avons prié tous ensemble un jour... te souviens-tu ? Bon courage à vous trois grands et petits chéris que nous aimons tant ! From your french familly !

Dominique et Chantal Roy <chdoroy@tele2.fr>
Eppeville, France - Thursday, August 19, 2004 2:45 PM CDT
Annie, Mark, and Timothy
Just letting you know that we're all thinking of you here in Denver. Sounds like you're going strong and deserve a gold medal like a lot of your fellow Americans in Athens! Michael Phelps and Tyler Hamilton could probably learn a thing or two from you--and they've already won gold medals! Keep up the good work! Love, Dan, Jan, and Tanya (don't for get to wear your 'hoo gear)!

Tanya <tch2r@virginia.edu>
Lakewood, CO - Thursday, August 19, 2004 12:19 AM CDT
Hi Timothy, Annie, Mark and Granny Patsy- LOTS of prayers and love coming to you from San Francisco. Timothy, I know you have your Mom's tenacity in you to get through this. I will be sure to send some Cornell decor for your room--can't have you overwhelmed by all that Hoya stuff! I love you all very much and will be thinking of you tomorrow!
Love, "little" Ruth Ann

Ruth Ann Keene <ruthannkeene@yahoo.com>
San Francisco, CA USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 11:00 AM CDT
Hello, Annie, Mark and Timmy (also Patsy),

Just a note to let you know we are with you guys! We'll be thinking about you tomorrow. We love you!!

Tommy and Elsie

Matt and Erin say hello too!

Elsie Haley <haleye@4dv.net>
Denver, Co USA - Thursday, August 19, 2004 9:19 AM CDT
Dear Timothy, You are such a strong little boy, such an inspriration for so many of us. We think of you and pray for you and your mom and dad each day! We love you!
Ellen & James Patterson
- Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:38 AM CDT
Hi Timothy. It's your cousin Kim again. We'll be praying for you, your 2nd cousins Richard, Jimmy Johnny and I. I love that picture of you and your Mom! You can see the love going both ways! What a little trooper!
Kim, Ricardo, Richard, Jimmy, and Johnny Vera <VHFamily@MAVolleyball.org>
- Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:32 AM CDT

Peggy & Chris & Mary Helen & Juliana & Catherine & Christopher <sheehanfampc@yahoo.com>
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, August 18, 2004 10:58 AM CDT
Hi Timothy!
How are your mom and dad doing? We're going (Tanya too!)to watch the NY Mets take on the Colorado Rockies tonight. We wish you could come help us cheer on the Rockies. Let's plan to go to lots of games next year. We love you very much and are cheering YOU on every day.
Love, Dan, Jan and Tanya

Dan Haley <writehaley@comcast.net>
Lakewood, CO USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 1:47 PM CDT
We think of you each and every day! Our prayer are with you and your mom and dad. We love you!
Cindy, Steve, Sarah, A.J. and Jessica

Cindy, Steve, Sarah, A.J. and Jessica
Oakland, MD USA - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:00 AM CDT
Hi Timothy!
This is your Tio Ricardo. I love soccer and volleyball. I can way to teach a little bit of both to you.

Ricardo Vera <rvera@mavolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 7:26 AM CDT
Hey Timmy! Your cousin Jimmy wants to do a sports theme too when he starts sharing with his little brother Johnny! Good choice! We're glad to hear you're feeling pretty well. The Vera clan
Kim Vera <vhfamily@MAVolleyball.org>
New Market, MD USA - Monday, August 16, 2004 6:17 AM CDT
Hey, Timothy! We put a link to this page from http://junglewood.pikespeakfloral.com so that people visiting Junglewood can come and visit your web page. In a couple of years, you are going to love some of the stories about Junglewood, if your Mom will let you read them. She may worry about ideas you may get.
Jim & Lynne Haley <jim.haley@pikespeakfloral.com>
Kingwood, TX Harris - Sunday, August 15, 2004 7:43 PM CDT

KATY, REGGIE AND ISABELLA <katyayers@comcast.net>
DENVER, CO USA - Sunday, August 15, 2004 7:09 PM CDT

KATY, REGGIE AND ISABELLA <katyayers@comcast.net>
DENVER, CO USA - Sunday, August 15, 2004 7:08 PM CDT

Timmy ...You put quite a team together!
See y'all tomorrow. Can't wait. I'll be your best cheerleader and a good team member. And I'm bringing lots of ribbons, banners,good cheer,love and prayers.What a star you are. Keep those nurses smiling, save some books for me to read and get a good night's sleep. Jack misses you lots. xoxoxoxo Gr'ny

pat ayers <patayers1201@msn.com>
Denver, Co USA - Sunday, August 15, 2004 5:51 PM CDT

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